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Everything posted by b1jercat

  1. Yo, buy a pair of rain pants and burn a few holes in the front, no need to spend 400.00$ on a 60.00$ set of gear. blues jerry
  2. Student gear is usually rigged to open fast, it will all go away when you get on your own gear. Suck it up and good luck. blues jerry
  3. I'll take two of no. 57 please. blues jerry
  4. Soon, gotta get some gear togeather, just odered a new infinity, so I have cash flow problems for the next monuth or so. blues jerry
  5. Hey I'm right there too. I have a slot for bridge day and I made two jumps on a tri 260 this weekend and I'm thinking maybe something a little bigger. I plan on makeing my first base jump at bridge day. As near as I can tell base is not like skydiveing, base landings is where the rubber meets the road. I'll keep you posted. blues jerry
  6. Watch out for these two assholes.
  7. Heres a pic of that winning hair, enjoy. blues jerry
  8. Might have been stopped by this guy. Just in the nick of time. blues jerry
  9. I don't know what was more funny, the cartoon or some of the reactions too it.LOL blues jerry Add For you guys who need to restrain yourselves, heres how.
  10. Didn't I just prove your point?
  11. I would argue that OBL walking around alive and free is more of an incentive for terrorist to fight than some silly film.
  12. Question: What US president has taken the most vacation days?
  13. How about my personal favorite, Art Bell, he was a riot around Y2K. blues jerry
  14. Done deal. blues jerry
  15. Would you perfer that I post his pm's to me to make a point? AS if. blues jerry
  16. Think borrowed time. blues jerry
  17. We have been down this road before, The people that served with Kerry are still saying he is a standup guy. blues jerry
  18. Full circle. Deans off the menu. blues jerry
  19. Got to give Sr. credit for doing a couple of jump even if landing conditions were too sketchy for him to jump solo. Rock on Sr. blues jerry