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Everything posted by TrickyDicky

  1. I was just trying to identify whether it was ross sibbald, which it wasnt. I forgot I had a phone an text msg capacities UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  2. Any idea what kit he was jumping? UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  3. What was the first square, and what year was it released? UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  4. Jumping from an A/C thats not cleared for jumping or with a non jump rated pilot has serious consequences in UK if you get caught. I heard there was a guy who jumped from a microlight and was found out... lost BPA membership and I think the microlight pilot lost his licence too. AFAIK Helecopter jumps are fairly rare in UK (unless in military) and ballons even rarer. They were supposed to have a balloon at the Wiggaz festival at hib last year but I heard it fell through. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  5. I have a sabre with over 500 jumps on it, with 100 put on by me. In my 100 jumps, Ive had 1 slammer. When I first got it Id get inconsistant messy openings (throw me about alot) but then I got taught a method Ive never seen anyone else use, and it works a treat: Pull the slider out over the nose, and then roll the nose in with the tail about 4 times, quite tight. Make sure there is some slider poking out when you've rolled the tail (so slider is rolling up with tail too). Im getting consistant 600ft+ openings. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  6. Anyone who puts themselves into the DZ control rota at my DZ (generally only cover it 1/2 a day per weekend) you get £3 off all your jumps anytime. Aslong as you are around to cover it regularly UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  7. Peterlee its actually going down from £19 to £18 to the top (10k in 182 or 13k in turbine) and from £12 to £11 to 5k in 182. But, if you were a member of the centre discount scheme (now discontinued) your prices are actually going up by £1. So annoying to regulars, more appealing to outsiders. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  8. I weigh about 12.5st, so my wing loading is about 1.15. No problems getting them out though. Tug on the risers does that. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  9. I have a sabre 170 with about 500 jumps on. I experience constant end cell closure on the left side, and my rigger said this is due to small tares in the cross port venting, which I have now had hot-knifed out to prevent them getting worse. Apparently this is perfectly normal ware for this many jumps. She said I will keep getting the end cell closure. But, why is it that you get end cell closure when the cross ports are bigger. I would have thought it would help prevent it. Could someone explain. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  10. I think I made about 130 or so. But try getting them in in the UK when you are a students with no cash. But 03 was a good year. First rig, first rw, first bombing of 16 way, IC1, fs1, 100 jumps. Lots of beers. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  11. Anyone know the names of any of the tracks on the Good Stuff Video? I thought it was all origional for the vid but I just heard a track being used on TV. Any ideas? UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  12. I only own good stuff but have seen crosswind a couple of times. Ive also only seen the VHS version of both. Crosswind has (IMHO) better RW shots (that I really like) Good stuff has more stupid stuff (eg. cars) Good stuff has more interesting angles (alot shot from a helcoptor I think... makes the ground move really fast.) alot of the Crosswind music sounds Extreamly like other songs (Eg, Take California - Propellorheads, Rollin - Limp Bizkit or some other crap limp bizkit song) and were removed from the DVD. Good stuff took me a couple of watches before I actually liked it, but now I love it. Very trippy music for alot of it too. It can be a very relaxing vid. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  13. Ive only done 4 jumps on a spectre but I have to say the flare was fine, no problems at all. I Jump a sabre and have over 120 jumps on a 170 loaded at about 1.2, still loving it, trying to kill myself etc. Flare is lovely, flies fine even after 500 jumps on the canopy. Only had a couple of real slammers, but I pack it so it generally (49/50) opens in about 700+ft. I dont know why people moan about it so much. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  14. My friend had this problem (though not with winter gloves, just gloves in general). She went to toys R us or something and found a great pair of action man gloves. Appropriate
  15. Has anyone had the Pilot run in early cos of farters? UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  16. I have been known to let some slip occasionally. Its just so hard to keep them in as they expand at 13000' Also, our most evil farts come from a sweet little girl. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  17. Its stories like that that make skydiving sound alot more "fun" in the old days. I heard a story from a guy at our DZ who was training to be an Instructor, Despatching students under observation (from the Pilot, who was also the CCI at the time). The first person to go in the 182 was a girl. When she was told " On the step" she refused so the Pilot (CCI) starts shouting. "JUST F*CKING GET ON THE F*CKING STEP". Still, he is one of the most trustworthy pilots at my DZ. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  18. For those of you from the UK that did RAPS from small a/c (like 182s or 206s maybe bigger too) and maybe those who did AFF (maybe this applies to people doing AFF or S/L in the states or anywhere else for that matter). Just want to see if this is the same at all DZs or the 2 I trained at..... Is there 1 word while in the plane thats puts the fear of god into you and gets your heart going crazy. If there is... what is it? I know I miss the thrill of this word now. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  19. I have 171 jumps total and my DZ is at sea level (the north sea is about 3 miles away, can see it on the way up). Also, its in the north of england so its always cold UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  20. I jump a sabre 170 (loaded at 1.15). I have recently seen a saffire 1 169 going fs in a rig (I might consider buying) I have 100 jumps on the sabre, and still love it loads, and not considering downsizing at all anytime soon. But due to a crap container, I want a new one. And if I can get this rig, Ill have the same wing loading on the 169. I just want peoples opinions of the 2, and how they compare. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  21. Just wanted to get peoples views. I jump a sabre 170 and a new aerodyne pilot in a rig has come up at a nice price. Just wanted to get peoples opinions with reguards sabres /sabre 2 compared to the pilot. I have about 100 jumps on a sabre 170 and this would be a pilot 168. I have 2 jumps on a sabre 2 and to be honest wasnt extremly different from my sabre, but did swoop faster (was a no wind day). UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  22. Was about to post the same. Instructors should check all their students. But I have only jumped without mine on once. But I went through a period (about 3/4 weeks) where I kept forgetting to turn it on and getting someone on the flight line to do it. Quite annoyed when you're fully kitted up and you gotta drop it off your back. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  23. Freeflying certainly looks cool. But personally I got really excited/amazed/envy when I watched the RW vids from Mondial. Now thats what I wanna do. But tbh I have never even attempted freeflying. I dont have the rig for it, but I dont have the desire to borrow someone elses, as I always have people to do RW with. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  24. I didnt quite understand why they got rid of the bigger plane over the summer. Probably cos of the speed. And yes the beaver is a bit crappy for 4 way. Nice big door on the Nomad though. It was the first turbine I ever jumped. First time past 11k :) Also Hinton has the Best DZ shop Ive been to. UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.
  25. Wuss.... you mean you dont wanna go to 10k in a 182 with no door in he middle of winter? UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.