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Everything posted by dropoutdave

  1. Not being a football fan I don't really give a toss about what happens to them but as I hear it the fans aren't turning up to protest because the deal has been done and there is nothing they can do about it. They can protest as much as they like, it aint going to make any difference. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  2. Yeah, my friend had 'Lord' on his driving licence once, so sue him. Who gives a fuck. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  3. Hahahaha. It reminds me of that South Park episode where they have to vote for the douche or the turd. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  4. Try locking him in his room with nothing but the Bee Gees cd playing on repeat 24/7, go on holiday for a few weeks and he'll be cured by the time you get back. Either that or he'll have morphed into one of them which is just scary. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  5. Haha so true. All the leaders fromt eh 3 main parties were on a show called Question Time the other week having a head to head debate with the public. All 3 of them got a total slaughtering. You can still watch the program on the website if anyones interested. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/question_time/default.stm ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  6. The REAL alternatives. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/vote_2005/frontpage/4494439.stm ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  7. Send em back to school!!! http://education.guardian.co.uk/schools/story/0,5500,675002,00.html This has been in since 2002 apparently but not much has come of it so far with only 200 parents being made to go to parenting lessons since it was introduced. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  8. Haha has anyone checked out the screensaver? I don't think i'll be keepin it though. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  9. I think theres a video of that. If its the one I was thinking of then it was someone in the base of a big way I think. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  10. Funny you should say that, it was Blockbusters that I went to on sunday and they wanted to know about my gas usage. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  11. So now we have huntsman being dragged and beaten from their horses and more foxes being killed and in a more inhumane way. Any pro ban people care to comment on their achievement? ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  12. Christ you need that much ID just to rent a video in the UK and for some reason they wont accept passports but they will accept you gas bill??? Passports - can get you into loads of countries around the world, but no, they want to know how much gas you use in a quarter. I might try going abroad with just my gas bill as ID. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  13. Absolutely, we're English, most of our days are overcast, we crave disappointment. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  14. Red Bull......it gives you bingo wings. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  15. She can only do that because her muscles are all loose and floppy like her skin. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  16. Dude.....owww! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  17. ANYTHING by Coldplay, man if their music was banned there would be alot fewer suicides in the world. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  18. Until he did the whole thing for school dinners int his country, which was brilliant, I thought the dribbling fool was.........well the picture pretty much sums it up. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  19. Just remember that when it comes to the real thing the chances are the handles will be higher up than they are when you practice it on the ground. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  20. So really not much different to the way we are heading now then? The human race is but a virus with shoes. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  21. Which is why we have porn...... ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  22. And you guys say there's not much money in skydiving, I reckon your just trying to keep it all for yourselves, come on, share the wealth. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  23. Go on, try it, ya might like it. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  24. YES!!! I could have done more but I ran out of things within arms reach. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  25. Now your just getting all technical on me! I won the argument just by shouting yellow louder than he could shout green so it's official, it's yellow. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......