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Everything posted by airdvr

  1. We've got the day free in Barcelona before catching a cruise to the French Riviera and Ibiza. Any ideas on what we should do with our day? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  2. Isn't that the strangest layout for an airport? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  3. so who are your favorite passive heros? So you think that when anyone signs up to be in the military that's a passive action? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  4. Nice bellyband! Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  5. They're not opposing viewpoints - it's a collection of any shit that can be found to attack McCain with regards to Vietnam. Just Swift Boat loons from the Left. Personally, I never viewed him as a hero for being a POW. Heroism requires active choices. But this article implies that any work he does to build relationships with Vietnam is due to subconscience brainwashing and to ignore other obvious reasons speaks greatly of the writer's integrity. Of all the ignorant things you've said on here this one is the best! Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  6. Here they come. United bumped theirs this morning. Expect the others to follow suit. Can't say as I blaim them. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  7. Of course it's not you...why would anyone admit that they are an idiot! Anyways, I've done my homework and every policy is different so there is no way that anyone of us here can really know for sure about a policy they don't have in front of them. So, we can agree to least that's what I'm doing! Oh, and I'm doing my AFF at Skydive Alabama as soon as spring hits next year....totally psyched! Last edit, promise. I found this by searching in the forums...don't know that it's true, but I have heard of this before....the years vary by state: Quote taken from: I'm not talking about contestability, I'm talking exclusions...and there's no time limit on that. I sincerely hope you'll be covered...I just know from experience in the industry that you probably aren't unless you've been "rated" for it. If you're jumping and you want life insurance that covers you there's no way in hell you're gonna think it's a bargain. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  8. It's not the fault of the customers if the business can't properly price their product. If they want to sell me passage to/from Costa Rica for $600, then they need to deliver. If they can't effectively do that for less than $800, then that should be the price. The gas stations seem to have no trouble ensuring that their prices keep up with costs...perhaps the airlines should start pricing their tickets with two line items- the fixed portion, and the fuel portion which is set at the time of purchase. Cruise lines have been adding fuel surcharges for awhile now. Carnival just upped it from $5 to $7 per day per person. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  9. Obama's comment were insulting to me. Gun and religion? He is out of touch with this country as all of those who spend too much time in DC are. Ever been to Pennsylvania? ...or southern Ohio...West Virginia? I don't think he's far off the mark. Yes, jobs have gone but, many news ones have sprung up. Small business are the heart and soul of "most" of the heart land and they have learned to use the Walmarts and Sams Clubs purchasing power to help them (small businesses) survive. I'm also a small businessperson (is there anything else anymore?) But I don't make anything...I provide a service. What should I do when my clients can't afford the services I provide anymore? There are things I miss and things I for one am glad are gone. Details please I am not aint trade but I am anti gov regulated trade. Is there any other kind? I am not anti immigrant but I am it has to be done leagally and for christ sakes secure the border. Immigrants either become part of a countries culter or, that country will be destroyed. Welcome to Amerika, or should we say Los Estates Unis? In a nut shell, Obama is an eletist arrogant biggoted ass. And he proved it in that speach I'm not so sure about that. I'm not a supporter but I believe he spoke the truth and now he's getting hammered for it. Just like I would be if I said what I really wanted to say. I could be charge with a hate crime. Thanks again for your reply YW Eddited to add: The PC crowd is as much a danger to this country as immigration, most likely more so Where do you think PC came from? Heaven forbid we insult anyone. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  10. “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are going to regenerate and they have not." I don't know how old you are Rush but I'm old enough to remember a time when it was different in this country. Alot of people my age or older are pissed that we seem to have given it all away. And every candidate says he can change that. Here in the heartland we know its BS. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” I'm not in the guns or religion segment but I am in the antipathy and anti-immigrant and anti-trade group. And it's not a blanket anger, I'm pissed that we gave away US history and culture so we could be politically correct. I'm pissed that we gave away our manufacturing advantage to foreign countries. I don't blame the government for this one as much as the labor unions who were so short sited and greedy they ignored the inevitable. I'm pissed that in NYC schools there are 120 languages spoken. I'm pissed that I have to tell the ATM, the recorded voice on the phone, and Haji the tech support guy in India, that I'd like to use english thank you very much. The guns and religion parts are also true to some extent. We're just not allowed to talk about it anymore. I could go on.... Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  11. Hence the reason most politicians are liars. I think what he said was the truth, and he got crucified for it. edited to add: I'm not an Obama supporter. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  12. And it's only gonna get worse. In an effort to show Congress they haven't been lax the FAA has scheduled a bunch of spot checks on all airlines through June 30th. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  13. If only it worked that way Well, actually it does...if policies didn't do this, then I doubt a lot of people would have them. I've confirmed everything, and if you read my first post you'll see that I haven't started jumping and disclosed everything to the insurance company accurately. Just like someone here said, they told me flat-out that if I were jumping now they would increase my rate based on how many times I jump each year. However if I didn't plan on jumping for a year from the time I began the policy, then I would be covered because they rate you based on the time you sign-up for the policy...not years down the road for "unforeseen circumstances". Like I said, I pretty much luck out because I have to wait a year anyway before jumping so my rates are way low because of my age. Hope that helps explain the reasoning behind the facts... In the eyes of an insurance company skydiving is not an "unforeseen circumstance" unless you bail out of a burning airplane. Challenge still stands. You don't need to scan the entire policy, just the exclusions section. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  14. True. I just think it's extraordinary that this many have had problems in such a short timespan. ATA - gone Aloha - gone SkyBus - gone American - FAA seems to have an issue And now Frontier? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  15. airdvr


    I got out the first of the year. I feel your pain. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  16. Frontier just filed for protection this morning. Who's next? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  17. I don't anymore. It was too difficult to get people insured at a price that they considered reasonable without leaving something out. The insurance companies expect production from their agents. They put the agent in a bad position. You can be 100% ethical and not sell much because your competition's agent is willing to mislead people about their coverage, or mislead the underwrighters about the person they're trying to get covered. I challenge everyone out there...if you've got a policy you think is reasonably priced and you think it covers you for jumping send me the policy. I'd like to see it. Scan the exclusions section and post it or PM it to me. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  18. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  19. Have you really met the new neighbors ? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  20. That seems a bit pricey. I have $100,000 for $40/month through London Life. I doubt you're covered for jumping at that price. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  21. If only it worked that way Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  22. I'd be interested in seeing where it says that. They probably have the rider because they won't cover it in a normal policy. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  23. It might not exclude it but it certainly will be more expensive. You say you disclosed it accurately...maybe you did...maybe you didn't. You say it asks whether you plan to jump in the next 12 months. I think they might be assuming that you haven't jumped before. The mear fact that they ask about it leads me to believe they would increase the premuims if you answered yes. So they might have a problem with your "disclosure". I really don't know of a life insurance policy that won't charge more or have a complete exclsuion for "hazardous activities". Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  24. I guess the bigger questions is why do we continue to accept this as the norm. Every one of them is lying. I truly doubt that a politician exists today that isn't "embellishing" somewhere about something. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  25. I'm sitting here looking at one of my Racers...DOM 3/83. I had it converted to BOC and jumped it up until 2 years ago. I'd have no problem jumping it today. Sure scared the hell outta the wannabe's Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne