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Everything posted by skydyvr

  1. That's a bit of a harsh and presumptive reply, seemingly based on nothing but your political persuasion. Sheesh -- give the woman time to prove herself one way or another. . . =(_8^(1)
  2. Agree totally. Obama most likely meant "my so called Muslim faith". Big DUH there. . . =(_8^(1)
  3. I want them all replaced by algorithms. . . =(_8^(1)
  4. I read your whole post and knew where you were coming from -- just couldn't resist the one sentence. . . =(_8^(1)
  5. That seems like the longest oxymoron I've ever seen. . . =(_8^(1)
  6. A major tit for tat in each campaign! Palin and Obama both skirt the edges of spiritual radicalism. . . =(_8^(1)
  7. Even more prevelant in commercials today is the idiot white guy being shown up by the brilliant black guy. It's out there quite a bit. . . =(_8^(1)
  8. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before! . . =(_8^(1)
  9. Me too. One of the most tragically funny videos out there. . . =(_8^(1)
  10. I'll wager Chuteless had his fingers crossed. . . =(_8^(1)
  11. If there weren't so many dumbshit crackers talking the same way these days, you might have a point. . . =(_8^(1)
  12. What? I suspect reading comprehension is more a problem for you (and others) than actual math. . . =(_8^(1)
  13. Certain folks in SC might suggest you ought to be criminally liable for committing such an act. Do you agree? Yea, thought so . . . . . =(_8^(1)
  14. Certain folks in SC might suggest you ought to be criminally liable for committing such an act. Do you agree? . . =(_8^(1)
  15. I would go back and NOT invade. I was one of those who actually believed the bullshit, much to my chagrin now. . . =(_8^(1)
  16. , thought about your joke the whole time Kennedy was speaking tonight, especially his generous references to the '69 moon landing. . . =(_8^(1)
  17. He would wait until just before the predicted deadline and then move it back a bit. We can expect a new adjustment in the next few months or so. Currently, we have until Sept '09. . . =(_8^(1)
  18. Fundamental Concepts of Pithy Communication by Birdlike, Lawrocket, and JDC . . =(_8^(1)
  19. You truly make yourself look foolish when you continually point out how everyone's making themself look foolish. . . =(_8^(1)
  20. Easy odds on where your vote went on this fantasy. . . =(_8^(1)
  21. Big ten gallon white hats -- with huge blinders running down each side . . . (and a kinky sex toy or two stuffed under the crown). . . =(_8^(1)
  22. If a system could be devised that ensured 100% in every case, that would be great, but we can't. . . =(_8^(1)
  23. An entirely false and ignorant comment -- you surely don't believe that. . . =(_8^(1)