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Everything posted by skydyvr

  1. Good on you for coming out -- you gotta be who you gotta be! . . =(_8^(1)
  2. How long ago did you stop beating your wife? . . =(_8^(1)
  3. "Smarmy" summed it up pretty well. Every smarmy fuck I've ever met is an Obama supporter (irony intended). . . =(_8^(1)
  4. If you're convinced that abusers, rapists, are more closely associated with one party over another, then I feel sorry for your blindness. . . =(_8^(1)
  5. Yup. This thread says far more about the OP than it does about McCain supporters. . . =(_8^(1)
  6. Are you going to move the time out again soon, or will you man up and admit how full of shit your predictions have been when "Sept '09" rolls around? . . =(_8^(1)
  7. Reports of Reagan's death have been wildly exaggerated -- he's still around, working as the Burger King guy. . . =(_8^(1)
  8. Counterbalance that with the idea that he'd ostensibly have the very best medical care available to anyone. . . =(_8^(1)
  9. Yea, 'cause we all know the left certainly NEVER draws the support of any freako fringe groups. . . =(_8^(1)
  10. Oh no, I LOVE most of the many professors who've been my teachers, idiot savants half of 'em may be -- their cost fully justified nonetheless. . . =(_8^(1)
  11. "most educated" certainly does NOT equate to actual brainpower -- a fact proven daily here in these forums, and specifically by the nature of this particular dumbassed thread. . . =(_8^(1)
  12. It was and continues to be an unnecessary war, a mistake. . . =(_8^(1)
  13. You both assume it was "bought" at all. . . =(_8^(1)
  14. Thanks for quoting the ENTIRE post just to get your silly (and meaningless) dig in. . . =(_8^(1)
  15. The best thing Bush has done hasn't occurred yet -- will occur on Jan 20, 2009. . . =(_8^(1)
  16. Yea, well, at least there's no illicit head happening in the Oval office. . . =(_8^(1)
  17. Fitting response -- what a stupid post. . . =(_8^(1)
  18. Seems to be a common misconception, this Pledge thing . . . but to see it in a VP candidate? Not so good. I see a new Quayle shaping up for the lefties to kick around if Obama loses. . . =(_8^(1)
  19. I have strong primal inclinations to vote for McCain, but Palin is wearing me down fast. . . =(_8^(1)
  20. Problem is, once you've given up credibility, you've lost it for good, at least with this swing voter. Palin and Obama are both on my credibility shitlist for sure, and the other two are on the way. I'm writing in Badnarik! . . =(_8^(1)
  21. That's a bit of a harsh and presumptive reply, seemingly based on nothing but your political persuasion. Sheesh -- give the woman time to prove herself one way or another. seemingly yes, but like I indicated in the post, she has been squestered by her handlers, and is not taking questions from reporters. Have you seen her speak? Its weird and contrived, repeating the same thing over and over, McCain picked her to have a popularity contest, Obama picked Biden because he is qualified to be president. This choice indicates a lack of integrity. Also do yourself a favor and watch Palin's sports broadcasts when she was a "sports anchor". They speak for themselves. Furthermore I have no political persuasion, did you read the quote at the end of my post? There is no such thing as a liberal or conservative America only a United States of America, all else is just polarization of the issues. Yep, the more I read in the last few hours, the less inclined I am to criticize your post. . . =(_8^(1)
  22. I won't go with "nailed it", but after some reading I see clearly that McCain & Co. are not spinning the ebay tale very accurately to say the least. . . =(_8^(1)
  23. And he didn't use the word "hillbilly" even once. Kudos on that. . . =(_8^(1)