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Everything posted by Coreeece

  1. Because the majority of blacks live densely populated in large inner cities where there are 2-4 times as many cops per 1,000 people than in suburban/rural areas. These disproportionate numbers of cops aren't there because of blacks - they are there because of higher crime rates that also contribute to the disproportionate number of interactions. You can't blame police for demographics and higher crime rates in poverty stricken inner cities - it's a numbers game, not a blame game. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  2. Evil always laughs the same. . . Here's another one: btw, I think your love affair with Hillary is cute. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  3. That gives a pretty nice concise list of the details. I highlighted the important parts below: 1. Louisiana Louisiana residents also struggle with high poverty rates and poor educational attainment. Nearly one in five people in the state lived below the poverty line in 2012, the third highest rate nationally. 2. Mississippi Like many of the states with the most gun deaths, state residents frequently struggle with poverty. Mississippi led the nation with a poverty rate of 24.2% in 2012, and it trailed behind most states in other factors such as access to basic necessities, health care, and household income. 3. Alaska Most of these fatalities, however, were not homicides. The gun-related homicide rate was exceptionally low in Alaska... ...Socioeconomically, Alaska was an exception. 4. Wyoming Wyoming reported just 96 firearms deaths, among the fewest of any state in the U.S. However, Wyoming is also the nation’s least populous state, with just over 567,000 residents. 5. Oklahoma Like the majority of the states with high gun-related fatality rates, Oklahoma residents are also relatively poor. 6. Montana Montana’s high suicide rate may be due in part to extremely low population density. According to the American Psychological Association, suicide rates tend to be higher in rural areas for a variety of factors, including “greater access to firearms, high rates of drug and alcohol use and few health-care providers and emergency medical facilities.” 7. Arkansas Arkansas also shares an exceptionally high poverty rate with the majority of states with high numbers of gun deaths. Nearly 20% of residents lived below the poverty line 8. Alabama Like a majority of states with the most gun violence, Alabama struggles with high poverty. In 2012, 19% of residents lived below the poverty line 9. New Mexico Poor socioeconomic conditions may partly explain the higher crime rates. More than one in five New Mexico residents lived in poverty 10. South Carolina Poverty rate: 18.3% (9th highest) Given that the list was compiled from CDC data, I'm not surprised to see that poverty seems to be the common theme here with the exception of Alaska, Montana and Wyoming. Those states made the cut primarily because of their lower populations and suicide that tends to be more prevalent in suburban/rural areas vs urban homicide in more poverty stricken areas. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  4. Ya, because you're not doing the math right. When someone is shooting at you from an unknown elevated position, you don't just stand there like a fucking moron. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  5. Ya, we'll just become part of a larger global economy where you guys are forced to pay for it, one way or another. How else are we gonna afford the healthcare of 80 million people that don't work, along with the other 10 million that can't find a job or refuse to work? That's like 3 times your total population - is it even fathomable? WWJD? I don't know - I don't recall anything in scripture about creating money ex nihilo - but I hear the Fed is pretty good at it. Why would he need money? Did he have to buy the loaves and fishes? We were talking about how to pay for healthcare. Do you expect doctors to get paid with Holy Mackerel? Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  6. Ya, we'll just become part of a larger global economy where you guys are forced to pay for it, one way or another. How else are we gonna afford the healthcare of 80 million people that don't work, along with the other 10 million that can't find a job or refuse to work? That's like 3 times your total population - is it even fathomable? WWJD? I don't know - I don't recall anything in scripture about creating money ex nihilo - but I hear the Fed is pretty good at it. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  7. Canadians are still coming to Detroit for healthcare services that aren't readily available over there. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  8. All the other western societies do it, and you will manage too. You already spend more per capita on health care than anyone else. Yes, which is contributing to our debt and the impending financial collapse that you were referring to. 6 trillion of that debt is own by people like you - thanks! I'm sure there's more where that came from. Quality is expensive. Buddy... you've been drinking the kool-aid of the US health care industry. Growing up, my impression was that we had some of the best healthcare in the world. I'll agree that we seem to be paying more for less in the last 10 years or so - the last few years seemed the worse, but what do you expect when capitalism is allowed to run amok? btw, thanks for the links. