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Everything posted by rgoper

  1. excellent post. these are the things i worry about, post sadaam iraq and ALL of it's consequences. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  2. you got me mixed up with someone who cares. do you think for a moment if i cared about being popular i'd express my views? why don't you try it, or have you got the rocks? you'd be hard pressed to embarras me. i know to which you refer, my arguement with Sangiro originally here in these forums, oh, didn't mean to steal your thunder. you can't do anything to me that hasn't already been done cheif. i know it must be nice to sit in the comfort of your own home, in the USA and crack wise on others, you may as well "cash in" on it. you make me laugh, funny guy! --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  3. you missed your calling. you would've made a hell of a comedian. a general all around funny guy. just like steve martin and jim carey. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  4. did you percieve it as threatning? FYI i was referring to responding to your response to my post. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  5. i want to, but i ain't gonna. we'll talk to you in a month or so. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  6. i am a hugh DC fan. their music is awesome. Natalie Maines spoke against a cause and person which she dissagreed with, just because it was ol' Wyatt shouldn't matter. it's not her fault he can't see iraq is not tombstone arizona and there ain't a stinking OK corral for miles. it was not the most intelligent career move she's ever made, she'll survive it. she made a public apology, but you can bet your boots, if her professional life didn't depend on it, she would say, and probably is saying (to herself) fu*k him! i will not hold it against her, in fact, i respect her for doing it. that said, it does however shed a bad light on the americans in general, whatever happened to the first ammendment? no matter what she said, she had a right to say it without being attacked in any shape, form or fashion. after all, this is one of the things our forefathers fought for. i'll go out on a limb right now and forecast that a majority of americans will be joining her in 30 days, or less or maybe right after he ask congress to give him 100 billion dollars for the war effort and rebuild post sadaam iraq. the same people who are screaming for vengeance, will be the same ones who can't see the light of day right now. ol' Wyatt's approval rating will drop like an anvil in the atlantic. i still say he's the "village idiot" glad i don't have a recording contract. i'd love to have an opportunity to have an open debate with ol' Wyatt. al-queda to iraq since 09/11 i'm awestruck. who will be our next adversary? Russia? Germany? France? China? North Korea? hell, ol' Wyatt can "take em all on" at once, with one arm tied behind his back. just keep on giving up the $$$ --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  7. the UN inspectors are leaving in droves, there is a whole caravan of them leaving. they've been leaving for hours. your more than likely dead on with the initial attack date, funny thing is, we have heard nothing from our american embassy in saudi arabia. there is no contingency plan for the americans in saudi-arabia. i'm loving it, might not get to come back for a while, but WTF? SH will never leave his country, alive that is. he just isn't that intelligent. this is just his way of thinning out the "gene pool" he will leave in his wake thousands of dead bodies, and a destroyed oilfield and war torn country that the president AKA: Wyatt Eapr is going to ask us taxpayers for in the form of 100 BILLION dollars. is this what WE want to do? 100 billion dollars buys a lot of goodies, and will replace no lives. but never fear ol' Wyatt, he's got it all figured out. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  8. the killing has begun already. literally thousands, the rate will be horrifying after the "body count" is finalized. isreal is prepping for iraqi strikes even as we speak. a young american female was killed by an isreali bulldozer knocking down a house on the west bank/gaza strip this morning, i think she was 23 years old. a group of young american citizens came over to try to protect the general population from potential genecide, she paid the ultimate price. she is resting with angels now. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  9. this is mandatory on most OSDU with a helideck now. but i've been on a few, last on in 1999 that didn't have the HLO crew. the incident i recalled there were no HLO either, we relied on our training. the guy that walked toward the rotor nearly cut his life short. the walkways were clearly striped on the landing surface, he just "lost it" as for refueling while on board...NOT! they don't pay enough for that. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  10. rgoper

