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Everything posted by lewmonst

  1. hours of driving south friday night and north today...17 money spent on gas... $100 money spent on jumps... $19 temperature in St. George yesterday... 80 temperature in ohio right now... 40 being at the Harvest Moon Boogie and surprising someone at 3am.... priceless who needs numbers, i had an awesome weekend.
  2. good idea, maybe that's why i've heard of it before, but i've never actually seen it on a shirt. should make some and take to the bridge this weekend.
  3. lewmonst


    yeah it's some scary fun stuff. i made a few in Aerohio a couple weeks ago, but after seeing the (lack-there-of) outs this past weekend in St. George, the board never got out of my jeep. farms are good, swamps are bad. peace
  4. um, red turns to orange turns to yellow which stays... i wanna see the colors of when i first met you...
  5. just look for the 5'13" blonde chic... unless i dye my hair green and blue or something like that... room is under "Lewis" cya there
  6. i do quotes with my kids every day, and one day it was "one man's trash is another man's treasure" or something like that.... and my 7th grade interpretation of it was "just becuase it's worthless doesn't mean you can't sell it on ebay"
  7. yeah, and you'll have to wait in line. my bouncer will only let 1 (or 2 if you're special) men in my tent at a time ha ha. phree, you didn't tell the stalked my number did you? the psycho is sending me text messages. this is getting really out of control.
  8. if you're tenting it, bring an electric blanket and a bunch of extension cords, or someone to snuggle with. it's freakin freezing at night...
  9. don't count me in just yet
  10. lewmonst

    cutting away

    way to go kawasaki. so, when i drive my pennyless skydiving butt out west next year, can i crash with you and you're sugarmama? :)
  11. um.... whatever you farmboy, iowejan, matching-t-shirt-wearing, suddenly-not-too-cool-for-lew, belly flyer. actually, i might spread the love in coolidge... (if my visa can get me there). so if you want some of this, come and get it!!!!! jk opie, you know i still luv ya. seriously, i'm hopin to make it to AZ. not definate though... also thinking about some base jumpin... oooh shiny things...
  12. i'll spot and drop the rocks... anyone want to catch????
  13. phree, no kidding, i can't get rid of that guy. he follows me everywhere... he even follows me on the forums. it's really creepy. he's so close to crossing the line and me calling the authorities...
  14. i have a number (woohooo, yeah for me) who else is going? http://www.exitshot.com
  15. bye bye casa baby, we'll miss you
  16. ... rub it in his face that we can jump and his rig is in another country... ...call him by his real name... ... better yet, call him by his real name on the dz.com forum.... ... even better, post photos of the mysterious sangiro for everyone to see... should i... so tempting.
  17. just be out jumping that day, and have a really bad spot.
  18. ditto. get a big duffle bag on wheels from a department store or target or walmart. every "gear bag" i've ever seen was a pain to lug around. http://www.exitshot.com
  19. sucks to be you. anyone going to jump in richmond with me this weekend?
  20. 10 freeflyers sounds like a bigway to me. if i could, i'd go to St. George. i heard there will lots and lots of good people there.
  21. wow, i hope that C.A. Jones guy will give me his autograph someday... Maybe, someday, if i try really really hard, i can be like him and go low on a wedding jump just to be in the photo.
  22. cool. remember where i will be this weekend? however, i have some volleyball stuff, so i won't be there till late saturday and i can't stay long on sunday http://www.exitshot.com
  23. likewise.... i've really just always known i needed to be in the sky. http://www.exitshot.com