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  9. All the other western societies do it, and you will manage too. You already spend more per capita on health care than anyone else. Yes, which is contributing to our debt and the impending financial collapse that you were referring to. 6 trillion of that debt is own by people like you - thanks! I'm sure there's more where that came from. Quality is expensive. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  10. Good Morning!!! Here's more video of Meytal Cohen in addition to my post #159. She's gotta be like the coolest chick on the planet - I never met anyone like her, not even among my base jumping cronies. (sorry Katy) SLIPKNOT - PSYCHOSOCIAL (Power) SLIPKNOT - EYELESS (Badass) TOOL - FORTY SIX & 2 (Talent) Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  11. Ya, we'll just become part of a larger global economy where you guys are forced to pay for it, one way or another. How else are we gonna afford the healthcare of 80 million people that don't work, along with the other 10 million that can't find a job or refuse to work? That's like 3 times your total population - is it even fathomable? Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  12. Race relations in America are definitely improving. Despite the recent events. Y'all still have a lot of work to do, but at least you're talking about it. We are still a very segregated society. What we need is an inner city refugee program so blacks can spread out beyond the long arm of the law. - like 1 black per 10 whites in any given city. We have like 10 black people up here in a population of 1000 - and they love it. We certainly can find room for about 90 more. Anton plays charity poker with us and runs the bowling alley karaoke on Friday and Saturday nights - tho sometimes it goes to his head a bit. He reminds me a little bit of Chris Rock and Tim Meadows in the movie Grownups: These are My White People Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  13. Lol, I think your reality check just high? Can you please explain why you think my thinking is not valid? If you think calling people "African-Americans" is divisive, then perhaps you should consider the source: From Article: "The term African-American has crept steadily into the nation's vocabulary since 1988, when the Rev. Jesse Jackson held a news conference to urge Americans to use it to refer to blacks." ''For me the term African-American really does fit,'' said Mr. Obama, 43. ''I'm African, I trace half of my heritage to Africa directly and I'm American.'' ...and all this is really a good example of where much of the division is coming from. People like Jesse Jackson have made a career race baiting every fucking issue that they possibly can. Obama is now in a position where he can set the record straight, but all he does is spew a bunch of numbers with derisive implications without providing any perspective on why those numbers are the way they are. Why? Because he knows that the truth wouldn't be received well by the vocal race baiters in the African-American community - and the last thing that he wants is to end his "legacy" by being called an uncle tom. ...and that's a legitimate issue. I have plenty of successful black friends that have "made it out da ghetto" - but they aren't looked upon favorably by their brothas still stuck in the hood - They are considered "sell-outs," or "uncle toms" A good example of this is Detroit's Mayor Dennis Archer during the 90s. He was one of the best things to ever happen to the city. The economy was booming and crime was at an all time low. We had big plans - we were rebuilding and new developments were underway - things were looking good. After his re-election, a smear/recall campaign came out implying/painting him as an uncle tom for establishing connections with white suburban business owners to help redevelop the downtown area. After all that drama he decided not to run for re-election in 2001 and was succeeded by Kwame Kilpatrick, an OG thug that ran the city back into the ground and is now serving 28 years in a federal prison. Race relations are a two way street. . . Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  14. Lol, I think your reality check just bounced. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  15. The thing you forgot to mention is that about 70% of those 2,282 officers were killed in accidents. But ya, it's much easier to kill a cop with a gun - who'da thunk? ...and even if you took away every gun from every law abiding citizen, I'd bet the handful of criminals that kill about 50 cops per year, would still have their guns. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  16. I think A LOT of people, especially in the black community, thought that race relations would improve with a black president. However, it seems that things have only gotten worse, or at least that seems to be the general perspective. We seem to be heading in a more divisive direction than a unifying one... Race relations would be better or there would be a better focus on race relations? Of course when Obama makes any statement regarding anything race related he gets vilified for it. Because he does it in a very divisive fashion, just like he did with talks about the suspension of refugee programs even tho he suspended programs twice during his presidency. Rather than just stating the facts, he should also provide a bit of perspective on those figures as well - but then again, that would be viewed as making excuses for the cops, so I guess he's in catch 22. I would venture to guess he has witnessed first hand how black people get treated differently. Growing up in the inner city, I know plenty of white people that have experienced police brutality - some as young as 15 years old - they thought he was in a gang and beat him for information. In LA, I was handcuffed and then beaten and maced repeatedly. It was so bad that I seriously felt that I might die of asphyxiation. The thing is, is that the majority of black people live in large cities where there is a shit ton of cops, so of course they're gonna have more run-ins with the law, and therefore are more likely to have a negative experience. