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Everything posted by timmyfitz

  1. This is how the whole thing should have went. TSA: Sir we need you to step aside because we need to check your bad. Passenger: OK. TSA:(Opens bag and metal case and sees money) OK sir, you are free to go. Have a nice day Passenger: Thank you. You have a nice day also. Absolutely no reason for the TSA to even question the money.
  2. There was a fatality in the past few years when someone who had used a shoe lace for a pack job had the plastic tip (the "aglet") come off the shoe lace and get jammed in the closing loop. Horseshoe malfuntion was the end result. Try again. Thanks for playing.
  3. ''I'll borrow a phrase picked up from a knowledgeable old timer: "I think skydivers, these days, all squat to pee." +1 LMAO - Fucken priceless and sooooo true I hope I am interpreting this wrong, because to me, it seems like you are putting down skydivers who are safe in the sport/go above and beyond to be safe. I am pretty sure we all jump out the plane, we all spend time under the canopy and we all eventually make it to the ground, now the level of safety involved before, during and after said events, are what makes this sport possible. Why would you have anything negative to say about that? :/ -Evo You are interpreting it wrong.
  4. Both of these paragraphs are true, and good advice to the OP about safety concerns, but they kind of contradict each other. So we have to ask ourselves, which characteristics are better or "safer"? Neither or both? The most concise way to think about this is that the more modern designs carry a higher penalty for error, but offer a lower chance of making that error by giving you a larger window of time in which to bail. It's a trade-off. Larger window of time in which to bail? Do you mind explaining your reasoning?
  5. This website you like to post from is loopy! Don't get upset. This is just S.O.P. for the OP. I equate it to "I have no opinion of my own but this is what Alternet told me to think.
  6. That's funny. "fad flying". Everyone should stick to baton passes. That RW stuff is just a fad and it's dangerous.
  7. Which is .... ? Hell yes! He misspelled a word! Anything you say from here on out shall be met with sharp criticism and distrust because you Misspelled a word. Good job pointing that out christelsabine.
  8. I read that same thing early on in this thread and it made me wonder also. Two AAD fires in 2100 jumps?
  9. People are taught to adjust there pattern/initiation POINT in different wind conditions, not initiation ALTITUDE. That is was is taught in AFF.
  10. That is one of the funniest things I have ever seen you post, dreamdancer. Could you post the link where you came up with that sentence because I doubt you were able to think of that on your own.
  11. How dare she be attractive!! Burn her!! Is that your idea of attractive? Yep, I think that this pic would qualify as attractive unless you hate her for her opinion or you are blind.
  12. I have a feeling that the OP is not serious and this is somehow meant as a joke but if that's not the case...... Yes, you are the better person. Not that "douche" who now has cancer. You have learned tolerance well since you found Jesus.
  13. Yea, so. What's your point? My insecurities don't include me trying to stick out from the crowd so people will know that I am a cool skydiver.
  14. Convenience. And saves $$$ on a gear bag. Seems kinda silly to me to buy a bag for something that was designed to fit over your shoulders already. Kinda like a backpack for a backpack or something. But that's me.
  15. Convenience. And saves $$$ on a gear bag. Seems kinda silly to me to buy a bag for something that was designed to fit over your shoulders already. Kinda like a backpack for a backpack or something. But that's me.
  16. timmyfitz

    Rainbow trout

    Everything is better with bacon http://www.baconunwrapped.com/uploaded_images/IMG_1828-712853.JPG
  17. No of this make any sense without you linking something to alternet.org.
  18. Yah, I'm also confused why this is "morbid"? Or do you not understand the definition of the word? Unless definition number 3 applies somehow. Do you have diseased parts? morbid 1.suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude; unwholesomely gloomy, sensitive, extreme, etc.: a morbid interest in death. 2.affected by, caused by, causing, or characteristic of disease. 3.pertaining to diseased parts: morbid anatomy. 4.gruesome; grisly.
  19. Why don't you grow up and quit making a fool of your self. Talk about "Spoiled Brats". I agree. After reading that paragraph in his profile, I assume the poster is around 16 years old (mentally anyways).
  20. I would think that a very high percentage of good Americans make up claims as they go along just to support there position.
  21. I would think that a very high percentage of good Americans make up claims as they go along just to support there position.
  22. You funny. I can't imagine that the best AAD is a bad habit. Are you a salesman for Vigil?
  23. I want the original Coke recipe to come back.