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Everything posted by sunman

  1. Thanks for the link, Smiles. That is an amazing video. I freaking love Sigur Ros.
  2. "Bama pi minwa kiwaabmin" or something like that, translates roughly into "I will see you later again", in the Ojibwe Native American language. It is usually shortened to "Bama pi" which is kind of like saying "See you later". I don't know what "kokotni" means. Hope this helps. -Sunman
  3. So The Rolling Stones are going to play in China this year for the 1st time ever. The Chinese government has allowed this, but with the stipulation that they can't play any songs that include a reference to sex. WTF?! No "Brown Sugar", "Satisfaction", "Beast of Burden", the list goes on and on. What a bunch of dumb fucks. I say we lay off Iraq and N. Korea and bomb China. Oh, and before anybody gets their panties in a bunch, I'm not saying anything against Chinese people, just their fucked up govt. And although my post is an exaggeration and an overreaction, I still believe in freedom of speech, even for British people visiting China. -Sunman
  4. LOL... Good one Quade. Maybe they should be calling them "Victory Fries". Well, I think I'll go have some Victory coffee and a Victory cigarette and see what the Ministry of Peace is up to...
  5. Incredibly dark and hilarious! "If a chemical weapon follows you home, try to act casually" The sad thing is, that advice is better than anything the real DHS has given us.
  6. sunman


    No RSL for me. Reasons why: I can pull my own handles. I don't want anything done for me. I don't want to deploy unstable. I'm confident in my altitude awareness that I won't sacrifice altitude for the sake of stability. If I smoke in after cutting away and not deploying my reserve in time, then it is not the lack of an RSL that kills me, it is my failure to get the reserve out in time. I do know a guy who would be dead if he had an RSL. He had a premature main deployment while doing close to 200 mph. It opened so fast that it broke the main riser on the RSL side. If he had an RSL, it would have deployed his reserve into his streaming main and he would most likely be dead. Of course, proper gear maintenance mght have prevented the premature deployment... As far as PC in tow... What's that? I have a pull out. Take my opinions for what they're worth (not much). You should do what you think is best for YOU, because YOU are the one jumping the gear.
  7. I had a round reserve ride (borrowed gear) in Eloy a couple years ago. It drew quite a crowd, seeing ancient technology on such a progressive drop zone! Despite the fact that I landed 20 feet from the peas and got an applause from the on-lookers, I have no interest in ever jumping a round again. They are simply a bitch to fly and land.
  8. The worst is those damn construction zones. I got nailed going through a construction zone while on I-95 headed to Florida, going 70 in a 55 at 3am. Now I can understand when there's actually people working on the road, slow the hell down. But when there are NO WORKERS, and for that matter, NO CARS and three lanes of open traffic, the cop is just being an asswipe. He wrote me up for the full 15 over. What a dickhead. I was in control, sober, and driving very safely. Why the hell can't the construction workers take down the reduced speed limit signs when they go home at the end of the day?
  9. Lou - please do not imply that I am a user of illegal narcotics. I am not. You have some good points about keeping drugs off the dz. I also agree that if you do it, be prepared to face the consequences. As far as weed leading to harder drugs, I think we all know that first mind-altering substance that most people try is ALCOHOL. Once again, I will re-state that if weed is illegal, then tobacco and alcohol should also be illegal. I also agree with Zenister that the problems with weed stem (no pun intended) from the fact that it is illegal. Just out of curiosity, let's say for a moment that it's legal. Farmers grow it and sell it just like tobacco. Are you still opposed to people using it? In other words, are your convictions against pot (which I totally respect) based on the fact that it is illegal or based on your opinion that it is harmful to the individual/society?
  10. Dude that is freaking awesome. I like the way the guy moves his legs properly according to his position. It's a pretty sick sight/sound when you hit a flat flyer though.
  11. sunman

    Tit-ee bar(NSFW)

