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Everything posted by Luv2Fall

  1. Have my own rig now and have jumped it three times and each time I paid a packer to pack it. I hate packing and love having a more experienced person doing it. Having said that, this weekend I plan to do all my packing...........................although it's worth paying $6.00 to have it done, the money adds up and takes away from my jump money. So I'm going to start doing all my own packing with the exception of the final jump on Sundays.................I'll gladly pay then.
  2. The same here...................not doing so is killing me.
  3. Luv2Fall

    favorite song

    I agree totally with Suspicious Minds!
  4. I carry a picture of my right hand in my wallet.
  5. Gotta watch out for those hotdogs that have veins in them!
  6. Luv2Fall

    Hunting ethics

    For pure pleasure, I have a problem also. I've been around enough death................. I no longer desire to be around it anymore.......but hunting is good if you eat what you kill............after all, someone slaughtered an animal whose meat you buy at the supermarket.
  7. Oh yeah baby! Gotta love that S&W favorate revolver.
  8. Luv2Fall

    Hunting ethics

    My thoughts exactly.
  9. Luv2Fall


    High: Just got my rig today & jumped it. Low: Just too tired to make more than that one jump.
  10. Hell........I agree. Relationships are a lot of work, especially good ones. You have to be willing to invest yourself and sacrifice a bit.
  11. Good stuff! The homeowner did right. It's hard to believe that some are willing to endure the indiginity of not being able to either defend themselves or their loved ones in such extreme cases.
  12. Taking a step back a decade or 2 wouldn't hurt, in my opinion. I say if they step out of line, smack 'em silly. (It worked on me, why are the youth 20-30 years younger than me any different?) Sadly, I have news for you. It's not just these kids. It's now an extrememly overwhelming majority, backed by a large number of liberal childless adults. You know the ones, the ones that know how to raise children better than their parents, which is why they will never have children. Step one, spankings. Properly administered, further steps are not needed. Amen Rev!
  13. I understand where you're coming from.
  14. Of course it's easy to dispense that bit of advice/wisdom...............but there is much truth to it as's never easy going through it for many. Edited for spelling - I kan't spell LOL.
  15. Yep, the teens are to blame. I fail to understand why either the government or society wants us to kiss troubled teens' asses. Teens don't have enough to occupy themselves with these days ie, chores, responsibilities, families, etc. and do not possess the discipline to handle themselves in the absense of what they should be doing. This is due in part to lack of strong parental skills on the parts of their parent(s) and due in part because of today's progressive society...............whereby many things come easy. Having said that, a teen still has the capacity to make choices.
  16. This is the way that I fell. I don't go out looking or every really even think about it. For now I am totally happy. Hey - very funny sig line. Understood.....................being happy in doing so is a plus. As for my sig line, I'm trying to justify my new and growing gut LOL.
  17. When you aren't looking is when you will find him.
  18. Worst part of my old job................hated it........but it had to be done.
  19. I'm morning it dawned upon me that 43 years flew by in what seemed like overnight.......bothered me a little. Thought it through and said "freak it" - it beats the alternative and I'm going to live life more than I ever had before, in spite of new aches and pains LOL.
  20. Same here............both received everything and the quality was good. Having said that, I haven't bought a rig this way, but I will be jumping a rig tomorrow that a friend at the DZ is offering me for sale.
  21. Luv2Fall


    I gave a decent tip to a beautiful bartender over 17 years ago. Her stunning looks, perky personality, killer body and great service warranted (to me anyway) a hell of a tip. Well....................................................I stayed drunk on the house for a while and married her. Over 17 years later, sober (for the most part), and two teenaged sons, I have to say that tip was the best money I've spent. Good tipping can be dangerous LOL.