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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Nope. But, if you have and can enlighten us all about their opening characteristics, then please do. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is interested. - Jim
  2. This sounds dangerous. Are you saying that the Velocity does not open on heading, but rather just opens in whatever direction it wants to? Please explain. - Jim
  3. This is getting off the topic of this thread, but how did you get holes in the bottom of your canopy? Or maybe you put them there as 'packing vents'.
  4. Some DZs and some instructors won't allow students to jump with a full face. It was already mentioned that a tinted lens might cause problems with instructors, it will also prevent you from hearing the radio if you haven't been signed off yet. - Jim
  5. There's no pictures of boyfriends, but there is a picture of someone getting felt up!
  6. I think it's 'right turn, stop on heading, left turn', is that right? - Jim
  7. Sounds scarier riding them down then simply climbing out. They're going to get a point where it's no longer safe to dump even your reserve - then the fear sets in, I imagine.
  8. Jimbo

    buying Icarus

    They've got to pay for all those relines and shipping somehow.
  9. I would think that knowing how to skydive would be helpful.
  10. Red Carpet Inn - Ask for the room with 3 king size beds and get 9 of your friends to go in on it with you. I think it's usually about 7 bucks a person.
  11. I'll be there. Stacy will be there. Kelly will be there. Everyone has to make at least one skydive at freeze fest, and that's all most will make. This year should be interesting though, it's looks like it's going to be a lot warmer than it was last year. Either way - Freeze Fest is a good time, people should come.
  12. It shouldn't be difficult to figure out. It's not exact, but it's got to be close. Cost per unit: ~$1000.00 Batteries: ~$600.00 (Replace every 2 years) Service cost: ~$500.00? (2 4YR Services) Total: $2100.00 I listed the per unit cost at $1000.00, retail is a bit higher, but there are always dealers offering these things for less than $1000.00, I think I chose a nice middle ground. I'm not sure what a 4 year service costs, I think it's around $250.00. Finally, I'm not sure if batteries are included in the 4 and 8 year maintenance, my numbers assume that batteries are an additional cost. If batteries are included in the 4 and 8 year services the total cost will be lower. There isn't a 12 year service, yet, so that doesn't factor into over all cost. Anyhow - $2100.00 / 12 = $175.00 per year, assuming a 12 year life span. - Jim
  13. Can't let a swoop meet at Z-Hills go by without this little gem found on rec.skydiving.
  14. Damn you California people. Here in the northeast that's shorts and a tshirt weather.
  15. Sounds like you should have a chat with the folks at your DZ. This should have been covered in your AFF class. That said, assuming that you didn't have the time to cut away - pulling your reserve is certainly better than nothing. The more nylon over your head the better. Two out is a dangerous thing though - you run the risk of creating a downplane, or worse a canopy entanglement where neither canopy is completely open or flying. I've seen both, a giant mess of canopy reserve and main after an ugly CReW accident, and watched another jumper with 2 out go into a downplane. They're not a good place to be. After all that, it is possible for the risers to become entangled as well The best way to avoid either situation is to have a good handle on your emergency procedures. Know which situations will require a cut away, know your decision altitude (When you're going to cut away), and finally remember to keep a cool head in an emergency. I guess the answer to your question is yes, the main risers can get in the way of the reserve risers and cause a whole lot of problems that might affect your ability to land, or at least your ability to land in one unbroken piece. - Jim
  16. That helps explain why they always wanted people jumping a Crossfire at least one size smaller than their Safire during the demo tour.
  17. I think it means that if you get slammed under your reserve that you can ask your rigger to slow it down a little during the repack. Alternatively, if your reserve take a little longer than your comfortable with you could ask your rigger to speed things up a bit. Obviously, this just demonstrates that different packing technique will yield different openings. I can't see any reason to pack differently for different jumpers. The main concern is to get the thing out and open. - Jim
  18. Rigger Rob Said: And then Mountain Man took that to mean this: No. It doesn't mean that a Safire 169 is the same square footage as a PD 169. What it means is that Icarus has agreed to, sometime in the future, begin measuring their canopies with the same system that the majority of other manufacturers use. That doesn't make the 169 you have the same as a 169 that someone else may have, they might be, they might not. How do you find out for sure? Call Icarus and ask. Their telephone number is published on the website, they also have a form to send them email if you can't afford the phone call or if you prefer to remain anonymous. For the sake of clarity, I prefer a phone call. Believe the manufacturer - nobody knows their product better than they do. Calling them works everytime and you're sure to get the correct answer (If you ask the correct question.) You never know what you'll get by asking here. - Jim
  19. My understanding though is that anyone with a pressure chamber can check the FXC - Every Cypres has to go back to Airtek. That's not an endorsment of the FXC - just something people should probably know. - Jim Help with cancer research here.
  20. You eat bull shit with people?
  21. I think they're saying it's your ass if you use the thing longer than you're supposed to. That shouldn't be a problem though - your rigger is required to remove it during the repack cycle if it's out of date. Help with cancer research here.
  22. My God! Did they all have 50 lbs of lead with them? That's FAST for a belly dive. Done that a couple of times when I couldn't make it down. It's a really cool place to watch a skydive from. Be careful though - it would suck to have one of them deploy into you! - Jim Help with cancer research here.
  23. The number one reason to own a pro track. Log jumps when you feel like it. It's not uncommon for me to go months without logging a jump, then on a rainy day sit down with the pro track and see what I've done. All that and an audible too.
  24. Or learn how to use a sewing machine. It's not that hard. Help with cancer research here.