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Everything posted by sunman

  1. Nah, you're more fun when your plastered. Just be sure not to pass out in the bar next time! So I'm at the head monkey's rancho deluxe on his cool new high speed internet connection. We were supposed to leave for Kentucky in the otter today, but the weather in Kentucky is too shitty to leave now (Thanks for telling me AFTER I made the 2 hour drive, chuck). So I figured I'd just hang out here and post whore for a while. The new plan is to leave tomorrow morning.
  2. I know what you mean. I had to get up at 10:30 today. Now I'm at my computer, procrastinating. I'll probably end up doing a few hours of actual work and then calling it quits. Damn job.
  3. I vote you learn to make use of both ends of the parentheses (when you only include one it leaves me thinking that it never ends... aaaaauuuuggghhh! See what I mean? Oh, and rig colors? Number one for sure. Shift-zero, dude, it's shift zero. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) -Sunman
  4. You make a good point. I wish I could sew so I could fix my damn freefly/tandem suit. The thing is older than hell and gets a fresh tear about once a month. -Sunman
  5. AggieDave, you SEW? My worldview is crumbling. -Sunman
  6. Absolutely. I'd love to do it. -Sunman
  7. So who's going to be there Friday? Can't decide whether to come down Friday or Saturday... -Sunman
  8. I feel your pain, buddy, I feel your pain. -Sunman
  9. Well said. There's no juju, just good decisions and bad decisions. Then there's coincidence. That's it. I'm in control of my own "juju". -Sunman
  10. Cannon: A large gun. Canon: A piece of music in which each voice imitates the previous voice at a fixed distance. It should be noted that the popular Canon in D by Pachabel is not actually a true canon. Yes, I'm a dork. And I've played that damn tune so many times at weddings that if I hear it one more time, I'll just snap. Sunman
  11. ME! ME! Count me in! Any excuse to party like a rock star. I'll have to dust off the old belly suit so I can get in on this big way. -Sunman
  12. Exited at 1700 on a demo once. Couldn't get any higher than that due to clouds. It was pretty funny 'cause the whuffos always ask if you're scared when you jump. The answer is usually 'no', but in this case is was 'hell yes'.
  13. MTV has always sucked and always will suck. I credit MTV for single handedly destroying music in my generation. It's not about music anymore, it's about image. Assholes. That and they give the pretense that they want everyone (esp young people) to think for themselves, but then they tell you EXACTLY what to think, and anything else is wrong. But The Osbornes is pretty funny...
  14. sunman

    cute kitty pic

    No, but I've been that drunk!
  15. So next time you're on a SUNSET load, be sure to refer to it as "the load at which the perceived position of the sun is lowest in the sky due to the rotation of the earth". It may be a pain in the ass to say, but at least it won't be WRONG.
  16. Whuffo: So what did you do this weekend? Me: Like every weekend, I went skydiving. Whuffo: What? No way! You jump out of airplanes every weekend? Me: Yep. Whuffo: With a parachute?
  17. 1. Stayin' Alive - The BeeGees 2. Smack My Bitch Up - Prodigy 3. Who just shit themselves? - Everybody
  18. Your insurance company won't find out if nobody tells them. I had a SHIT LOAD of tickets when I lived in Michigan and my insurance company didn't know about any of them, because when I started the policy I had zero. Then I moved to NC and had to get new insurance, so the insurance carrier ran my record and my rates were through the freaking roof. So just don't change insurance carriers and you'll be okay. Unless your state has some policy where the DMV calls your insurance company and tattles on you.
  19. LOL, are you kidding? I'm no fan of the Dixie Chicks, but I seriously doubt that they're guilty of terrorism, murder, brainwash, 9/11, torture, genocide, hatred, jihad, etc. The only thing their guilty of is having an opinion, even if it is (perceived by some to be) stupid.
  20. The radio station has the right to play or not play whatever music they want, but it was still a pretty shitty thing to do. So whenever I hear something I don't agree with, I should stick my fingers in my ears and go "la la la la la". Very immature. I'm sure HH disagrees with what a lot of users post here, but he doesn't block them from posting just because they have a different viewpoint.
  21. Holy crap, I can't believe this thread is still going. Did you see the thread in Talkback going on right now about 7-up and vodka? A whole thread completely devoted to the use of alcohol, mostly for the purpose of getting plastered. What nerve they have. You should probably get on there and tell them that they have no place in the sky. But I guess that's different because it's legal, right? Ever see South Park where Mr. Mackee goes "drugs are bad, m'kay?" It seems like such a simplistic mindset. The fact is, all of us use drugs. Some are legal, some are not. The question is, do you want to decide for yourself which ones you should or shouldn't use, or do you want somebody else deciding for you?
  22. Exactly. Don't you know that it's only okay for a bleeding heart liberal to bomb somebody, and that it's only fashionable to protest war when there's a republican behind it?
  23. Going from 150 square to 150 elliptical is like downsizing. You know what what we mean. Again, correct. Just easier to say downsizing than "going from square to elliptical". Whether you're downsizing or going from square to elliptical, the results are the same: A step up in performance.
  24. I've flown a Sabre 150 and a Stilleto 150 and I don't think they fly all that different. The Stilleto is a little faster, has a better glide ratio, and loses more altitude in turns. Your friend should be able to fly the shit out of that Sabre before going to the Stilleto. When you can't possibly fly and land your canopy any better, then, and only then, should you think about downsizing.