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Everything posted by Luv2Fall

  1. A couple of weeks ago, a 19 year old Marine (home from the weekend from Infantry School in NC) hit my 16 year old son but the young man got the surprise of his life. My son, his girlfriend and a few other friends of theirs decided to see a movie. So my son called this girl from school to see if she wanted to go. She told him that she wouldn't be able to that night as her boyfriend was on weekend pass and with her. To my knowledge he got pissed and told my son he was going to kick his ass............all of this happening without my knowledge. I had just gotten back late from the DZ and was "throwing dinner together" in the kitchen for the family. I told my son to go down to the mailbox and to get our mail. Guess who was waiting on him? This young Pvt and three of his other buddies. My son's friend went to the box with him and was a witness. My son told the young man that he did not want to fight and that he was only 16 years of age....the young man didn't want to listen. He kept begging my son to hit him first. I have worked enough with my son and he knew that to sum total of this guy's hand-to-hand experience was primarily defensive. The Marine took off his shirt (dumb move but my son didn't take advantage) stating that he didn't want my son's blood on his shirt. He then swung and hit my son on the left cheek and it was all over with for this young man. Little did he know that my son is a mixed martial artist. I use to teach Okinawan Kempo and trained him in the same...............he has been the State Judo Champion (twice) in his Division and one hell of a High School Wrestler..........he is smart and knows what will and will not work in the street. This guy (I shit you not) literally cried and begged my son to let go of him. My son really messed this guys face up bad and this guy was bleeding every where. The other Marines were going to step in but my son's friend told them to back off or he was going to get me out there. Anyway, after about five minutes both my son and his friend came barrelling into the house informing me of what happened. I was "shocked" sorta. I was going to let this go as my son wasn't hurt except for a swollen cheek LOL and I knew that this young man had enough embarrassment to deal with and that that would be enough for him to deal with. Also, the prospect of his going off to the desert would help mature him. My son also told me as these guys were driving off that this guy said it wasn't over with yet. Pride is a terrible thing especially when you don't have ass enough to back it up. My wife drove up around thirty minutes later and asked me what happened to the mailbox. My son muttered "Oh Shit". These Marines left about 15 feet of tire marks at my mailbox and "destroyed" my mailbox. Well, if they want to be like that fine. I reported this young man to the police. The police went over to this guy's girlfriend's house to only have this young Marine deny everything. The officer knew he was lying as his face was really messed up. Anyway, the guy was brought in and is being charged with "Assault & Btry". I hated to do this but this guy would not stop fucking up. He should have never came over to my place (on the road) but in front of my house, he was told my son was a minor and he came back to mess up my mailbox. Not only will he be facing the civilian courts, his First Sergeant has been fully briefed in this incident, by me. The Marine Corp is going to take care of this young man all probability a Court Martial. I feel bad as this is going to mess up his stint or career, but enough is enough. What would you have done?
  2. Luv2Fall

    Women suck

    You mean I don't?! LOL - I don't think I will either.
  3. Luv2Fall

    Women suck

    Damn....I messed up! I have waited on my wife hand and foot for years now. When is it my turn LOL?
  4. Luv2Fall

