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Everything posted by yoink

  1. Could someone explain what pocket / baloon sliders are please? Any pics around? I've never heard of either of them...
  2. I've seen a couple of videos with people tracking in a T position or whatever you call it - I think Phreezone was doing it on his year end one? Is this a more efficient position or just more stable? And is there a knack to it that I should know about? Cheers Will
  3. how many members in the mafia? Edit.. and are there pics of the four founding members around...
  4. Groundskeeper Willie: Aw.. Don't feel bad laddie... I was wrestling wolves while you you were sucking on your mothers teat!!
  5. Snake as Homer is thrashing his car: She needs premium dude!!!! PREMIUM!!! Aw screw the honour system... lil' bandit needs me.
  6. IMO The Finist is a fantastic plane - quick, warm, big step etc... but the step can make life a little different for launching S/L students out of it if they're not used to it.
  7. babe... you just try and stop me!
  8. beer.. when I was 16 and first started drinking it, it couldn't stand the stuff... just thought it was the cool drink.... now however....
  9. count me in.... beer, skydivers and more beer... how can I resist I'll probably get there early Sat...
  10. yoink

    ru 21?

    eh?????? the majority of liver damage doesn't come from acetyl aldehyde, but from the hydrogen ions produced as a byproduct of the reaction that they quote (ethanol oxidation)... These hydrogen ions produce a change in the hepatic fat metabolism leading to a growth of fatty droplets within the liver which can group together and cause severe liver damage. The body is able to metabolise small amounts of these fatty droplets over a period of time, but if too many are produced they group together to form fatty globules which are not easily broken down and severely reduce liver function. surely therefore, (ignoring the problems of getting an effective amount of this compound to the liver and associated problems with ingesting dehydrogenases and their metabolism in the stomach), by increasing the oxidation of ethanol in the liver in a sort space of time (as this claims to do) will build up fatty droplets over a shorter period of time, reducing their chance to be metabolised effectively... This sounds like a bad idea to me.... I'd guess that any hangover reducing properties that this has is a result of the placebo effect and the small amounts of glucose within the tablet.... I've done a degree in Neuroscience and had a paper published on the clinical and biochemical effects of alcohol within the body and I'm struggling to follow the reasoning and logic on their website... Nuts to RU-21... give me a couple of pints of water and a painkiller before I go to bed...
  11. All very well for a 2-way, but what about a 16 way? A more general purpose solution is needed, and that's correct exit spacing. Absolutely, I agree. I only used the 2-way example because of the low jump numbers of the poster concerned. As to a 16 way, I have nowhere near enough experience to comment. Maybe Billvon can suggest appropriate exit timings for jumps of this size?
  12. Hi Zoter, Tracking off the wind line is an extremely important piece of any skydive. It's a manouvre that is done at breakoff altitude and is designed to allow you to track away from your formation without getting under anybody elses. Imagine a two-way exiting a plane first that has dropped facing into wind. (the usual configuration). At breakoff, both of the 2-way jumpers turn and track so as to be a safe distance from each other before they open. The trouble is, if they track up the jump run after being first out, this will likely put them under other jumpers and in a very dangerous position. To counter this, both jumpers should turn 90 degrees to the jump run (ie the windline) and track. This should allow separation of the 2-way without endangering other jumpers. It's much easier to explain the concept in person, so be sure to ask an instructor or experienced jumper next time you're at the DZ. It's important to know what this is and how to do it... hope this helps. Will
  13. Sorry for the bump, but I've just made the mistake of watching Extreme Ops on DVD. Please. Nobody, ever, watch this film! It's bloody terrible!!!!! Will PS: I know it's about a year too late.. but don't make my mistake!!!!! Save yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Small is not necessarily cool. Hell, trying to be cool is not cool. Do it at your own pace.. that's far cooler
  15. i've got some green olives stuffed with anchovies in a metal can if you're interested!
  16. yoink

    haiku anyone?

    goin to a new place to jump with some new people tomorrow. So cool.
  17. dude.. you have too much time on your hands!!!! But thanks for a cool site anyway! Happy new year. Sure dz.com will just keep getting bigger and better! Will
  18. A Goodbye Kiss: much passion and longing, but never lasting... What can I say? gotta make that next lift! No time for kissing!
  19. Dude. Anyone who thinks extreme ironing isn't extreme hasn't seen the photo of the guy pressing a shirt in freefall--from a 500' cliff. You gonna do that? Is that clip available anywhere? I'm not sure I like skydiving to be thought of as an extreme sport. I prefer the idea that's it's acccessible to everyone and that if danger / speed / low altitude is extreme, then there are ways into that if you want to. I've taken stick off people, mainly parents, for doing an 'extreme' sport. Substiture 'I'm ignorant of the sport and therefore assume it's suicidal' for extreme, and that miught be more what they mean. It's what you make of it... just my 2 pence
  20. yoink


    I'll go with General Electric....