    Excellent job. Simply amazing. Wow. You're a natural. Oh yeah, and of course, BEER!
  12. Alright! I just went from Newbie to Enthusiast! I think I'll light up a doobie to celebrate! I'm kidding, of course. Despite my opinions on the matter, I'm not a pothead.
  13. What a scary hypothetical that has nothing to do with anything real. First of all, consider the likelyhood of a brain surgeon smoking pot before surgery. Now consider the chances of this asshole deciding not to do it because it's illegal. Well duh, if he's dumb enough to smoke pot before performing brain surgery, then he's not going to care if it's legal or not. Also, what's to stop him from having half a dozen shots of whiskey before performing surgery? Nothing. But alcohol is still legal. Well, then if weed was legal then there would be laws governing it's use as well, as there should be. Any reason you give for pot being illegal can be applied to make a case that cigarettes and alcohol should be illegal as well. So go ahead and say that pot should be illegal. I respect your opinion. But be fair and say that cigarettes and alcohol should be illegal as well.
  14. So you want to kill all drug dealers and users? Does that include those who use nicotine, alcohol and caffiene, or just those who use illegal drugs? Um... what? Didn't you see where I wrote ??? Everybody has the right to an opinion on whether or not toking up is wrong. But I see this leading to a big debate on whether morality is subjective or objective, whether or not truth is absolute, and it's time for me to go to bed so I'll just stop now.
  15. Holy shit. That was creepy. I think I'm gonna have nightmares now.
  16. Bullshit. Just because it's illegal does not mean that it should be illegal. If you apply the same reasons for marijuana being illegal to other things, then cigarettes and alcohol should be illegal as well. Also, what you say implies that we should blindly agree with whatever the law happens to say. What if picking your nose was illegal and the penalty was death? Would you say that somebody who is caught picking their nose deserves to die? No, because your opinion comes from a personal choice to not smoke weed, which is fine. But don't make your personal choice the framework for everyone else's morality.
  17. sunman

    TSA today

    Slim, Please tell me you're joking. I'll take a bullet between the eyes before I let that happen. Regardless, I hate the TSA and I'm not afraid to say it. I've been subjected to random screenings so many freaking times, and I always think of ways that I could be hiding something that they would never find. You can only keep honest people honest. Air travel is safer than before, but that is not because of the TSA. It's because of the attitudes of the passengers on the airplanes. If some asshole tries to hijack an airplane now, he'll get his ass kicked. I don't need the TSA. I'll keep myself safe, thank you.
  18. I never said or implied that police officers are bad. I didn't even mention the word "police" and I was not aware that you are a police officer. You seem to be taking my comments a little personally. My point is that I don't have blind trust in my government to do what's right, and I'll bitch and moan when I disagree because (for now, anyway) I have the right to do so. If they spent more time trying to really keep me safe AND protect my rights and less time trying to give me the illusion of safety, I'd probably shut the hell up. Blindly trusting your government and not getting pissed off when your rights are infringed (even slightly) is simply un-American.
  19. Well said, speedracer. I don't claim to know it all either, and I have very mixed feelings and ever-changing opinions about the whole matter. The only way to know if it's right to go to war with Iraq is to look into the future and see the outcome. I lost my future-vision goggles, so I can't really say what should be done. But I respect those whose opinion on the matter is different than mine (whatever it happens to be at the time).
  20. Not YET, not YET, not YET... Of course we're whining and crying. We'd better raise a big huge stink right now before they take away more freedoms! My life doesn't revolve around model rocketry, but it does revolve around skydiving. If they can take away somebody else's aviation-related hobby, what makes you think they won't take away mine? Of course we're pissed! We should be furious! If we let them take away ANY of our freedom, then what's to stop them from taking more? Don't forget about the two weeks after 9/11 when nobody could fly or skydive. And for what? The illusion of safety. Thank's to Big Brother's need to fool us into thinking we're being protected, all aviation-related industries suffered a HUGE setback and thousands of people lost jobs. I seem to remember an America that was founded by people who said things like "give me freedom or give me death", and acutally lived those words. When did that get changed to "give me safety and take away my rights?" I don't feel safe. Not from my own government, anyway. I should add that I hold in the highest esteem those who are REALLY protecting us, the men and women of the armed services. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude for the work they do in protecting us from those who would do us harm. Let's just not forget to make sure that our own government is not the one who is doing us harm. Power corrupts. For more details, read "1984".
  21. Yeah, but dodging that responsibility is going to save me 2 grand! Or one new PD Velocity. Or one small camper to move into after I get fired. Or 133 jump tickets. Or 400 long island ice teas.....
  22. I'm not certain, but I believe this is not legal. They have actually sent me an authorization form to allow them to deduct the money from my pay. I have no plans to fill it out, however. HAHAHAHAHA they can lick my balls
  23. Be sure to stop by Cross Keys in NJ. One of the freaking coolest dz's I've ever been to. Great vibe and a very well-run facility.
  24. I think I'm going to nicely tell them that I WON'T be paying for the damages. Hopefully they won't be too pissed and just fire my sorry ass. But I'm going to quit my job and live in a trailer on a dz in about a year anyway, so who cares? I like my job and my company is usually good to me, but they can just eat it this time. It's not like I'm making shit loads of money anyway.
  25. Seems like a strange way to get intimate with somebody. A new way to give head, maybe?