    Women suck

    I have seen that time and time again..........makes life interesting at times.
  5. A split second after I exited.......nothing in this world can compare.
  6. Thank you all for the great advice. The rascal is doing much better today as I think he is more comfortable with his surroundings. He won't let me out of his sight and he and I both collasped with exhaustion last night. I had bought him a bed, layed by him and woke up by him this morning LOL.
  7. As a condition of the contract with the county to adopt "Buddy", I have to have him neutered.......might do the trick or help?
  8. Picked up a male Beagle at the County Animal Shelter today. He is approximately a year old.....just beautiful. The dog listens well, let me give him a bath and loves everyone in the house. His disposition is perfect. I'm very excited about having him. The rascal can't seem to get enough water and I think I can pretty much attribute that to some "dehydration". The only "problem" is, that he doesn't think twice about cocking his hound leg and pissing on things. Two things.......the dog is either not house broken or is possibly staking his new territory. His behavior and "understanding" of what I tell him leaves me no doubt that he once belong to a "decent" home and that he maybe housebroken, given his age also. If he is, is what he's doing (pissing) every chance he gets normal as he is in new surroundings?
  9. I watched my trainig video three times this a nutshell, my arms and hands are tensed. While both standing and then lying on the floor, I felt the tension in my arms and hands....made a conscious effort to relax them and got the feel of them being relaxed. Gonna jump again tommorrow and try to nail it.
  10. My thoughts and prayers to the families of the slain officers of the NYPD...........tragic.
  11. I can hardly respond to this thread anymore. I will share how I feel......nothing more. When servicemen and servicewomen enlist/receive commission, in theory they know what they are getting into......but, in reality they don't. There are things that must be experienced to be understood......and often times they are the things that haunt you for the rest of your life. These folk train for combat and when they do face the elephant, the sounds, smells, fear, faces and wide array of emotions don't leave you.....sleeping is something you dread sometimes. Sacrifices go with the "job", but it doesn't make it sacrifice your individualty, sleep, your body, your mind, your family and love ones, your safety....sometimes decent food or food at all, your free time and sometimes your innocence. You change! The time missed from love ones can never be replaced and is extremely painful during deployments and other separations. Stability in living arrangements is something is one's distance past.........always, always moving. America has always looked up to and respected the men and women who serve as symbols of freedom.....the freedom we all enjoy wasn't free......sometime a while back a dear, dear price was paid for it. Are many of the things the military are involved in today to secure our freedom?....NO..................but that isn't the point in how our military personnel are often looked at. The bond between service members, particulary those involved in combat operations, are much, much stronger than those of family cannot be explained. My heart becomes heavy anytime I read of members of our military being killed whether they are engaged in combat or in training's something that can't be explained. These men will fight to the death for each other.......they're closer than blood brothers. This country isn't perfect, but I'm extremely proud of it and am thankful I was born is a great country. The freedoms we enjoy are second to none. We can be who we want to be.....we have choices......choices that people in other countries do not have. Why? There were men who willing to do whatever it took to pay the cost of freedom for ALL of us today...................and thank God there are men and women who still answer the call of military service. Not everyone can's not meant for all to serve.......but for the one's who do, they have my respect and prayers. Sorry for the long post...................
  12. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of these fallen hits home hard. Staff Sergeant U.S. Army Retired
  13. Held up very well......quite pleased. Was afraid to chance it Saturday, but Sunday the weather was (again) so beautiful I couldn't pass it up. Thanks for asking.
  14. Great advise all......thanks! The video doesn't show any obvious JM thinks that when I started to spin "I tried too hard not to"......relaxation problem?
  15. Thanks so makes sense. Well, I "aborted" the pull and went back into a neutral position and arched to get stable again and that's when the fast spins got cranked up.
  16. Failed my C-2 (1-JM Release) for the second time yesterday. The first time, I had a slow right spin, stopped it and then started left slow spins. Yesterday, I had it nailed right after getting stable (almost immediately) after exit at 15,000 feet and had a wonderful stable fall until 6,000 feet when I locked on......I started spinning. The more I "tried to relax, the quicker the spins began.....they got so fast my JM tried docking to me twice to no avail. I then couldn't see my altimeter, worried as hell about line twists......I pulled.......luckily, no line twists. I was under canopy at 3,000 feet. Had an uneventful canopy ride and a great stand-up landing. I had the jump nailed until the end. I really don't know what happened or why. My JM said I tried too hard. He claims it was the best student C-2 jump he has ever seen until the end. Any suggestions or advice? I will do this jump for the third time, but no more as I truly can't afford to failing again anytime soon. Thanks.
  17. Thank you all for the advise......I have some things to think about. Went ahead and jumped today (couldn't let two beautiful days pass) and didn't have any problems. Still......I have to do some thinking.
  18. Thanks for your response. An MRI has revealed that my left shoulder's rotator cup has been completely torn and surgery was recommended a couple of years back. I had two steriod shots in that shoulder and pain wise it is still holding up very well. Obviously, I have knowingly been jumping like that without any problems - so far. A new right "deployment" shoulder has acted up worse than my left shoulder ever did.....two steriod shots within a month and the shoulder is still bothering me in a way the left did not although I do have "some" relief. Symptoms are quite the same in that I definately have an "impingment". Now I'm extremely shy of jumping for my own safety.....had a beautiful day, yesterday, to jump but I did not as I was very shy of that shoulder and dislocations is now a real concern as this shoulder doesn't feel as "sturdy" as the left. Not quite sure what to do at the moment as I still want to skydive and at the same time I'm trying to avoid the "horrid" post surgery recovery time.
  19. Was reading the thread dealing with shoulder dislocations in the Incident Forum and was wondering if anyone here jumps with unrepaired rotor cups. If so, did your shoulder ever become dislocated either in freefall or parachute opening?
  20. I agree........the people are tops, the York River is beautiful from above and it's one big family there.
  21. I have a "standard" green & gray of my favorites. They are very intelligent and are great little talkers. Possessing the intelligence that the Quakers do, be sure to keep plenty of bird toys or rotate his/hers toys as to prevent boredom for these guys. Their only "downfall" that I'm aware of is even if the Quaker has bonded to you, he is extremely territorial and doesn't appreciate a hand in his cage. Away from their cage......a delightful little bird.
  22. I know..........I just couldn't think of the name of them while happens when you are over 40 LOL.
  23. Whooooooo Hooooooo!!! Came in today and it is in great shape!
  24. Luv2Fall


    Actually China LOL.