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Everything posted by jumper03

  1. rum and coke Scars remind us that the past is real
  2. Okay...so now lets play a game and see how many are skydiving otters. SkydiveAZ (eloy, AZ)- 3 Jumptown (orange, MA) - 1 Raeford (raeford, NC) - 1 Cross Keys (cross keys, NJ) - 1 CSS (louisburg, NC) - 2 (?) Thats 8 there, w/o the florida and Cali dzs. I know there are others but they don't come to me off the top of my head. feel free to add and edit. Scars remind us that the past is real
  3. can't say i blame you but it sure a shame to miss my sluthugs Soloution: pack bags, head to ATL. Party like a rockstar. lets see... 6 hours to the Farm 6 40 to ATL? hmm...hell I could go to Raeford and jump in that time Oh - now you talking.... Hey you! Stop trying to skeeze in on our ATL action! Was planning on the farm but the weather looks like crap. Raeford however is looking good right now for this weekend. Think I'll stay home. Scars remind us that the past is real
  4. can't say i blame you but it sure a shame to miss my sluthugs Soloution: pack bags, head to ATL. Party like a rockstar. lets see... 6 hours to the Farm 6 40 to ATL? hmm...hell I could go to Raeford and jump in that time Oh - now you talking.... Scars remind us that the past is real
  5. Okay - my serious reply as a packer/rigger. Secondary riser covers a good idea *IF* I say *IF* they are packed correctly. However, I would say 9 out of 10 rigs that I pack that have secondary riser covers HAVE NOT been packed correctly. This causes those pain in the ass flaps to take a set and then they can't be closed correctly. So now, not only do you not have the protection they offer, but you have an extra flap flapping in the wind offering that riser something else to hang up on. If you got them - use them right. Otherwise, you might as well rip them off now. Jump Scars remind us that the past is real
  6. They are there to get in the packers way.... Scars remind us that the past is real
  7. What about a front mounted ripcord with a spring loaded p/c? I think John Rich jumps one. S. Scars remind us that the past is real
  8. Just a quick dumbasses response before I have to go teach dumbasses.... If they are trying to sell you a survey - wouldn't it be in their best interest to tell you that you are below so you'll get pissed off and buy the survey? Did they say what salary numbers they are basing it off of? Has anyone came out ABOVE the salary curve? Scars remind us that the past is real
  9. jumper03

    Real Genius

    never heard of it.... Scars remind us that the past is real
  10. http://www.blurofinsanity.com/drinks.html The bastard series looks interesting. I haven't woken up drunk somewere in a loooong time... Scars remind us that the past is real
  11. no fires. only gas powered guns. As for age of sail - if you can figure out how to remotely sail a ship and fight it - and get someone else to do the same that is will to fight, the go for it.
  12. if you think I'm a geek... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSU8nQ7o0u4&mode=related&search= Scars remind us that the past is real
  13. chuck blue is going to whoop yo ass..... Scars remind us that the past is real
  14. Its 75 or so and sunny here right now. Just got down from a nice tracking dive. Scars remind us that the past is real
  15. Again - as detailed as you want. I had plans of making this super detailed Flethcer class destoryer because I was living in Boston where the USS Cassin Young is moored. Then I got to my first battle and saw the amount of damage the superstructure sustains and decided against it. I actually made two decks for one ship - a detailed deck and a battle deck so I could get my modelling fix and not get all bent out of shape when it got shot to hell. Scars remind us that the past is real
  16. in time or money? You can spend as little or as much as you want. I built all of my stuff from scratch so I had maybe $400 in it and the radio was most of that. I know guys that have ships worth $2-3000. They are usually the first ones on the pond that everyone starts hunting for ... Scars remind us that the past is real
  17. This page has more links on it if you want to know more about when, where and how. www.rcwarships.com I'll see if I can dig up pics of my ship later tonight Scars remind us that the past is real
  18. jumper03


    1/144 small gun club - www.ircwcc.org 1/72 club - best pics here!! http://www.nwlink.com/~pfleming/ Scars remind us that the past is real
  19. jumper03


    As long as it is the same scale as the ships on the pond, anything is legal. three scales are common - 1/144, 1/96 and 1/72 (These things are HUGE!!) Scars remind us that the past is real
  20. jumper03


    depends on if you are actually driving a battleship! There's a guy in New Zealand that has a japanese aircraft carrier that shoots little kamikaze airplanes at the other ships. Scars remind us that the past is real
  21. jumper03


    I am going ot need to know more about this...is there a website? This could be the end of me....Also those familiar with ATlanta...I propose that we all build these things and battle in the fountain infront of NAVA! TONS of websites. Atlanta actually has a very active battle group. Just do a web search for R/C Warship combat. I like the history and modelling aspect of it. Some people just like blasting the shit out of them. Its all good!! I've been designing a functional submarine - LOTS of engineering challenges in that one Scars remind us that the past is real
  22. jumper03


    I used to do this and now I'm getting back into it - building and battling 1/96 scale model warships. It's called the magnificent obsession. You spend months building these elaborate models (I built the DKM Graf Spee), outfitting them with compressed air or CO2 bb/ball bearing cannons (depended on what the actual ship carried) and then sailing them around, shooting each other with the purpose of sinking the other. The ships are built to withstand sinking and can be easily refloated, repaired and re-armed. If you have an engineering bug in you - it's extremely addictive Scars remind us that the past is real
  23. wtf were you thinking??? Scars remind us that the past is real
  24. My condolences. The Avs are still being toyed with--or, maybe I should say they're still toying with us. It's like waiting for the inevitable to happen but they keep winning and somehow keep avoiding elimination. Game of cat and mouse. You have my support then.... The canes sure as hell don't need it. Scars remind us that the past is real