    Gas Prices

    number one: supply vs. demand, number two: resources. we cannot sustain our energy needs by ourselves. the US intentionally drills in other global areas to deplete international reserves to insure that we do not deplete our own. we have the acreage, we have the men, machinery, technology and resources to be energy independant, but we are not so, intentionally. this is antiquated idealogy from 50 years ago when the americans drilled the first wells in saudi arabia and kuwait. then of course the saudis threw out the americans and nationalized the field and kept the drilling equipment and sent everybody else packing. what are the odds? to answer your question specifically, it is cheaper to import natural resources such as oil because OPEC controls the price of oil, and saudi arabia comes in as # 1 world producer, and believe it or not iraq comes in at # 2 oil producer, so you can see who's in the "driver's seat" when it comes to the price of oil and gas re: OPEC. when, and if the US ever smartens up a bit, and decides to utilize their own resources then and only then will we be able to control our own energy destiny and prices. so if it's cheap fuel you want, tell the congress and senators to let us drill where we want to in the US and we can be energy independant. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  11. as i forecasted out of mere speculation Vladimir Putin has just issued a "Warning" to "Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday" (bush/blair) citing that "there will be grave consequences if the USA attacks iraq, and a UN that is already divided would be weakned to the point of no return" you can interpret what you will from his remarks, but i believe it's a thinly veiled yet profound threat. all of you here, you've been crying for it, here it comes. god bless our military and all people in the world. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  12. i applaud your ability to speak your mind, it takes some backbone. i agree with everything you've said, i hate no one, although i am hated because of my tendency to "call it like i see it" my nationality, my heritage and my skin pigmentation, sad. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  13. righto! --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  14. personally, i think so, but there are a select few who think differently obviously. or why was the ladies house in houston vandalized? why do i catch heat for not agreeing with the strategy in our current affairs? i support our military, ultimately i support our president, but if he does something i do not agree with, i will express that as well. funny how nobody cared about the "heat" clinton caught for getting a "hummer" under the oval office desk. "fourth reich" is a fairly strong statement. but i think our actions speak volumes of our contempt for the UN and other insugnificant nations. i'm already seeing posts here from individuals complaining about high fuel prices, i informed and warned about this situation months ago. all i can say, is you ain't seen nothing yet. more later.... --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  15. BillVon: you really need to be careful about attending peace protests and appearing anti-american/anti-bush, your house could be vandalized, maybe even your rig, by one of our fellow "americans" in these trying times of these "ununited states of america" anything could happen. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  16. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    post intended to harrass, intimidate, insult or attack will never have any impact here. any time YOU get ready to do some real work, i kindly extend you an invitation to join a drilling team effort. it has a tendency to immediately seperate the men from the boys. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  17. ***Anything non-skydiving related should be discussed here! Politics, relationships, soap box, etc... Skydiving discussions are welcome but you may have better luck in the General Skydiving Discussions forum. This forum is moderated but expect a noisy bar!*** this is what you see before you click and enter this particular forum. as for the attack on the lady in houston, i call BS. where else, but the "land of the free, and the home of the brave?" is this how we want the world to see USA citizens behave? no wonder the world hates us. there was no place for my opinion in your poll, so i didn't vote. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  18. well since they would be UN inspectors all of the nations represented would have to pay their share. if we've waited 12 years, why can't we now wait 12 months? the UN and every member of it, the USA included "dropped the ball" you've said 12 years as if referring to 12 years restropectively. this was supposed to be an immediate dissarmament, not a 12 year long dissarmament. We know that Saddam has WMD, specifically chemical and biological. These particular WMD pose a significant threat as they do not require a sophisticated delivery system, especially not for a terrorist attack. We feel strongly that if Saddam is left in control of these chemical and biological weapons that he will use them to attack us or our allies. It is our duty to protect both US citizens on US soil as well as our allies. I don't think that this is in retaliation to September 11, 2001, but rather an attempt to make sure that something similar doesn't happen in the near future. you suggested something about a 35 cent bullet.*** i still do. but i have relented to the fact of imminent war. it's sad diplomatic processes were not allowed to culminate in the dissarmament of SH. be watching the headlines, watch more airlines go broke, unemployment figures climb, and look for your own civil liberties to be further infringed upon by our own goverment agencies. all those of you with any type of criminal record, past due parking tickets, past due child support, jaywalkers, hot check writers, brace yourselves. we'll talk to all of you in a year, i just bet ol wyubya won't be quite so popular then. the president is doing nothing more than "saving face" for the events of 09/11, he got caught with his pants down that day, hell, we all did and he wants assurance it won't happen again, this war will provide him no such assurance, but it will raise the stakes for further retaliation from other powers in the world. bets are being taken at the window. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  19. patience...if you go back in this thread, you'll see i have come up with several ideas. 12 years we had time to be proactive on this dissarming issue, and we let it slide. now out of the big middle of nowhere we are going to attack iraq. (in obvious retaliation for 09/11) let diplomacy do it's job. the inspector's are working daily, if we have to send in 20,000 inspector's so be it. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  20. that's good, i'm glad you "presented evidence" of ties to iraq and 09/11. on the other hand, evidence does not need to be "presented" on the 12 years, as it is historical fact. me, you, and every american in the US of A are to blame for that one. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  21. these debates are a "sign of the times" as it were. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  22. so we're straight, i never made such a remark, or even remotely elluded to such a remark. sadaam's a lying SOB, plain and simple. in any event, attacking iraq (which we're going to do, no matter who's for/against it) without at least the 9 required votes is a mistake, a lethal mistake. Bush is little more than "the village idiot" he is not handling this affair properly. 12 years, 12 years have gone by...where were we? this is unacceptable, and we're going to pay, this is no joke. there won't be a moment's of peace on god's green earth. and i won't boycott anything from France, or germany. my ancestor's fled Germany to the USA in the 1800's for religous freedom. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  23. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    then i won't do it. when i was referring to "legal sites" i didn't mean in texas. as far as BASE jumpers being more "rigger wise" i'm in total agreement. that said, since i'm not willing to participate in an illegal activity, you just witnessed the shortest interest in BASE jumping history. sorry i ever asked now. i know that every single BASE jumper out there is a brain surgeon, and i'm just a cheezy drilling engineer, i drill fricking holes in the ground with gigantic machinery. so there's no possible way i would ever have enough "grey matter" to participate in this facet of "our" sport. c ya, all of you be safe as you can in this very, very dangerous activity. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  24. rgoper

    First experience

    i know this is an old post, but i am a "natural" researcher. i can see from this posts age, that the attitude to new people coming into your "private" little world is not anything new. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  25. Michele: this is outstanding!