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Everything posted by rgoper

  1. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    thanks Stephen! cool sites. i think both activities present the equal amount of dangers, albeit different types of dangers. i'm not trying to take anything away from you jumpers. skydiving presents dangers that generally don't exists in base in the form of number of jumpers in the sky at one time, crowed landing areas, canopy traffic, etc...and of course we know all too well the dangers that are associated with base jumping that do not exists in skydiving. there are more fatalities in skydiving each year vs. base, why? because there are more skydives being made. if the same amount of base jumps were being made, would the fatality rate vs. jump numbers be the same, or would they differ? and in my opinion skydiving or base jumping are safe, and should not be anticipated to be. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  2. See Here the next 24-80 hours are critical. "The Moment Of Truth" George W. Bush AKA: Wyatt Earp. Tony Blair AKA: Doc Holiday. (Fric & Frac) should the UN divide tomorrow the shockwaves will be felt throughout the whole world. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  3. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    would everybody agree that skydiving is just as, or more dangerous than BASE? i hear a lot of "aw, dude, this is really dangerous stuff here" anytime anyone launches their body off of, or out of anything, it's dangerous, common sense. sure BASE jumping is complex, but it's not "rocket science" neither is sky diving, can't be, i've got over 500 dives without an injury and only one cut-away/reserve ride. i'd say i'm safe. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  4. Ramon: congradulations! you will serve Atair well. now, you've got to be a "role model" so no more swoop-n-chugz! J/K. se ya soon. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  5. i completely understand your position. thanks. ya'll keep up the good work! --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  6. ??????????????????????? say what? did you take a team slot? --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  7. first, i know you may not be able to answer my question for it may put you in breach of security, i tried pm'g you, you are set up to "not accept" what's up with all of the air activity over here in the skies over saudi? you can pm me by the way. i'm getting a bit nervous as i'm slated to depart the kingdom on the 30th of this month. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  8. Ramon: first, congrats on your placing, that is respectable indeed, and Brian, EZ-E as well. a question for you, although i think i already know the answer, which of your two canopies did you fly? wing load? thanks. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  9. Chris: i did some flight training in a cessna 172, the PIC/Flight Instructor, Carla Diedra was vigilant about the chocks being removed before boarding, it was part of the pre-flight.. is it the PIC responseability to make sure chocks are removed, before opening the port window and announcing "CLEAR" before turning the engine over? not trying to lay blame, just trying to realize some clarity on flight protocol, your one person i know that would know this. we were going in one day from having been deep water offshore, 150 miles off of the louisiana coastline, a Sikorsky S-76 was on the helideck, there were clear and consise boarding paths outlined on the helideck, all of the sudden a roustabout standing directly in front of me just started walking towards the tail rotor, i had to physically restrain him from continuing into the rotor. we were flying hot, as a drill crew had just got off of the aircraft, so the tail rotor as well as the top blades were turning at the time. he said later, after we did an immediate "stand down" that it was the paint scheme on the tail rotor that had him "mesmerized" while it did have a circular paint scheme on it, no one but him ever walked toward it. in either event, pumpkin air removed the paint schemes from all of their tail rotors. have you ever heard of an incident such as this? Thank You. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  10. that's exactly what you are, you have no place in, or around the sky with other people. you seem to be proud to be a doper, i'll say this for you, you've got some nerve admitting to that in an open forum. showing off your iq today? --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  11. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    while i'm certainly not the "rebel" you are, i would not jump an illegal site. there are plenty of legal sites. and your hardly one to be giving advice CT. your moniker speaks volumes of your mindset and attitude. and BREAKING LAWS is hardly the ascent at the base of the "learning curve" --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  12. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    my words earlier. and i have a concise understanding of "newton's law" trust me. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  13. yeah........what Kenny said! --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  14. thank you for your time. it is appreciated. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  15. nah, it keeps me on my toes. it heightens my awareness levels as well. i can chew gum and tie my shoes at the same time! yeah, i'm "multi-task oriented!" --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  16. while thses url's are most enlightning, i'm sure it's old news. at least nothing new to me as i can only speak for myself. whether we have "verified" data or not, you asked opinions of other's here whether UN concensous was nessecary or not. i voiced my concern on the UN issue and to me it's valid. i can't wait until the proff. see's you've referred to him as "comrad" that's rich! John is nobody's fool you know. mein junge! --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  17. you left one option/selection out, "exiting" is the best for me. the split second where right before you hurl yourself into clean air, the thought passes through my mind every time, is this the day? and the second best feeling, is the feeling of "no turning back" after your outside the jumpship. YEAH!
  18. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    just now. you obviously were "bumping" that while i was in composing my response to the urls. i completely understand your thoughts and feelings on this matter, don't get me wrong. i just think it's wrong to cry "foul" when someone does something and has asked for help and was turned away, not that it has ever happened. your offer for instruction and site selection is well recieved. but in my mind there should be a training program instituted at some point in the "learning curve" to BASE jumping. not just what you learned from "joe bob" and in changing the sites names i was referring to, i wouldn't have known the real names of the sites were it not for you post stating you had changed the names of them, this is what prompted me to research further, and culmanated in me going to the poster's website. no website, not an exercise in futility, website = effort wasted. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  19. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    the sites you posted are appreciated. (but that's the first place(s) i went to, long ago) i've done more than a few "virtual jumps" but just as i didn't learn how to "skydive" out of a magazine, or a url, i wouldn't actually buy gear, go to one of these sites, and go BASE jump off of an object somewhere on my own, without proper instruction and coaching. Stephen had an excellent suggestion in the "mentor" idea, which is, in my opinion the only way i would do it. thus bringing us back to my original inquiry, who is willing to step forward and help train new BASE jumpers to insure safe and incident free jumping? or does the BASE community wish to be a "closed society?" the way it is now, with everything, and everyone being so "tight lipped" about everything, it could be said that the BASE community may share in some small part, some responseability for disclosed locations of sites, objects, etc...because of the unwillingness to share, and provide information except in the "forums" where a face cannot be associated with a name. i'm sure we'll all agree some type of training program must be instituted in order to abstain from further injury/incident/death, and subsequent disclosure of locations in the future. again, let me reiterate, i know nothing about BASE jumping except for what i have researched, but what i do know is there must be someone, somewhere, willing to mentor and/or train potential BASE jumpers. let's face it, whether it's a site or an object that you personally don't want disclosed, for good reason i may add, it has the potential to be jumped and or desacrated by an inexperienced and untrained "skydiver" because of the absence of training and regulation in this particular realm of "our" sport. i'm old enough, and wise enough to know that i cannot, and would not even consider purchasing gear for any type of jump associated with BASE, but i do know a few "newbies" to "skydiving" that have been vocal about doing it, and they will buy the gear and do the jumps whether mentored, coached or not. which, by the way, i think is a foolish move. thus my concern. in the end, a solid training program, mentoring, coaching and help with appropriate gear selection and site/object(s) is imperitive for the longevity of this sport, so one shouldn't have a particular problem if someone does go somewhere and get hurt, or worse, it's highly possible that some of these people (referred to by some as "whuffo skydivers") have inquired about gear, site/object selection for skill level and has been shunned away. even in the original topic, the poster's url site is posted, and can be visited by anyone, but does not offer any services for BASE newbies, only "experienced jumpers" how do you get experienced? just my 0.02 USD. --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  20. i voted that we need concensus in the UN forum. if we attack without the required 9 UN votes, we will only succeed at unifying Russia, China, Germany and France. that would unify 4 very powerful nations. what if all 4 turned on us at once? it would be a very different situation then wouldn't it? i still vehemently contend that we should eliminate SH et.al with a 0.35 cent bullet from a sniper's rifle. as for the notion the good ol' US of A is going to "waltz" right in iraq and take control of iraq's energy, that's an absurd notion, it won't happen, the afore mentioned world powers (yeah, US is not by itself in having some stroke) won't allow it. as of this morning, we will not have access to our most technologically advanced war machines, (these machines are outfitted with "friendly fire" identifying equipment, never before utilized) the specialized tanks that were to be utilized in Turkey's southern border to help the US gain access to iraq's northern border now sit dormant in the red sea. wonder how much that is costing the taxpayers per day? --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  21. rgoper

