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Everything posted by Luv2Fall

  1. Congrats! Can't wait to see a picture of that little rascal.
  2. I had mixed feelings about the "authencity" of a Tandem being a jump for quite a while. Eventually, I considered it a jump......Spec Opns use them sometimes............I really don't know how else to classify a Tandem. Out of curiousity only, what do you classify the Tandem as being...........I'm open to anything.
  3. Deployments are always bad timing........I came close to missing the birth of my youngest son. I wish you and yours the best.......stay strong as deployments are not forever (although they feel that way). Be safe, come home and hold on tightly to your family. I'm retired Army (although we don't know each other) and if you ever need someone with whom to talk, logon when possible - I'll be here.....I do know soldiers. Godspeed
  4. I don't have the experience to be of any help here at, but I do know enough to say if one isn't comfortable jumping - don't......there will always be next time. I weenied out of a jump already........two tandems were great, Cat B AFF was incredible......said no to my C-1 (the first time). It was the sunset load, been waiting around all freakin day because of the then I was worn. The high altitude winds were strong, spotter and pilot missed the exit run, circled around again, was just beginning to get dark, polit jerked the plane...could be out of frustration or could have been the winds..I don't know. I do know that I turned to one of my JM's and told him I wasn't going to did not feel right. Next week, I had a perfect C-1 jump where both JM's released me.
  5. Only two....... Skydive The Point & Skydive Virginia
  6. Luv2Fall

    why Zeemax?

    Mine's self-explanatory..........just can't beat that feeling.
  7. Puny little fellow, isn't he? I've had steriod shots for both of my shoulders....I want my money back because they are still the same size.
  8. Don't ever apologize for the above. Your acquisition and whatever financial means used to obtain the same is no one's business. Get it exactly the way you want it and JUMP THE HELL OUT OF IT as funds become available. Personally, I'm extremely happy for you. Hehehehe - I'm gonna have to do some awful good singing & dancing when my wife finds out how much a decent rig is gonna cost LOL. I'll keep it a secret a bit longer.
  9. Luv2Fall

    Euthanized Feline

    So sorry to hear's a hard thing to deal with. I had my vet put my very best friend "Pee Wee" to sleep three years still hurts and I still miss him. My condolences.
  10. Luv2Fall


    Well, at least they didn't have to use a lot of ink on his organ.
  11. My DZ is closed today......three other DZ's I could have went to are under a different a student, I've gotta let every jump count. I'm not real happy about this weekend, but that's life and there is always next weekend.
  12. The rewards are priceless.
  13. long as I get laid!
  14. Tandem, of course........two tandems, enrolled in AFF and working on my fourth AFF jump.
  15. Right on! Those with a true "chemical imbalance" benefit from meds........
  16. O.K, if you don't mind a "religious" perspective and if you can live through my spelling. I'm not totally religious but I am spiritual and that has led me to a lot of study...primarily that of Biblical teachings/doctrines or what have you. This is just my personal perspective although I may stray LOL. There is basically three types of love found in the NT Greek - the original language in which the NT was written. Forgive my spelling......the first is "Agopa" Love which means a God-Like, sacrificial love in which you expect nothing in return. You will do anything to purpose that person's good......very committed, sacrificial and based upon a purpose other than what you may feel with your emotions. The second is "Phlio" a brotherly love........a love that we feel for family members (other than spouse & kids, I feel) and close friends.........based on many things but also on feelings, warm feelings. The third (my favorite, I'm sorry I meant to say the most fun) is "Eros" a fleshly, erotic and maybe "selfish" love in which you "see yourself" and also gain gratification from.........very, very short lived. Many relationships don't make it past this stage to something more committed. Now, that I have even throughly confused myself......I hope this helps a little.
  17. It's a long story..........I've been married that long, but as a former martial arts instructor and a retired soldier........I've learned a lot of mental "games" to cope and have learned a lot of patience. I don't, however, recommend this to anyone LOL.
  18. I wish you the best my friend.
  19. This has been the fortunate and pretty much the highlight of my In-Laws....I was very lucky here.
  20. BINGO! long as it is reflected.
  21. Ummmmmmmm.....yeah......OK......I don't mean to be negative as this could be a one time deal and I hope it is as you seem to really care for this person. It has been my experience, however, if someone can do that, he or she doesn't have a problem doing it again.........I cannot be that insensitive to someone so maybe I'm looking at this wrong and onesided.....I've been shut out on a regular basis for 17 years now.
  22. Thanks all! Mine came with the standard mount which is cool; however, it doesn't feel as secure as the ring mounts do.
  23. Man.......that's a loaded question and not trying to be sarcastic or a smartass........sometimes I wonder if it is worth it......but life goes on LOL.
  24. It gets more interesting as time goes on. Edited for spelling.