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Everything posted by Luv2Fall

  1. Got my E1 out of the way Friday!
  2. Luv2Fall

    I DID IT!!!!!!!

    Outfreakingstanding! I think that people today do not fold to a diagnosis without one hell of a's too damn short.
  3. Jessie Jackson Bill Wallace Joe Lewis Keith Halfick Jeff Smith Former Senator Chuck Robb .............and a couple of others.
  4. You're too nice..........very well thought out and written though.....speaks volumes.
  5. I was going to post the same thing, but you beat me to it.
  6. Damn skippy I have! Things just didn't feel right, at all. There would have been a time that had I done that, I would have never shown my face at the DZ again. Now I'm at the age that I couldn't give a rat's ass LOL.
  7. Oh Heather, I'm so sorry. He's such a cute little rascal. Know that both you and your dog are in my thoughts and prayers.
  8. Trust me, mam, I know how you feel.........the East Coast weather has been so screwed up that there are times (out of frustration) I want to throw in the towel as I have been plugging at it since last November. Hang tight, it will all fall together soon.
  9. Virginia's weather has been and continues to be shitty.
  10. Luv2Fall


    Not only was D-Day significant in WWII, it serves as a reminder to Virginia, my home State, of the sacrifices that were made by its young men, particulary those of Bedford County. The 116th Infantry received the mission of leading the 29th Infantry ashore, the only National Guard Regiment to participate in the first wave at Omaha Beach that day. The "Stonewall Brigade" had responsibility for a section of beach 3,000 yards long but containing only two passages inland. The regiment had the task of opening both routes so that succeeding units could drive inland. Company A was hit hardest. They suffered more losses getting ashore than any other unit of the 116th. Forty-six guardsmen from Bedford were in the company, but only twenty-three survived that day. The 116th later went on to earn the Presidential Unit's Cititation. I hope to, on day, visit Bedford to see the recently unvailed monument, "Operation Overlord", honoring these brave Virginians. I understand that Company A is still serving proudly.
  11. I really don't know what to believe in about crows and death. I've hear "they carry away the soul of the departed" - I find this stuff hard to believe, but there are many true stories in circulation about this stuff to include yours. I will admit that a few weeks ago I was driving home after a jump and there was a crow on the side of the road who watched my approach, passing by and the rear end of my truck (caught a quick glimsp of that from the rear view mirrow). It "spooked" me just a little as the first thought that came to my mind is "I must have cheated death today". Who knows?
  12. Luv2Fall

    martial arts

    I retired from the Army but never got the chance to visit Okinawa. My Master was born, raised and trained in Okinawa and moved to the States as a young man. So my kempo training was here. Of 26 years of teaching, I was my master's 17th Black Belt........he trained as he was trained thus the low number of earned Dan Ranks under him inspite of large numbers of people who start out with him..........very unique, highly disciplined and traditional man.
  13. Luv2Fall

    martial arts

    From 1974 to 1996 - 2d Dan - Okinawan Kempo Karate 1st Dan (Certified by USKA) Okinawan Kempo Karate Belts in Judo and American Free Style Karate Boxing - Wrestling I'm a fan and a diehard believer in mixed MA.
  14. GB - good luck on your jumps. The weather on the East Coast has really put a damper on my progression as well.
  15. Direct to the manufacturer was what I was getting at.
  16. You can ship it back, to my understanding and experience, to a manufacturer........otherwise, you'll need a dealer to do it for you.
  17. Either UPS or FEDEX is fine. I've used UPS.....go to the main office in your area.......obviously no ammo.......I shipped w/o a mag, filled out the paperwork and off it went w/o a hitch.
  18. So you admit that he is just a boy Now that wasn't nice, Mike.
  19. Maybe I haven't had enough jumps. I have only eleven, but know darn well I haven't as the loads include ladies. It's fucking killing me, but so far so good. I had that attitude, also, when I first began to date my wife. I swore that I would never, never, never fart in front of her. Dating was freakin miserable as the change in diet that often accompanies dating, was screwing me up. I couldn't wait to get into my car and haul ass away from her place. Anyway, that changed one night while spending the night with her (I'm a sinner so what LOL). Here we were butt-ass naked in a deep sleep and my system starts to have a mind of its own. As I was sleeping - ass against her stomach and her left arm over top of me - my ass exploded - so loud and long it woke the both of us up. I played it cool and pretended I was still asleep - I hear nothing from her, but she was giggling underneath her breath as I felt it from her body. The next morning, she told me what happened and I couldn't hold a straight face and laughed my ass off and told her my version. Anyway, that was the first fart of many in the presence of my wife. Maybe one day, something will similarly "ms?" happen in the plane, but it hasn't yet. grammer is lacking LOL.
  20. I just hold it with everything I've got..........gets uncomfortable but it just magically goes away once I exit.
  21. There's hardly anything that or anyone who can come close to a damn good NCO.
  22. Both my wife and I have received a call from him prior to my dropping charges. He profusely apologized and offered to replace my mailbox which I declined (in a nice way) as I know what privates earn. In the long run, I think he'll be fine.