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Everything posted by lewmonst

  1. mine says it's up and running, but none of my contacts are online, which is wierd for a monday. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  2. The Magus by John Fowles peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  3. Is your profile accurate? I would not recommend a Flat Top Pro for a beginner. What type of camera work do you want to do? peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  4. What size Katana? What wingloading? How many jumps was "several"? I ask that because it took a while for me to sort out the packing/body position for best openings. I have found that besides being stable and symmetric, I have better openings when I relax in the harness and don't fight the canopy through the opening. Since I went down from a 120 to a 107, my openings have been more consistent and soft, yes, very soft! Just today I was commenting that this 107 I have now has been opening like a crossfire. I loved my 120, but I'm even loving the 107 more(w/l between 1.78 and 1.93). I don't know if it is a wingloading issue or a scaling issue, but I've jumped two different KA120's and two different KA107's and the 107's consistently open better. I will likely sell my 120 and buy another 107. If great openings are your priority, get a Crossfire. If canopy flight and landings are more of a priority, get a Katana. Oh, and read the Katana reviews in the gear section, that might help. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  5. sup Steve!?! Hey welcome back and great post!!! I hadn't gotten my hands on a 350 yet to compare them, but I've been very, very happy with my 330 since I bought it in January. In fact, not too long ago I posted this: So, thanks for the great comparison. I'm glad I have a 330 and am keeping my eyes on the outlet center for when they get some in. In fact, at nationals we had a guy shooting 4-way go through the docking station firewire hassle with the pc350. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  6. All true... Also don't forget no benefits (at least not at any dz I've ever been to). So, you pay your own health insurance, if you chose to do so, and if you get hurt, you can't work which means you make no money. But it's fun... most of the time. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  7. Clicky to vote on MSNBC's poll. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  8. 104 Airspeed Plus 18 12 9 9 10 16 74 12.33 1 102 Majikal Knights 21 12 9 10 10 10 72 12.00 2 105 Deguello 17 17 9 8 7 9 11 61 10.17 3 101 Elsinore Armageddon 13 4 3 7 7 9 43 7.17 4 106 SEALS 6 3 3 3 4 3 22 3.67 5 103 Dallas Thunder 16 4 2 2 4 4 4 20 3.33 6 http://www.exitshot.com
  9. It's a well developed tunnel trick, also known as booty-flying. The advantage of it over sitflying is that when done correctly, it's about the same speed as RW. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  10. 5'13" http://www.exitshot.com
  11. It's not anyone elses job, nor could anyone be expected to break from their "game mode" to advise another team on the ruls on jump run. The team made a mistake in not waiting for their 5th team member to be ready. I can understand that, it's a very busy time in the back of the plane on jump run. They just didn't think of riding down. The problem lies in that the KNEW they had ilegal video of the jump. I could see them going up and asking the judges if it might be permisible to submit the video, and would expect the judges to then say "No". Continu on with round ten and take the zero. But to just secretivly submit the video? That wasn't playing inside the spirit of the rules, and disqualification is the only answer I can see as being fit. I AM rather surprised the meet videographe agreed to any of this. Their job as I see it is simply to capture images of the meet, not to get involved in it. I agree completely. I didn't mean to sound like it was anyone else's responsibility or fault other than Carolina ICE. Sorry if I sounded like that. I also agree with Deuce it was a series of bad decisions caught up in the moment. I was most surprised to hear that the meet photography handed over the footage and allowed it to happen. It seems quite obvious to me that that would never be allowed. http://www.exitshot.com
  12. ICE didn't know the rules. The team camera flyer had not climbed out, but the meet camera flyer was already outside. The team didn't know their rights or what to do and just starting taking their position in the door, and just went. Unfortunately, the camera was working fine, it was just that the Cam-eye was not plugged in all the way so the team camera flyer didn't know if the camera was on. Light turned green and he took his helmet off to look at what the problem was. It was at that point that the team started getting out. Very unfortunate example as to why camera flyers should check everything about the camera (focus, zoom, light, etc...) before jumprun. Not only did no one else in the plane mention that they could get a go around or simply ride down, it was from another team that this rule-bust was reported after the video had been submitted as the team video. Had the team taken the 0 for a total camera bust on that jump, they could have still scored in round 9 & 10. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  13. What a cute couple. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  14. Hey Mandy! Long time no see... I saw it and it was lame. It looked like he had on an old strong tandem rig, no chest strap fastened or even leg straps on, he just slipped it off his shoulders and left the door. What was funnier is the Tandem Instructor behind them UNHOOKED the girl and they BOTH rushed to the door to see him fall... How stupid. It was lame, funny though, in a lame kinda way. Too bad suicide give skydiving a bad rap. but this was so hollywood-fake-lookin, i wouldn't worry about it. peace lew ps, come visit perris sometime stranger! http://www.exitshot.com
