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Everything posted by VanillaSkyGirl

  1. The JFTC Raffle is tomorrow afternoon - Aug. 15th!! Please donate to a worthy cause and also get the chance to win 10 minutes of tunnel, 3 chances at 25% off Aerodyne prod, several Jumpshack % off certificates for Main, Rig, Reserve, 30% off Velocity Certificate, FREE Liquid Eyewear, case, etc. & The LATEST prize is: 50% off Tony Intro. or any Tony Suit See photos of some winning items attached!
  2. My photographer friend, Jeff Bender, is also selling his signed prints of some celebrities and donating 90% of the funds to JFTC!!! Here are the ebay listing item numbers.... 150365879231 - No Doubt 150365879920 - No Doubt 150365880214 - No Doubt 150365881806 - Gwen Stefani 150365882710 - Johnny Knoxville Please let me know, if you have any more questions. Thanks!
  3. Thank you so much for doing this for us, Andrea. I have about $814.05 left to raise before Saturday. Therefore, I extended my JFTC raffle until this Saturday. The following are the prizes: * 10 minutes of tunnel time - iFly Hollywood * 35% off certificate - Jumpshack Racer * 35% off certificate for a Custom Racer * 30 % off certificate for a new Infinity Rig * 3 x certificates for 25% off Aerodyne Rig * 25% off certificate on Firebolt Elliptical 9-cell canopy * 25% off AngelFire Reserve * FREE Jumpshack T-shirt * FREE Liquid Eyewear (Tinted Glasses w/ case, pouch, cord & Liquid sticker) * JFTC Pink Ribbon ducks + dinner paid by me post jump day at SD Elsinore or Perris Please PM me for raffle tickets, and I'll PM you your raffle ticket numbers. I'm having the raffle on Saturday at approximately 3 pm, but please try to purchase tickets online by 2 pm to be safe. You may use my JFTC link (see my sig line), or for faster payment & ticket info, you may also paypal me. [email protected] is my paypal email address. Thank you!
  4. Yes, thank you so much, John and Valinda! We love you both, and are very proud of all of the fundraising that you, Valinda, Lysa, Billy, etc. are doing for Lupus research. I hope to join you at next year's event.
  5. This Sunday, August 9th, I'm beginning the auction for photographic signed prints of No Doubt, Gwen Stefani and Johnny Knoxville --- all donated for JFTC fundraising. I'll end the auction on Tuesday online at 10 pm. I'll be in touch. Please PM or facebook or text me, if you'd like to submit a bid. I'll post tonight to describe the photo prints, once I pick them up, tonight. Thanks!
  6. Boneanza Boogie!!! They are canopy flocking & fun jumping today. There is a lingerie jump at sunset. Tomorrow & Sunday, there will be all kind of organized jumps, heli jump, the waterslide & the party at night! I'll be there tomorrow fundraising for JFTC with: * Pink ribbon rubber ducks * JFTC raffle tickets for Sunday's raffle * Jello shots (brought by Lisa H) at night! * Prints (signed Gwen Stefani, No Doubt & Johnny Knoxville) for auction on Sunday Don't forget to bring your cowboy hat and boots for the Wet & Wild West party on Saturday night! See you there!
  7. Wishing you a very happy birthday, MNEALTX!!!
  8. Sorry Wally. Here you go: That's awesome...what your son is doing.
  9. Yes, this is THE one & only Lou Diamond.
  10. It's the video of a little Korean woman getting revenge on a would-be purse snatcher! She basically kicked his a**.
  11. Remi, you're gross. Hahaha. My Korean female friend, whom I went to college with many years ago, sent this. That's where I got it, you freak!
  12. Strange. I hope that things pick up for you at work!
  13. Where is everyone, today? Hmmm...
  14. Apparently, you don't want to mess with Korean girls...
  15. I will begin the auction on Sunday, August 9th on the final day of the Boneanza Boogie at Skydive Elsinore. I'll let you know the starting prices, once I get an idea from the photographer, Jeff Bender of how much they will be going for, which I should know in a day or so. You may also submit a price to me, and I might just make it the minimum bid for the item. Jeff already got the Johnny Knoxville's print signed, and he is in the process of getting back the print (or prints) from the No Doubt crew, including Gwen Stefani. If anyone would like to submit the minimum bid early online, then I strongly urge you guys to let me know, asap. It will be easier to write down your names prior to beginning, than during the auction. I'm very excited about this!
  16. The best heroes are those who are also humble, like you. John Mitchell, you are a man with good judgement and consistent heroic tendencies. You make a strikingly positive difference in this world, and we love you for that. Thank you for being our hero.
  17. She is so beautiful and precious. Thank you for sharing her photo with us, Ian. Congratulations and warm hugs to all three of you!
  18. Omg, you did NOT just call yourself shy, did you??? Love you, baby girl! xoxoxoxoxox
  19. I just took a long hot bath, so I'm wrapped in a towel. That almost counts!
  20. Wishing you a beautiful birthday week, Valinda! Sending my love to you!
  21. i love you, dear Alaura. Happy Birthday, again! You've never looked better!
  22. I'm so glad to hear that you are recovering well. Sending lots of prayers, hugs, love and best wishes for continued health & happiness for both you and Lynn!
  23. Wishing you a very happy birthday, Mr. Squeak! Enjoy Africa with your lovely lady!
  24. Happy, happy birthday, Rookie!!!