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Everything posted by dropoutdave

  1. I like to leave a bit of hair, so the cat can stilll have his dignity. http://blog.trg.ru/img/shaved_cat.jpg Am I the only one that thinks this is just too funny to be cruel?? ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  2. You sure about that? Well, pressure/temperature, same difference, kind of. http://www.sciam.com/askexpert_question.cfm?articleID=00049B79-93F1-1CD1-B4A8809EC588EEDF ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  3. In principle I have no issues with it, practice what you preach n all that. He has been forgiven. As with the technicalities of whether he should be allowed out of prison for it, who knows. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  4. dropoutdave

    Canopy Size?

    Good point, surely a dogs most stable position must be on it's back with it's legs slightly out to the side. Perhap an old school belly mounted container would be best suited to the canines. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  5. I would offer you a sniff of mine if it didn't sound wrong on so many levels! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  6. That's pretty accurate for a guess. YOU know what im on about... ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  7. You know what i'm on about boys. http://www.davescollectables.com/thumbnails/scalextric/dsc00828.jpg ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  8. Pah, they may be fast and expensive but where's the style? Your all wrong...... http://www.flat4.co.jp/car/cars/'64%20KOMBI/'64%20KOMBI%20640.jpg ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  9. Holy shit! That second one is MASSIVE!!! Either that or that's a really small car. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  10. Someones taking life just a little too seriously me thinks. Honestly, who gives a fuck, really. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  11. I agree in principle but saying someone can't have a gun and locking someone up indefinately without charge are opposite ends of the scale. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  12. dropoutdave

    Canopy Size?

    I find this works just fine. http://sta.umbc.edu/orgs/skydiving/sky%20dog%202a.jpg ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  13. Has anyone got any close up pictures of their Pantz? The pictures on the website are pretty crap. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  14. Anyone know what the Birdman BASE pantz are like for freeflying? ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  15. I hadn't jumped for about 4 and a half months and had about 100 jumps a while back, I turned up at a DZ that I had jumped at a fair few time before and was told to just get in the air and dust off the cobwebs. Went up and did a solo and pulled a bit high, next jump was back to my normal 2/3 way freefly jumps. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  16. Our work here is done. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  17. Shut up and jump already! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  18. I did that for a while, the novelty wears off after a while of spending 8 hours hanging in a harness, be carefull of ya knackers too!! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  19. As soon as I read the first sentance my heart sunk. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  20. Funny you should mention that as you haven't replied to some pretty constructive posts in the Body Works thread. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  21. Haha I can just imagine everyone having a whip round ont he way to altitude! ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  22. This guy gets more fucked up by the minute! Someone asked: "Q: so did the reserve open did your friend cut the main away what happend if ya dont mind me asking is the reserve chute in good working order Answered on Mar-15-05 A: No, he did not cut away the main. Somehow he got confused in the air and first pulled the reserve. The main, of course, stayed in the container, but since the reserve was pulled first, that was the only chance. Had he tried to pull the main, it would have either gotten tangled or just completely ejected. I am not sure if he thought about that, but there were no signs that he had even tried to touch the main handle. He should have had plenty of time, he jumped from 11,000 ft and planned on pulling at 4,500 ft. The weird thing was, when he got to the ground, his pants were unzipped, his arms somehow out of the sleeves in this wind breaker and his windbreaker unzipped. I know for a fact that when he jumped, all was in tact. He was still secured in the rig. It was strange. The weirdest part was the fact the in his wallet, a peice of paper in his handwriting had this written, "rioverua", which is backwards in french for Goodbye -au revoir. i personally wouldn't use this canopy. " ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  23. hahaha, I've got two cats and called Steve and Terry but I was going to call Terry 'Hawkin' instead. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  24. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......
  25. Yeah yeah a likely story. ------------------------------------------------------ May Contain Nut traces......