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Everything posted by VanillaSkyGirl

  1. That sounds like so much fun, and I should travel to that coast more. Plus, record jumps are always fun, esp. if they are set-up for success. I'll definitely think about it & let you know, Andrea.
  2. I want to spend the day with Skymama because I miss her. Actually, I could say the same about Bethany (Swedishcelt), Nico (Frenchy), Betsy (Pixie), Meli (Melstarr) & Alli, Sunshine, Keith, Deuce, GFD and so many others.
  3. YAY!!! Big cheers for Lisa for being soooo awesome. I look forward to seeing you and walking with our little group, again. Love and hugs and moos!
  4. Ahahaa...too funny, Rem! Congrats to SLD Force!!! Also, those Airspeed and Fury guys/girls are not too shabby!
  5. Ok, I can't stop laughing now! Seriously, yes...we all love VirginBurner and each other. We're all like one big dysfunctional family! That's fun, and yes, the internet is silly, at times. Let's shut up and jump! Can I get my SUB number now?
  6. Come one now...this is the internet, VB! I was just trying to show you a kindness. Either way, it's not a big deal. Write what you want to write. It's all good. Turtle, you are weird, dude.
  7. I assume that you are hurting, VB, but I don't know you personally. It is truly not fair to lash out at me online or in any way... Feel better, VB.
  8. *bump* Please help to support us by clicking on our sig lines or by joining us in the L.A. AIDS Walk on Sunday, Oct. 18th. Thank you to those, who have supported Lisa and the rest of us.
  9. Virgin Burner, You sound like a passionate, sensitive, creative-type. One thing that you should know is that you are never alone. While I have no clue what is happening in your life, I think that to a certain degree, I've been there. Most people, especially the passionate, caring, sensitive ones, have lives, which include waves of extreme highs and extreme lows at some point, mine included. You just need to ride out the waves, VB. Things will be back on an upward swing soon. You'll see... As for online BS, please don't let the bastards get you down. Truly. Some people don't take the internet seriously and will say the most stupid, rude things. Then again, other people on here are on meds or should be. They take this place too seriously and will try to hurt you to your core. I think that he/she/they must be hurting inside themselves to want to hurt you so badly. Do you know how many people on hate or just plain don't like me? Seriously, people will hate one another for the stupidest reasons, and it often has very little to do with you as a person. I used to care and feel deeply hurt by others' words online, but I realized how silly that actually is. VB, it's not worth it to care about people who don't give a shit about you. That said, there are SO many people who do care very much about you. Please don't act out in a negative way against yourself. If you do, you'll be giving whomever doesn't care for you, what they want. Why give in? The best revenge is none. The best thing to do is to move on and to live a good life. Wish those bastards peace out, and move onward and upward. You can do it. I believe. I believe in you and your inner strength. Keep on, keeping on...
  10. I love your work. These photos are gorgeous! Edited to add: Your doggie is beautiful.
  11. Happy birthday week, sweet Jenn! May you experience much happiness, today and always!
  12. I've also recently decided to book a cruise for the first time, so I hope that you don't mind, if I also ask questions on your thread.
  13. Have a Moovelous birthday weeend, Lisa! See you at the walk! MUAH!!!
  14. I have NEVER heard that I'm too short, and I'm 5 ft. 0 inches. I have had men of ALL heights (including 6'6" and higher) want to date me without thinking twice about my height. Those men who came up with those reasons to not date these wonderful women were not being truthful. They just didn't feel it for the women, and they were too chicken to say that they weren't into them. It's sad that they couldn't be honest about how they really felt or did not feel about them.
  15. I think it comes from people that are SO narcissistic, that they just can't possibly imagine someone that would disagree with their "obviously" superior viewpoint. They accomplish four things: 1 - they come up with a shallow "excuse" as to why the other person can agree with them - validating, in their minds, their position as the more logical one - making themselves feel like they are superior 2 - they belittle the other person - making themselves feel like they are superior 3 - they think they cut off the argument so they don't have to try any more - allowing them to rest and appreciate their feeling of self-wonderfulness 4 - something else - I like lists it's really cool - everybody's doing it edit: or......they just have chips on their shoulder and can't help but throw it out there all the time You are so right! It's humorous when people lack intelligence in a debate or argument...
  16. Hello Shah, This is not a personal attack, but although you have strong opinions, you come across as insecure and as a follower in many ways. It leads me to believe that you have had physically attractive people make fun of you, deny you and hurt you terribly within the formative years of your youth. Perhaps, you were thought of as unattractive, and perhaps your self-esteem was whittled away by the cruel, beautiful ones, when you were young. (This is just a theory, please do not take this as a hurtful statement.) It's interesting because you still seem to be lost as to how to deal with the power, which you feel that "beautiful people" hold over you. Therefore, you've become their biggest cheerleader/fan. It's almost to the degree of a cult follower, chanting how great your leaders are, and why you need to follow them. It's just an observation. I'm not putting you down, and freedom of speech means that you are free to write whatever you'd like to write. That said, I don't know if you truly are free from the past, when you write what you write. There seems to be deep-rooted pain. Of course, I could be wrong. In any case, just think about it. There could be something there that is driving you to think, feel, write as you do. That said, I believe that some of your posts come across as hurtful and terribly superficial, which is why so many people are riled up. It's difficult for people to believe that you are just this superficial and shallow. I don't think that it's possible for you to be this way without some painful experience from your past, but then again, I tend to believe the best of people. In any case, I wish you well.
  17. Thank you for teaching your daughters this, so that they hopefully grow up with a healthy self-esteem and value themselves for something other than superficial assets.
  18. How cool and ironic. I also deactivated my FB account down this morning. I'm simplifying my life and am refocusing my immediate goals, now that JFTC is over. Deactivating my facebook page will allow me to be more productive with non-skydiving goals/work. I'll return, eventually. I'm not too worried about the whole thing. It's difficult to leave behind such an extensive form of contact (especially my daily contact with the bigway community) for long.
  19. Some of my exs ARE my friends on FB, although it doesn't matter now because I've deactivated my profile (temporarily...maybe). Even the people whom I might not be FB "friends" with, I wish them well. It's pointless to be vindictive. If my exs look are doing great, then that is fantastic. I would hope that they are happy with or without me. I'm sure that they feel the same way towards me.
  20. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, Lisa. Please do not ever feel guilty for not knowing what your brother was probably working very hard to cover up. I'm sure that he would not want you to feel badly about this. Remember that you are a beautiful person and are very much loved.
  21. It was my pleasure, sweetie. My cell is dead, and I just got back from San Diego. I'll write back to you, soon. Muah!