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Everything posted by skydyvr

  1. "Not tonight dear. It's the gun's turn". . . =(_8^(1)
  2. Don't worry, even in the US there are plenty of folks who believe treating animals like that makes one a level or two below pond scum. It's fucking retarded -- an indicator of very low intellect (to say the least). . . =(_8^(1)
  3. Mmmm . . . popcorn . . . . . . that's some funny shit. . . =(_8^(1)
  4. Well, might as well stay home that day! . . =(_8^(1)
  5. Add me too -- my hair parted quite a while back. . . =(_8^(1)
  6. I don't get it either. Both of those quotes clearly contradict what McCain actually said. . . =(_8^(1)
  7. Cool -- actual photographs of the "dumber than dirt and proud of it" crowd who've recieved so much scrutiny under the dem microscope lately.
  8. Personally, would love to see that. . . =(_8^(1)
  9. Damn those pesky international treaties we've signed. Exactly. Bilateral compassion -- well, perhaps not in the case of terrorism. My point is that we have the capability to obliterate any of the countries you mentioned. We stuggle because of our methods of operation, not because we're technologically incapable. Ethics. Or, the planned sustention of the US war industry. . . =(_8^(1)
  10. No, it's because we fight wars with a great amount of compassion compared to what we COULD do, which wouldn't be pretty. Our technology runs circles around theirs, and you know that. In fact, much of the the modern day technology our terrorrist enemies possess is -- you guessed it -- borrowed from the west. . . =(_8^(1)
  11. I wonder about that shit too. Pass the bong please. . . =(_8^(1)
  12. I have no desire to link this to Clinton -- I'm one of those that doesn't tie the sitting president to economic cycles too much. Indicators leading to the "Bush recession": The stock market began losing steadily from a high of 11,200 in the months leading up to the inauguration. Employment began it's downturn in the middle of '99. Consumer confidence was down in those same months. What indicators do you want? Are we even talking about the same "Bush recession"? . . =(_8^(1)
  13. Your perogative, but most people are at least curious about it and ponder the possibilities. Does that not include you? . . =(_8^(1)
  14. The economy was in a downturn well before Bush took office, but that never stopped a single liberal friend I have from labeling it the "Bush recession" on or about Jan 22, 2001. . . =(_8^(1)
  15. Well, if the truth is that you don't know for certain that such entities don't exist, then yea, claiming they don't isn't exactly accurate. Let's take away the word "belief" and replace it with "assert". What do you assert? Assertion 1: There is no god. Assertion 2: I don't know if there is a god. Is assertion 2 not closest to the real "truth"? . . =(_8^(1)
  16. An agnostic is an atheist with a brain. . . =(_8^(1)
  17. Correct, which leads to the notion that agnosticism represents the most accurate thinking. Fact: nobody knows The Truth™, no matter how ferverently they claim so. Agnosticism best represents the "truth" of Humanity's situation. . . =(_8^(1)
  18. Most of the guys on here already worship "jugs of milk". I know I do. . . =(_8^(1)
  19. Stop trying to turn this into a gun thread! . . =(_8^(1)
  20. So your intent is to "hurt them"? Brilliant. Hope your coffee can is hidden well, but wherever it is, it probably isn't earning any interest. In any case, your "fears" seem a little paranoid. . . =(_8^(1)
  21. In the 2000 GOP debates, Bush was the LEAST articulate of the entire nine candidates, yet he stood there with a silly smirk the whole time. Why? He was the annointed one, and he knew it. . . =(_8^(1)
  22. The self-proclaimed representitive of the loving God remains silent on this question, which I ask every chance I get. The latest self-titled "prophesy" has the US "ceasing to exist" around Sep '09. As bad as Ike was, I'd bet my bottom dollar Chuteless is extremely disappointed the death count was so low. Imagine that -- a self-proclaimed follower and prophet of a loving God hoping . . . praying . . for the death and destruction of millions of people. This is what we've seen in Chuteless for years. I wonder how many potential new Christians the man has permanently turned off with his laughable and self-serving antics. . . =(_8^(1)
  23. Moderate -- like you I'm betting. . . =(_8^(1)