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Everything posted by ScubaSteve

  1. It is probably because Easter holiday is older than our current calander. Or brought over from another calander system. Just a guess.
  2. There was a storm that produced such heavy rains that the river had exceeded flood stage threatening one neighborhood where this one crotchety old man lived. He ignored the warnings of the police when they came around advising the residents to evacuate the area, his reply to the authorities being that the Lord would provide for him. The floodwaters started rising, getting deeper and deeper. The old man started praying to the Lord asking that God would spare him from the impending flood and shortly after he started praying he was distracted from his prayers by a noise outside of his house, he looked out the door and noticed that the water flooding down his street was now about half a meter deep and the noise that had distracted him was coming from a military truck, the National Guard having been called out to aid in the disaster. The soldiers pleaded with the old man to accompany them to higher ground and safety, but as before with the Police, he rejected their assistance telling them that the Lord would provide. The floodwaters continued to rise, getting deeper and deeper and now the first floor of the old man's house was completely inundated and he was forced to seek safety on the upper level of his home. Continuing to pray, asking the Lord to save him from the flood, he was again disturbed during his prayers by a noise. It was the local fire department emergency workers in a boat just outside his window who also pleaded with the old man to let them take him to safety but as before he told them to go away that the Lord would provide. Well the waters continued to rise and he was forced to climb out the window onto the roof of the house and perched there he continued to pray when out of the blue there comes a Coast Guard helicopter whose crew once again tries to reason with the old man and rescue him from the flood, but once again refused citing his faith in the Lord. So as the waters continued to rise, the old man was swept off of the roof of his house and he perished in the waters. The next thing he knew he was in heaven before almighty God, and he fell down on his knees and cried out "Oh God, why did you forsake me and let me drown in that flood?" God replied, "My dear child, I didn't forsake you, I sent the Police to warn you of the danger, I sent the military to evacuate you, I sent a boat load of firemen to take you to safety, and I even sent a helicopter to rescue you off of that roof, what more did you expect?"
  3. I'll admit i watch the show. Plus on a visit to Ohau I visited a set from LOST. I didnt know parts were filmed there. I had some pic taken near an airplane part. I have a friend who is a LOST freak and it was fun rubbing it in.
  4. I wear the same t-shirt also. I think the ritual carried over from past sports I participated in.
  5. I believe there is a difference between gaining an education and being trained for a profession.
  6. Did they keep that configuration or did they bump a lot? I am guessing one flys fowrward more because of the venting. This is probably a stupid question.
  7. I have seen State Police in IL do this before. I remember a few years back someone with balls put a Dunkin Doughnuts box on the hood. It was there for a few days. lol
  8. Sounds like me most of my life. Im lucky my parents were hipies and didnt let the man drug me because i had energy. I was a very happy child and did well in school. But I remember always getting in trouble for figditing and talking. This is what i found on the subject: Symptoms of ADHD are divided into two main categories: Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity. Hyperactivity -fidgets or squirms -has to get up from seat -runs or climbs when he or she shouldn't * : ) -has difficulty with quiet leisure activities -is on the go, as if driven by a motor -talks excessively Impulsivity -blurts out answers before questions have been completed * i would say the chid is very smart. -has difficulty waiting his or her turn -interrupts or intrudes on others Something about that list doesnt sit well with me. Now im off to run around outside and climd stuff.
  9. I find the last sentence interesting. U.S. Representative Darrell Issa, R-Calif., used his time during the U.S. House's Major League Baseball steroid hearings on Thursday for a bit of self-deprecation. At one point, a certain representative asked the players testifying - Curt Schilling, Rafael Palmeiro, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Jose Canseco - a hypothetical question: If they could take a pill that would make them several times smarter but knock a few years off their life expectancy, would they take it? When it was Issa's time to ask questions of the players, he began innocuously enough, telling the players that owners of major sports teams had asked him to have Congress mandate a "zero tolerance policy" for steroids. Then he laid out this stunner: He thinks the hypothetical "smart pill" should be something Congress mandates for itself to "save the nation." He went further, saying he would give Congress a special mandate to take the pill, an exemption - presumably were the pill illegal, that is - "like we do," he said, for so many other things.
  10. I believe the rule is any car not made using UAW labour.
  11. It think its standard for any injury related hospilazitions or work done. I got a call from an insurance lawyer when i got hurt and they wanted to sue someody. I said it was my fault 100% and they left it at that.
  12. I just assumed. Either way I wish you luck and a safe return home.
  13. My family just went through this with my kid brother. My advice is to write often as possible. Hook her up with a support group. She will want to talk about her feelings with other military moms. Esipcallly when the newness of your deployment wears off and all her freinds and co-workers lose a little interest in her grief. It sounds bad but it happens. We got my mother ribbons for trees and magnets for her car. Also a blue star banner for the house. And always remember that she will probably suffer a little more emotionally than you through the whole thing. Moms are funny that way i guess. Good luck and have a safe return.
  14. why not give everyone a choice, stay in or keep you take one of these options. I personally want control of the 6.5% i contribute and the 6.5 % my employer contributes.
  15. ScubaSteve

    Outlook help

    I would install and config a secure relay server that ran scripts against everey email. If email destination is corp then go path 1, else go path 2.
  16. They should also sue the City fo not having building code for parking garages require safety net/fence for structures over x feet.
  17. Sounds like something that happens every day in IL.
  18. THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV - Mikailovich Dostoevsky Favorite: The Grand Inquisitor
  19. Click skip add and you can watch them all.
  20. What island? I just got back from Ohau. It is a great place.
  21. From article The system could also track how often you drive during rush hour and charge higher fees to discourage peak use. That's an idea that could break the bottleneck on California's freeways. Because we know most of the people drive during rush hour for fun right? It sjust another tax that would hurt the poor and middle class the most.