  15. You only need 12" to donate. It isn't really all that much. I cut of 12" to donate and still had hair below the shoulders. Actually you only need 10". And even if what you cut is short of 10", Locks of Love will sell it and use the money to pay towards other wigs, etc. I went through this a while ago, actually here I posted back in July last year. We were going to cut it in front of the WFFC crowd as a publicity thing but that didn't happen due to unfortunate circumstances... Anyway, I ended up cutting it in December last year, just 10 months ago. I donated 14". It went past my waist, and after cutting was just above my bra line. That was a compromise for me. Locks of Love (Check out their website: http://www.locksoflove.org/) has a high demand for extra long hair to make wigs for girls. 14" was a compromise for me as I really really don't like myself with short hair, even though I could have donated 18" or more. Regardless, 9 months later, my hair is very long again already and I'm thinking in another 9 months or so I will be able to donate again. Chop it off, send it in. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  16. Yeah, park in the back lot. If you are driving south on Goetz Rd, pass the main entrance (by the tunnel) and turn left on the gravel road near the balloon launch. There are signs by that entrance now for Perris, small ones, but there's also a Jim Wallace school sign there. Drive all the in past the ultralights until you run into the tents. It's very crowded now though, with nationals, so the tent area is crowded and that parking lot is crowded. good luck peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  17. What about advanced class? Are there block 12's in advanced? And Quade, speaking of heading... Would you said the perfect leading exit give the perfect heading? Is that tail on top? And if the camera flyer peels or semi-peels, would it be better to stick with the off-heading resulting from the peel or to half orbit to the appropriate heading? thanks lewlew http://www.exitshot.com
  18. You can also get the 1/4"-20 screw from B&H when they re-open. I've used that one, it's easy to tighten and loosen with a quarter if you don't have a big flathead handy. It's also a little lower profile than the nobby plastic ones, if you care about that. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  19. ok edit to add: You might want to put your shades on before viewing the photo. lew http://www.exitshot.com
  20. I got in a pinch once and had to buy a tri-pod mount with the thumbscrew in it. It was only like $8 and I just broke off the plastic around the screw. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  21. I got my second Javelin Odyssey and I love it. When I first got it, it needed a few alterations, partly my fault and partly Sunpath's fault. I was concerned that I would have to pay extra for the changes, but that wasn't the case. Sunpath said no problem and made the changes quickly. I got the rig back, didn't even have to pay for shipping and it's perfect now. Thank you Sunpath! To everyone out there debating what to order, the Odyssey is worth the wait! Just wanted to share a positive experience. Thanks, peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  22. yeah 20-min-call-girls! You go girls. I'm at nationals. I'm shooting 4-way and working for the perris school the rest of the time. Perris is already buzzing, several teams are here practicing. The internet registration center is set up and running, my rigs are already gear checked and the dz looks good! There are new signs and a new bar/buffet in the pool area. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  23. I'm pretty happy with my FTN. I have been able to jump it with my 10D on front and a pc330 in a dbox on top next to my 550 flash. Most of the time I am just filming tandems and aff and I only have a 35mm still on front and the video on top. I like the noticeable weight difference between it and the FTP. I do think it matters after doing 20+ video jumps a week (on my girly neck). However, if you have a strong neck already and are not at all concerned about the weight on top, you might as well get the FTP. Like everyone else has said, you can't go wrong with more real estate and more options for changing your setup. There are times, although rare, that I wish I'd had a full blown FTP. If you are only going to shoot tandems and don't plan on setting up a flash or multiple video cameras, the FTN is a great choice. What do you plan on shooting? peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  24. How much per minute for a show like Discover, History, or Travel Channel? Good question. Can anyone here speak to this, having sold/licensed footage for these shows? I know Jason Bell has some good stories about dealing with TV shows wanting to license footage... peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  25. That's not what I meant. I just meant to encourage camera flyers to talk to eachother and not make it a secret. Really I just was prompted to bump this thread up because of the other thread: Looking for Footage... peace lew http://www.exitshot.com