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Everything posted by jumper03

  1. I think I'd rather clean the toilet... Scars remind us that the past is real
  2. jumper03


    What can ya do? just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
  3. jumper03


    Scars remind us that the past is real
  4. jumper03


    You remind me of Lord Nelson - "Never mind the maneuvers - just go straight at them..." Scars remind us that the past is real
  5. I'm gonna go cry now.... Scars remind us that the past is real
  6. I've been mulling over this, reading the replies from both sides and my thoughts have finally matured to a point I'll throw in a half cent or so. Ian - correct me if I'm wrong - but the argument I am hearing from the swoopers side is that education of jumpers (or lack thereof) is the root cause. The 'other side' (if you want to call it that) wants to remove swoopers from the equation by isolating them to another landing area or seperate passes. Why can't this BSR or something similar be the vehicle for that education? Example - lets say you have a 30 jump guy/girl, sees a swooper tearing up the swoop area. "I want to land there" "You can't" "Why not?" "You don't swoop." "well, how do I swoop?" "Come this way young padawan..." Or during the ground training - you mention two seperate landing areas - a student raises his hand "why the two areas?" that would provide a nice segue into a discussion on the differences in landing pattern and why the pattern must be followed. (Maybe we need to go a step further and actually look at canopy licences??) It seems many of the BSRs that are in place now are written in the blood of the jumpers that came before us. I will agree with everyone that it is a problem we all have to face up to but not just this one issue - it pertains to ALL the BSRs and practices that keep us safe - from helmets on during take off (how many of you violate that?) to having your main container open by the appropriate altitude (how many bust that one on a regular basis?) I support the BSR but only if it is used to enhance jumper education so that in the end - it really becomes a moot point because jumpers are looking out for each other in the air. Okay- maybe that was more of a 1/4 cent... Jump Scars remind us that the past is real
  7. holy crap - I didn't realize it was going to be so tall. It dominates the landscape... As near as I can tell, it is as high if not higher than the tall high tension power lines they just finished erecting. Scars remind us that the past is real
  8. If we get 10 tomorrow for the local load and the weather holds - lets build Thackers Bear Trap. Scars remind us that the past is real
  9. otherwise known as WBBS - whole bunch of bullshit. Online assessment my ass. Online courses blow and that is why I refuse to teach and/or develop one... Scars remind us that the past is real
  10. It's not about being property brother. It's about old fashioned principle. Being part of a new family means that wife & kids have the same last name. It shows that your wife is proud to be your wife by donning your last name, is it not? So would you care if your kids took your wife's name or would you want them to have your last name? You could always take your wifes last name and join her family
  11. That seems to be the bane of all the dz.com dancers Next dz.com boogie - dance night!!!
  12. The GB club did operate out of Raeford but shut down in January. Scars remind us that the past is real
  13. Just wanted to add - That for every fun jump made on May 5th - the DZ is going to donate $2 to cancer research. For every tandem - $45. So if you want to jump - come jump this day. If you know anyone that has maybe talked about a tandem - bring them out to Raeford on May 5th! Scars remind us that the past is real
  14. May 5th, 2007 @ Raeford. We're going to be doing 4 way scrambles. Registration is at 9 am. I'm going to try and line up some prizes for this. Cook out afterwards as always. Seminar this time is Aircraft emergencies and procedures. Come get your jump on. Scars remind us that the past is real
  15. BINGO! Scars remind us that the past is real
  16. anybody care to translate what its saying? And why is the pig the only one wearing a hat???? Scars remind us that the past is real
  17. what the FUCK do they smoke in belgium????? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8297574364836044520&q=farting&hl=en Scars remind us that the past is real
  18. there are skydivers like that????? Scars remind us that the past is real
  19. As a packer and a rigger I guess I have a simplified view of quality control. If people are getting bad openings/malfunctions/aren't happy - then they will find another packer. If a packer keeps packing consistent, soft, on heading openings then he/she will stay in business. Just my two rubber bands. Scars remind us that the past is real
  20. you know damn well you have it in you to quit. just do it. ***HUG***
  21. From all reports that I've heard it was a student who was looking for his girlfriend who decided to cause carnage on the way. There have been other incidents though. A few years ago a Engineering doctoral student in Cali took a shot gun to his thesis committee. You never know what is going to happen next. Scars remind us that the past is real
  22. Makes me hope I haven't pissed off any students... Scars remind us that the past is real
  23. Post-docs aren't really fussed about getting grades - only churning out data. This looks like one late night in the lab.... 200 proof ethanol is dangerous 'mmkay. Scars remind us that the past is real
  24. cheeky monkies..... Scars remind us that the past is real
  25. Thats 30. Scars remind us that the past is real