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Everything posted by skydyvr

  1. No idea, but I suspect it happens a lot to Australians. . . =(_8^(1)
  2. Geraldo actually cried, on-air, when Clinton's impeachment was handed down. . . =(_8^(1)
  3. GOP spelling tip of the day: lose and loose have entirely different meanings (and by association loser and looser). . . =(_8^(1)
  4. Interesting lack of input from the usual anti-gun whiners in this thread. Perhaps even they've run out of ways to defend the senslessness of gun-free zones. . . =(_8^(1)
  5. Interesting misuse of quotes in that sentance. . . =(_8^(1)
  6. Oh, he's likely fluttering around somewhere . . . . . =(_8^(1)
  7. No, I have a sense of humor. But do not dare call me a fucktard. . . =(_8^(1)
  8. Well to be fair, you're out here throwing ideas about, seeking understanding, which beats the heck out of cramming your beliefs down everyone's throat like SOME folks around here.
  9. Which has happened many times. When will the majority of folks tire of having that blood on their hands. . . =(_8^(1)
  10. My cousin has three daughters, all home schooled thru 12th grade. One is a medical doctor (OB/GYN) in her residency. Another is a defense lawyer working in D.C. The youngest will graduate as an RN next year. I reckon she's the failure among them. . . =(_8^(1)
  11. You mean exactly like the "spiritual" bullshit you espouse on here for which there is zero evidence? Naw. . . =(_8^(1)
  12. Damn, even I saw the heavy gauge steel fishing line running from that lure before I was even done reading the question. BWAHAHAAA . . =(_8^(1)
  13. "In general" leaves a lot of room for error, and those errors have occurred quite a bit it seems. BTW, the site I pointed you to refers to specific DP cases, as well as other kinds of cases. . . =(_8^(1)
  14. You could start here, if you really care. . . =(_8^(1)
  15. Yep, and a hate-blind Canuck or two as well. . . =(_8^(1)
  16. Yea, "someone somewhere" -- I think I see where you're coming from. . . =(_8^(1)
  17. Proof is a strong word. Here's some studies. . . =(_8^(1)
  18. So to you, the deterrent value is worth executing some innocents? . . =(_8^(1)
  19. As has been said, having criminals in for life has the advantage that at least SOME of an innocent's life could be salvaged. Chalk up one great reason to ban the DP. Do you feel that the collateral damage we tolerate today is worth continuing the DP? I do not. . . =(_8^(1)
  20. Sounds the teachings of Dr. Dwayne Dyer, or maybe The Secret -- all interesting stuff. However, why can't "Intention" be considered to work just the same without all the spiritual mumbo-jumbo? If you make up your mind to achieve something, why can't that process be considered a total internal function of the mind followed by action to make it happen? I agree that a positive mindset does one a lot of good, just not so sure that any form of spirituality is requisite to the process. . . =(_8^(1)
  21. One small change, and your question becomes the answer. . . =(_8^(1)
  22. Thanks for clearing that up! . . =(_8^(1)