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Everything posted by Rauk

  1. You know, the doll is perfect, but I don't know about letting those three deviants be anywhere near your child, , especially Jamie. Anyway, congrats again, and I will try to get up there soon, take care. A
  2. Rauk

    Hard Openings

    You know, I sort of forgot about that one. You're right, that put me out for about, hhmmm, 20 hours. That is until I put a slider on my rig, then I was good to go. I have been good, I haven't been jumping a whole hell of a lot, but I am working a shit load and trying to make money. I did a skydive yesterday , it was fun. You got my number still? Call me up sometime, and if you ever get this way, you know where the objects are... Take care Adam
  3. Rauk

    Hard Openings

    If you are head low, it will hurt, almost always. I have taken a couple of inadvertant long slider off delays (4.5 seconds and 4.7 seconds) and one didn't hurt a bit, I think due to the rotation, (gainer) it swung me into the opening. The other I kicked off of my back at four seconds and pitched a little head low, and two months or so later, I am still having minor neck pains. Truthfully, I have only had maybe five openings (of about 230) or so that have stayed with me, slider up or down. I didn't notice right away, but when I started, I had bruises consistant with my leg straps. I was soft though
  4. Rauk

    Tom Manship

    Summer in Twin will never be the same. Even though I was never up early enough to catch anything but packing for the next morning. It was quite inspiring to have jumpers hitting the sunrise load, only to find Tom was already hiking out... from his third jump of the day. You, my friend, are a hero. Thank you. Adam 921
  5. Start with gainers... yeah, gainers...
  6. Rauk

    *death and fear

    Matt, That is horrible, I am getting my phone turned on today and I will call you soon. I am so sorry man. Steve, I don't have your new number, call me. 921
  7. Nice, Steve, and it went without a hitch... except for that crazy guy you went with . Good times my friend. I will talk to you soon I hope. Congratulations, lets do it again sometime
  8. Rauk

    TF memorial day

    If you read, I said just that, "It's all speculation". I just stated what I saw. I have no ill words, no ill thoughts, no ill will. JT has always been nothing but friendly the few times we came across each other in Twin and I was sick when I saw him hit the water. I never made a claim on what JT meant to happen, only what I saw. The only person who really knows what happened is him. Either way, it doesn't change the way I feel. Chances are pretty good that all of us will spend a nice long stint in the hospital if we keep at it for long enough.
  9. Rauk

    Self assisted PCA

    Abbie, I think you may have said it all. I am sure a lot of the things I have done were "wrong"...
  10. Rauk

    TF memorial day

    I am almost sure he wasn't planning on the water. Something didn't go as planned, whether that be a low pull intentionally or through complacany is left to be said. How you healing, man? Last I saw you were laid up in Tom's. Hope you are well.
  11. Rauk

    TF memorial day

    Sounds pretty much like what I saw... or there is the other side of this; He was trying to go low for fun/the show/the hell of it, whatever anyone else wants to speculate. He was jumping a camera, he was the low guy, he did pull low and he did impact the water quite hard. I would say that is a pretty good account of what happened.
  12. Rauk

    TF memorial day

    I think what can be learned from this; JT has a lot of jumps off of the bridge, it was a normal thing. Complacency kills, and it almost did again. No matter what, this sport is dangerous (potato bridge or not), you can make it as safe as possible, take every single precaution, and it still remains dangerous. Heal well JT, hope to see you jumping again soon. Really glad everything worked out. Adam
  13. You know this my friend!
  14. Fame? Or is it Infamy, Jamie? I mean, I can't let you go unnoticed as the unkown B Team member, not any longer. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM YOURSELF JAMIE! I know where you live, I have seen where you sleep, and soon, when you least suspect it (actually the 25th of May) you will have an awakening, much like the past. It WILL involve a copious amount of fireworks, and you will face the wrath, oh yes my friend, THE WRATH!
  15. Rauk

    RIP Chris Muller

    Thanks Chris, it was a pleasure to meet you. RIP Adam
  16. There are a lot of indicators around said B that suffice, flags and such. Never dropped paper though, not on one, have every time on another, described earlier.
  17. I agree. Usually when I jump the B's I have (9 jumps off of 3 different, so bear with my inexperience), it was dead calm, no wind at all. On two occasions, at one of the less congested buildings (no surrounding buildings being a factor), I have jumped in probably 6 mph once, and about 8 mph another. What I was checking for (with WDI) was anything but a clean constant wind, no swirls, updrafts, downdrafts. I know SO little about it, that this is also meant for some critique/insight by anyone who can enlighten me on the subject. Could I be setting myself up by my false comfort in thinking a little push from behind (300 degrees from exit on a corner, so pretty much a tailwind) would actually push me away from the object in case of an off heading? Am i even making sense? hhmmm... A
  18. Only the junk helps. Where the F*%K are you Abbie, get out here already.
  19. Just for the record, there is not "A Team". Oh, and it is a Sabre2, those things are ALWAYS malfunctioning, I mean I have had three mal... ehr, cutaways with that angry () thing. The good old days I suppose.
  20. That's great. On the subject, there is an incredible amount of focus for me when I commit, I would almost say like meditating (though I have never meditated). It's like I don't think words, I'm just aware, it's amazing.
  21. Sure does explain the fact that you put a little thought into what it is you are doing... seriously.
  22. Rauk

    Moab site

    True, true, it is the right side of the exit point.
  23. Rauk

    Moab site

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience jumping a site in Moab that is named for a loveable cartoon character who always seems to find himself on the wrong side of exit points. I went and scoped it but couldn't muster the courage, not without educating myself a little (or a lot) more. Anyone? Thanks