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Everything posted by dropoutdave

  1. Aye same here. Done aswell. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  2. Aye that sounds about right now I think about it. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  3. Just out of curiosity, would the end cells not being inflated affect the flight characteristics of the canopy if you had to take evasive action immediately after opening and crank down on a rear riser? ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  4. Simple, i'd be self employed like I am now and conduct my own drug tests.........yep i'm pretty fucked! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  5. That's totally fucked up. I'm not sure if they did that in the UK, will have to look into it. Mind you, if a company insisted on doing that i'd tell them to go fuck, not the kind of place i'd want to work for anyway. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  6. Hang on, I think you might be onto something here, I mean, they do say you should encourage people to do what they are good at. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  7. Hahaha I know exactly what you mean! I did the same thing, read it a few years ago and vowed never to go again, i've stood by that as far as McDonalds and BK goes but my girlfreind lives 185 miles away and a couple of times i've stopped at the KFC on the M1 because it's either that or the crappy service station sandwiches. I'm not proud of myself but that KFC chicken skin was pretty tasty! I'm pretty sure i'll never eat in a McDonalds ever again. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  8. Put the mouse down and your hands where I can see them! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  9. Not exactly, he's in Turkey, i'm in England, I aint scared o that fool. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  10. Or is it??? ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  11. One thing I have always wondered amongst the stoners I know that just sit around doing naff all with themselves is whether or not they would do any better if they never started smoking pot, from all the people like that that I know, I believe they would still be the same. I think it's less about the pot and more about their personalities and their drive to make better of themselves. Sad to hear that but intelligence isn't neccessarily reflective of character. Bingo, I think the drink might have a fair bit to do with that one. Obviously we'll never know if it wouldn't have happened had he just been stoned. Alchohol definately impairs your judgement alot more than pot. Did that have anything to do with pot or just the fact that she's an idiot? I think i'll stop their before we completely hijack the thread! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  12. Aye same here, and pretty much every single person I know, actually, make that EVERY person I know. I would started arguing the whole paranoia thing but apparently it's nothing to do with paranoia, it's all about being prepared. Anyways, I think I might hop off this merry go round and jump on it another time. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  13. Isn't the main point of the death penalty supposed to be a deterent?? Oh yeah, "OK kids, don't kill people or we'll lock you up until your just about to die of natural causes anyway, when you've reached an age where you probably don't even care about death anymore because you've spent life behind bars, and then execute you." That's not a frickin deterent anymore than life behind bars. That's almost life in jail and ethunasia thrown in for free! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  14. .....and the plastic sleeve you get for it, or do you just get that when you first join and have to re-use it every year? ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  15. Whoops! Sorry. I took out the last line, but I didn't delete the emoticon. Bad Rhonda, bad bad Rhonda. rl Hehe, it's ok, I am evil really. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  16. Upon further reflection, I like the attitude this bespeaks. You're right. The term "date rape" diminishes the emotive content elicted by the word "rape" used alone. It somehow minimizes the fact that rape is just as devastating (and possibly more so) if it is committed upon one by a "friend" or acquaintance. rl Hey I never laughed after I said that! That would be so wrong. Are you trying to make me look evil Rhonda? ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  17. Thanks RhondaLea, i'm glad you saw what I meant, I thought I was going crazy! Actually, come to think of it, it wasn't mistyped, I said 970 out of every 1000 date rape accusations are false, which they are, date rape is different to rape, if 970 of the 1000 women who claim they were date raped weren't actually drugged then they weren't date raped, just raped. Woohoo, go brain! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  18. AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! That's not what I said!! I never said the accusation was false, just that the accusation that it was a DATE rape as in drugged! In my second post I even clarified that I didn't mean that. Did you really read it that I claimed 970 out of every 1000 rapes were false accusations???? WTF!!??? When did I ever say anything like that? Noone SHOULD be violated for putting themselves in stupid situations, of course not, but in ceartain circumstances they shouldn't be surpirsed if they are. If I run across the road without looking and gt mowed down by a truck, I shouldn't have been mowed down by a truck but I shouldn't be surprised if I am! I even said.... No it's not, you've taken my stance on this completely wrong. Are you sure you are replying to my post? *sigh* Edited to add a few things. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  19. Actually there's a fair bit of research that says that you drive better when your stoned due to your increased concentration. Oh, and one of my "drugged out of his mind" mates who smokes a hell of alot of pot just got his Phd in physics after getting a 1st class honours degree in physics too. Bloody useless stoners. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  20. It definately wouldn't work in some parts of rural England, no shit, I went into this nice country pub once and asked for a bottle of beer and the barmaid asked if I wanted a warm one or cold one! I was that shocked I just stood there in silence and stared at her for a bit then she asked again. She wasn;t kidding either, they had all the same bottles they had in fridge on the shelves and the strange fury country people were buying them all night! Strange people around there.........smelt like cabbage. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  21. Only 3% out of a 1000 samples of the drinks claimed to have Rohypnol in actually had it in. 3% of 1000 is 30, therefore 30 out of every 1000 tested positve and 970 out of 1000 had nothing in so that 970 were basically wasted on booze alone. Is that right? My brain isn't working too good today! Edited to add, when I said the date rape accusations were false I didn't mean the rape accusation was false, just the accusation that the date rape drug had been used. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  22. Just thought i'd throw this in for an interesting statistic, make of it what you will but it appears alot of "rape victims" aren't exactly looking after themselves, drinking themselves stupid and then blaming someone for spiking their drink. From http://www.cheshire.police.uk/showcontent.php?pageid=625 Before someone jumps on me, i'm not saying this is an excuse for rape or anything like that so don't even go there but it would appear that alot of rape victims are getting so drunk that they cant control or remember anything about the night before and then shouting date rape at the top of their voices. Unfortunately 970 out of every 1000 date rape accusations are false. They way I see it is that if someone believe they were under the influence Rohypnol then you have to be pretty feckin wasted to the point where they had little or no control over their body. No matter what chemically enhanced state I get into, I still accept full responsibility for my actions. If I got wasted to the point where I had no control over my body, passed out somewhere stupid, to find i'd been bum raped then i'd think "Dave, you fucking idiot!" Unfortunately society doesn't smell of roses so we have to look after ourselves, I can't help but wonder what the crime stats would look like if people looked after themselves better and didn't put themselves in such vunerable situations. That's easier said than done mind, i've done plenty of stupid things myself like walking wasted through the worst part of Liverpool in the early hours and someone tried to mug me, luckily I got a cheap shot to his balls and broke his nose, god knows how, I was that wasted I just swung my arms and legs around like a girl and they hit the right spots! Still, I see that incident as partly my fault for being such a dick and putting myself in that situation. A similiar thing happened to my housemate on Christmas eve, he was walking home from a night out wasted through a shitty area and some little scrote tried to take his wallet and he beat the living crap out of him and left him on the floor. When he told me all I said to him was "What the fuck did you expect walking through there?" and he agreed, Then I got him a beer for teaching the little shit a lesson. I dunno, just some brain farts, tear em apart. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  23. Aww leave em alone, bless em, they do what they can. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  24. My commute is a beauty, I have to travel 10 hours on train (normally get the sleeper train) from England to Scotland, then fly for and hour upto the Shetland Isles then get a 1 hour 30 min helicopter til i'm on the oil rig. Still, I only have to do it once a month and get 6 months a year off work for the troubles. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  25. Isn't this the Welsh assembly in action? Oh no, that's chasing cheese down a hill. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......