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Everything posted by LadySkyDIve

  1. First attempt via website- said to try back. Second attempt - went through. It's not effective until October so I'll see how many phone calls I still get. Thanks for the heads up on this by the way. This has seemed to be helpful too:
  2. Congratulations! It's a lot of fun jumping with your SO/spouse!
  3. Well, at least there's no wondering "gee, I wonder if he'll call me again?"
  4. What I saw didn't look "stunningly attractive"!
  5. I always get nervous when either "2 minutes" is yelled or when the door is opened. Someone once told me that when you stop getting nervous, you get cocky and that's when you can get hurt. Healthy fear is good.
  6. Do you think you might be happier in a society where they enforce god's laws, execute gays, cut off your hand if you steal, and wage holy war against infidels? That way, you (and all your neighbors) are compelled to live according to god's will. Yea, yea, and think of all the Mary Magdolines who would be stoned to death! There'd be no reproduction today.
  7. That was the first thing I thought. Why would suicide bombers care "where" they put the stuff? Duh....
  8. I vote for Freakous!! He's really funny in real life too! And a hell of a nice guy.
  9. You've been given a lot of good suggestions but none of them seem to be of interest to you. What else can we advise on?
  10. I think she means Meunkel.
  11. I think it's safe to say it's not just you!
  12. Early on, a broken wrist and a compression fracture in the T7 vertabrae. Both cases - total operator error and stupidity! Mine! Lessons learned? You bet!
  13. Isn't Scott an AWESOME instructor? I took his canopy control class several years ago and learned a lot. He's a great guy to know!
  14. A $38 check just doesn't go as far as it used to, huh!
  15. Oh this is disgusting. And for the record, I don't think a split tongue would make oral sex any more fun and I certainly don't dig it at all. And "(4) he's an idiot" -yup, he got that right! They need an icon for revulsion.
  16. Too funny. The last time I was totally bored at work (before I found, I typed "bored" in Yahoo Search and this website came up!!
  17. That's awesome that your mom responded that way!
  18. Q. What did they find when Tammy Faye Baker took off her make up. A. Jimmy Huffa BAWAAWAA. Sorry, couldn't resist!
  19. I got a check in the mail for $10.09 for a class action suit on a company whose product I don't even remember purchasing! Hey - I'll take it!
  20. It's beautiful here in Northern VA as well. Hope this weather holds out through the weekend!
  21. Goodness! When I posted the question, I didn't realize what a controversial topic this was. Thanks everyone for your opinions. I knew that there were different opinions out there which is what I was seeking. I didn't realize what would be stirred up so early in the morning and I apologize if this post offended anyone.