    ???? Jumping

    first, i have no BASE jumps. i'm just a BASE wanna-be. referring to the original post here, changing all of the sites names were an exercise in futility as they can be accessed simply be checking the original poster's "profile" and going to his website. i completely understand why BASE jumpers would oppose a "skydiver" giving up objects, or sites. but my question is this, how would a "skydiver" who don't know jack about BASE do it safely without someone giving up some information? or is it the BASE communities position to be "closed, or cliquish?" again, i'm in question/information mode here, no offense intended. i'm not going to come accross as knowing anything about BASE, because i don't, but i want to learn, and i want to be safe. maybe the "skydivers" who go out and get hurt, or worse yet, killed subsequently revealing a site, or an object could have been prevented by an experienced BASE jumper's supervision. sooner or later as interest in BASE jumping rises even further, someone should "step up" and help the "skydivers" who are so inclined to try their hand at BASE jumping. truth of the matter is BASE gear is not regulated, and can be procured by anyone, and if someone goes to the trouble and $$$ of purchasing gear, we should acknowledge their intention of utilizing the gear for enjoyment. nothing but respect for your community....... --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"
  22. with an attitude like yours, your a walking timebomb. something tells me your not long for the world. good luck to you, i fear you will need it.
  23. Yes: 30 votes @ 52% No: 5 votes @ 9% ru crazy?: 23 votes @ 40% so, i guess there you have it, a resounding 92% of us would have taken the reward money. i watched the Patty Hearst-Larry King interview earlier this morning, it was quite interesting. she floored me with a couple of things she said. she suggested the family hire immediate legal council, and instead of letting the media have access to her, shut them down and not release photos of any kind out to the public. the biggest thing she said that concerned me, she did comment on the photo of Elizabeth smiling after her return and mentioned when she (referring to herself) was returned she had no reason to smile. but i think this is probably because she was incarcerated immediately upon release, she said she spent more than 34 months in the pokey. YICH. all in all, something ain't right about the father. those crocodile tears were a bit much. wonder why? --Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"