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  17. Per capita basis? 2011 Gun deaths in the U.S..... 10.38 2011 Gun deaths in the U.K..... .23 And if we break that number down, 7 of those are suicides, the majority of which are in the suburbs. 3 of those are homicides, the majority of which are within inner cities. The homicide rate is down nearly half since the late 80s and the trend still seems to be decreasing - we just have to do what we've been doing along with a few addional, but reasonable restrictions and better education to create more productive generations. I'm not so sure about suicides however. We'd have to find out why people are killing themselves - and I'm pretty sure it's not because of all the guns. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  18. I think A LOT of people, especially in the black community, thought that race relations would improve with a black president. However, it seems that things have only gotten worse, or at least that seems to be the general perspective. We seem to be heading in a more divisive direction than a unifying one... Race relations would be better or there would be a better focus on race relations? Of course when Obama makes any statement regarding anything race related he gets vilified for it. Because he does it in a very divisive fashion, just like he did with talks about the suspension of refugee programs even tho he suspended programs twice during his presidency. Rather than just stating the facts, he should also provide a bit of perspective on those figures as well - but then again, that would be viewed as making excuses for the cops, so I guess he's in catch 22. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  19. Please take into account the UK's 64M population compared to the US's 300+ Million and compare on a per capita basis. Largely down to guns? - No, largely down to intentions. Ok, so if the UK was as big as the US it would be 120 vs 2,282. Does that sound any better? ...but that's not taking into consideration the possibility of central cities having a significantly higher population density in a depressed economy where there are more people than jobs - this contributes to more poverty and in turn increases the crime rate disproportionately. It's like saying that there is a higher crime rate among inner city blacks than civilized suburban whites and then attributing that to race - but that of course would be unfair since the data suggests that crime rates are driven by the level of poverty among other socioeconomic factors regardless of race. ...and you can't really attribute it to the amount of guns either. I'm willing to bet that there are more guns per person among those living in the suburbs vs those within the inner city where the majority of crime takes place. Only a fraction of the guns in this country are used to commit crime - it doesn't take very many. I'd bet that there are enough guns to wreak havoc among the people in the UK right now - they just need an excuse to use them. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  20. The police in this country have to stop murdering young black men. Period. While what happened in Dallas tonight was wrong, the police in this country should be first and foremost apologizing for their role in murdering young black men and only secondarily focusing on their own losses. It's a socioeconomic issue, not race. Tell that to Obama. He was already on the news talking about how blacks are 30% more likely to be arrested by police and how the numbers are disproportionate to whites blah blah blah, but he offers absolutely nothing in the way of leadership and unity to explain why that is. I tried to give this guy a benefit of a doubt, but I'm done. I'm just too sick of that divisive son of a bitch to care anymore. I can't wait till that hypocritical fucker is out of office - I don't care who takes his place. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  21. ???? A "rap sheet" usually refers to a criminal record. Bush had a known history of drug and alcohol abuse, and he used his family connections to evade serving in Vietnam. What the hell are you talking about? He got a free ride on his name. I'm just talking out of my ass - but if all the controversy around Hillary over the years surrounded Bush at that time, I doubt he would've been elected. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  22. Ya, I'm sure xenophobic gun lovin' misogynistic christian conservatives are somehow to blame. . . Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  23. Ya, I figured as much - I was just in a bad mood. I get kinda liberal when I get all pissed off. . . Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  24. American You: Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour
  25. Yes - and that's part of the reason why the gun related murder rate has dropped nearly 50% in the last 20 years. Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour