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Everything posted by lewmonst

  1. Viewing of the tape in the Bombshelter this weekend?? ltdiver Sounds like a plan. just make the rain stop. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  2. 500 on a digital camera (x1.6), holy crap. Are you shooting exit shots from the ground? We shot ground up to exit shots at Bridge Day last year with a 400mm. Just what "ground shots" exactly are you trying to get with that 500? You may have too much lens for your needs. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  3. We took these 16 guys in their underwear on tandems in Perris and I shot video. I don't get Bravo, so if someone happens to catch this episode on tape, I would really appreciate it. I know it's been shown a couple times already and I'm not sure when or if it's showing again... but I thought I'd ask. http://www.bravotv.com/Manhunt/Episode_1/Recap.shtml Thanks peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  4. Michelle, I can't believe you'd try to cheat! You're a bad person!!!jk Hey, seriously, correct me if I'm wrong, but I though you had to be registered 30 days before the election, at least, in CA. So, can CA residents still register? I was going to vote as an absentee from Ohio... peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  5. It will, thanks for that! Only problem for me is finding a store that sells the 330 for less then $1300. I found a couple but they are out of stock, go figure for less than $1300, HA, try finding a new one AT ALL. They're all gone. Seriously. I spent an entire day calling every store... Not a single retailer had one. I literally found about 20 places online that said they had one, and when I called they didn't. I think your last hope is the overpriced used ones on ebay here and here. good luck. If you find anyplace that has some, let us know, I'd buy another one. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  6. I've got the video proof that it does in many, many interviews after the jump. You just don't like it cause you can't do it. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  7. I dock, not so much for the video, but for the student's experience. If it's ok with the TI, I'll brief the student about it and if and only if the tandem is stable and the student is aware enough to put a hand out, I will grab their hand and spin the tandem pair. I can't tell you how many times when I've asked the student when they landed what was their favorite part they say when I spun them. I've had other tandem passengers who I didn't video find out and be jealous. I don't think it adds much to the video or stills. The spin looks cool on video in slow mo, but it's more important to get the money shot sinking low and looking up at them before docking. It's all about the experience of the passenger. That being said, I still only dock about half the time for one reason or another. Most of the time that I don't dock is because the students arms and hands are way back and they are not aware enough. Other times I don't dock because the TI is fighting the students body position the entire skydive, or they are chipping. Sometimes the heads-up TI's take the students hand and reach it out for me. A few times the TI's grab my hand, which I don't like and think serves no purpose whatsoever. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  8. And I have to say how dissapointed I was that religion was brought into this debate so much. peace lew The issue was brought up by a direct question from the moderator... I know. And I was dissapointed in the moderators choice of questions on that. I was also dissapointed in the moderator starting the debate off with a security question which obviously brought out all the rehashed war debate answers we've already heard. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  9. I only think it was a mistake because he played that card already in the last debate. I was impressed that he took a stand on saying he believed that homosexuals were living the lives they were meant to live, that is, they did not "chose" to be gay. I have a handful of gay friends, and they all also reiterate that it is not a choice. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  10. And I have to say how dissapointed I was that religion was brought into this debate so much. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  11. Ok, I won a "Manufacturer Refurbished" pc330 on Ubid.com... So i'm waiting till the last few minutes to bid, and I do, and I watch it go up a couple times and then times up and I'm releived that I won, but wait, that's not it, Ubid.com has a f*ing "Overtime" policy. wtf? I know, my fault for not reading the fine print on the entire website before bidding, but still, now I have to wiat 10 minutes or potentially indefinitely for this auction to end.... Argh. I still won it, but I do not like that policy and do not intend to chose Ubid over ebay ever again. It's just the only 330 I could find. Now, let's hope it's in normal working condition like it says it is... Thank you all for your help searching! peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  12. holding, you mean, in my avatar? - my camera helmet. he didn't say he could create jobs, he said: ... Nott that i'm trying to rehash the debate, just that there always more to the questions and the answers than is said. It's just not that simple... peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  13. I noticed that also. I think it was worse in the last debate because Bush was actually higher in the frame than Kerry, even though more podium was showing because he's shorter. Maybe they got criticized for that and maybe now they're only framing from the top of the podium up, which would have to force the framing on GW to be closer... Either way, gw's head is too big no matter how you frame it. I can't wait to read the fact-checkers on this one... peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  14. George, please answer the question about jobs and quit reiterating your bs no child left behind crap which obviously hasn't worked either. