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Everything posted by VanillaSkyGirl

  1. Congratulations John, Tara, JT, Joe and everyone else on the jumps!
  2. 1. Time 2. Happy family and friends 3. A trip around the world with the company of my choice...
  3. Whoa, DON'T address your comments to me, dude. I have NOTHING to do with this thread. I was just saying "hello" to Val!
  4. There's always a hug and cuddle for Val! Damn, I miss you. I'm so glad that you made an appearance on here, despite being in your "pretending to work" mode.
  5. You're the best, Val! We MUST catch up, soon. I'll message you my cell. My old cell died a few months back and took all of my contacts with it. I hope that all is well with you, Val!
  6. Thanks for the laugh! Now, step off, Rem. I don't cuddle.
  7. She's all talk. Hahaha, I miss Val!!! I miss the old posters from a few years back. It's just NOT the same at all. I even miss you, Remi!
  8. Happy birthday, Nataly!!! I'm glad that everything worked out for you! Fyi, I love having smooth skin everywhere daily, even if nobody else gets to feel my legs/body. That said, both Orchid and I don't live in the U.K. We get around via cars (instead of taking the Underground), have awesome bathrooms in our homes with all the hot water that we could need and have weather that is much kinder to our skin, than people do in some other countries. Living in the UK guarantees cold weather, perhaps smaller bathrooms and tougher conditions on the skin. If it doesn't bother you to not shave, I think that your priorities are just fine under your circumstances, Nataly. I love the UK, and I hope to meet you soon, lovely girl!!!
  9. Actually, calling Lisa H. a "confetti cow" is much more appropriate. Love her themed confetti!
  10. That he doesn't give enough of a shit to lie or sugar coat the subject. Me neither.
  11. This IT you speak IT that picture with the V neck + Push up bra? Ok, I'll be nice... Sometimes, people fail to learn or change because they have a closed mind. They keep doing the same things and expect different outcomes. They don't realize that not everything or everyone falls into the same categories as their past. Obviously, Shah's comments to women, including his comments to myself, are not about us, but they speak volumes about Shah. His perception and his past color his present. Since his reality is skewed, he fails to see how something or someone could be different, than what he has come to expect. He expects me to be a large (sooo funny) or unattractive woman because of my views. He expects that I would be interested in a man who ignored me and talked to my friend. What he doesn't realize is that he doesn't know me better, than I know myself. Those men wouldn't have a shot in hell with me. I know this. People who know me, also know that it's true, that I like to be treated very well. Those people point out Shah's mistake online, and it goes over his head. Shah doesn't get it. So what does Shah's post show? That he hasn't yet met a woman, who is healthy and happy with herself. He hasn't known well the women, who try to be as beautiful on the inside as society claims that they are on the outside. He decides that women like this are a farce because a woman cannot be all of those things - nice, pretty, thin, happy, funny, healthy, strong, etc. Unlike the unicorn, women like this exist.
  12. That BS would never work on me, either. I like being treated well, and I would not give a man the time of day, if he tried to put me down. I agree with every post that you have made, Kmills0705.
  13. Thanks to all of you for your replies. I would LOVE to meet with the Brit skydiving community. I will continue to post updates as I go forward with my plans. So far, I have my airline tickets bought so far, and that's it. I still need to find a nice, yet affordable hotel and decide upon an itinerary. All help with any of this is much appreciated, and I am very excited to meet some of you in December!
  14. That is so cool, Gia. If you can post or PM information, I'd love to hear more about that. Maybe I can volunteer next year.
  15. Thank you, everyone! I've been to London before, many years ago. I traveled throughout Europe several times when I was in my 20s, but going back at this point is more for a getaway & to soak in a different culture, than the more exotic locations that I've traveled to since then. I almost feel like I want to lean towards theatre, fashion, art, rather than just hitting touristy spots. I welcome any more ideas, that have not been mentioned.
  16. You are so kind. Thank you, Nataly. I really appreciate any and all of the help that is offered on this trip. It's a bit of a spontaneous addition to my initial holiday trip to Austria/Germany with my mother, so I have nothing in mind already planned in London. Of course, I have plenty of time to decide what to do. Hopefully, I can also meet you, at some point.
  17. My mother and I are taking a cruise from Austria to Germany during the Christmas holiday. It's a very quick trip, since my mother has little time to spare due to her hectic schedule. I hate the idea of going all the way to Europe without returning to the very first place that I ever visited in Europe. Therefore, I decided to book a mini-long weekend trip n London by myself. It's been just over 20 years, since I've visited London. I arrive into Heathrow in the daytime on Thursday the 17th of December. My flight to Austria leaves on the afternoon of Monday, December 21st. I booked the airline tickets just now, and I have nothing planned so far. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts about interesting possible places to visit in the few days that I'll be in London by myself. Also, where should I stay away from, and what restaurants are recommended? I'd also like to know about the weather, so I will know how bundled I will need to be during this period. Lastly, perhaps I could meet with some of you for lunch one afternoon or for a mini group dinner? Let me know...thanks!
  18. Why can't you call him and tell him what is bothering you and why? I don't understand why some people cannot just communicate in person, instead of posting about things like this on Edited to add: Be careful with how you approach certain issues because you might also be partially to blame by not communicating well with him. You don't know his point of view, yet. For instance, they may have thought that you were gone for the weekend, instead of grocery shopping, so his GF parked in your spot. Just find a way to solve the problem without negativity towards the GF issue, since he will most likely defend her actions or see your rant as an attack on his relationship.
  19. Exactly. I don't really talk much about actors or care much either way, but Hillary Swank is the real deal in terms of acting. She is not a Hollywood princess, either. Her and her mother moved to L.A. from Washington, and she even lived out of her car at one point. She is not one who is acting just to be a celebrity. She is authentic. Initially, Hilary was propelled into fame due to her talent as an actress and to the fact that she received an Oscar at such a young age early in her career as an actress. Also, she generally stays out of the lime light and doesn't seem to go out clubbing or to places "to be seen". However, she is not seen doing stupid human tricks among the young Hollywood scene. That said, she does promote her work, which includes interviews on shows, such as Leno's. It's imperative, that a lead actress or actor do that as part of her contract. I think it's unfair that there is such speculation or doubt about some actors' private lives or interests, in general. They're only human. If an actor/actress talks about or is excited by jumping, that is very, very cool and good PR for our sport. Maybe Hilary did jump a few times many years ago. If so, good for her. Either way, I still respect her acting, which has nothing to do with skydiving.