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  15. what kind of helmet is that? What flash settings do you use with the 10D? I've seen the 550EX work with TTL on some 10D's and not on others. I couldn't even get good results using manual settings, it was like the flash was screwing up the aperature selection by the camera when shooting in shutter priority and vice versa. The flash, even in a full manual setting, kept confusing the camera. btw, nice paint job on the helmet, but you need some blood dripping out of the brain peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  16. Thanks Katy. I'd already tried the first two, whom I told they need to update their website which advertised them in stock and they blew me off. I called the second two just now and it's after hours, no answer, so I'll try again tomorrow. I'd be surprised if I actually find one. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  17. Btw, the 550EX is not intended for use with a Canon 10D, which is not an EOS model. Per Canon's website and more specifically listed under specifications on B&H's website. Which is why there has been TTL issues with some of the 10D's... But... Drumroll please... if you haven't heard, the new 580EX has the new E-TTL II with EOS-1D/s Mark II, D-20, and no, they do not mention the 10D being compatible with it. If anyone gets the 580 up and running with a 20D before I do, let me know how it works for ya. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  18. nope, nope and nope. Thanks for the suggestions guys, but none of those places actually have one. keep looking! thanks lew http://www.exitshot.com
  19. I used a couple straps and bungy cords mounted flat against my dbox for my video, worked quite well. edit to say, that is, the mount worked quite well but I had compatibility issues with the 550 and the camera. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  20. It's not a matter of determination or concessions, it's simply an opinion. I prefer the way a Katana flies over anything else. I chose that characteristic to be of more importance than opening characteristics. Also like I said, if openings are of the upmost importance to you, than there are better choices than a Katana. If you find a canopy that is perfect in every way, let us know. If I haven't jumped it yet, I will. I certainly won't label your opinions as concessions though. And you said you were dissapointed with the Katana, what do you normally jump? (You're profile isn't complete and you just registered a few days ago) What other canopies have you jumped that you are comparing it to to have such an opinion? And what type of characteristics are you looking for in a canopy? The Katana is a "high performance" canopy and is not for everyone. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  21. Yeah, I've been watching ebay, but that one you linked says "This is sold as is & there will be no returns so decide carefully since your bid is a contract. " and that scares me because I've already gone out of my way to return a open-box 330 to Fry's in San Diego because it was in bad shape. It would record and play it's own error, that is, the head's were out of alignment very badly so when I gave the tape to our editor and she put it in the deck it was all f'd up. But we could play it back through the camera just fine, so we had to edit through the camera. But that doesn't work on a busy saturday when I'm jumping back to back and someone is keeping my tapes to edit. ugh. so yea, thanks for the link, but I won't bid on that one. And the other one is in London, doesn't specify NTSC or PAL and the seller hasn't sold much. I am keeping my eye on the one that ends on Saturday, even though it's overpriced. Thanks anyway Duecey Duece! peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  22. I think I've called every retailer I can think of, checked every online site and called the ones that listed it in stock which of course is wrong, called all the sony outlet stores and even Sony itself. Apparently they're serious when they don't want to sell anymore of these. I told them I didn't like the 350 and I want another 330, but no luck. My 330 might have to get repaired and I don't want to be without it for a weekend. I want a back-up/second camera anyway, but I only want a 330. So if anyone can find me a Sony PC330 USA version in good working condition by friday I'll throw a couple jump tickets your way or something for commision. Thanks lew http://www.exitshot.com
  23. It should be called 'normal loading', or 'I want to be jumping 20 years from now without a limp loading'. Now that has a negative meaning and implies that people comfortable with higher wingloadings are reckless. Also not a fair judgement or label to place on others. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com
  24. Yeah, seriously, I don't mean to sound negative, but that's way too few jumps to be current enough to consider flying camera. Like others have said, you should get a few hundred more jumps just learning RW skills. Also, you need to do about 10 times as many jumps per year. And when you are ready, start small, just one video camera, maybe a sidemount helmet. Don't throw on more than one new element at a time. That is, don't get camera wings until you are comfortable with the camera, ie, another 100 jumps. peace lew http://www.exitshot.com