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Everything posted by katiebear21

  1. There is a very large possibility that me and mono uno will be there as well this year... Hooty Hoo! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  2. Gimp - your dog has mellowed TONS since he was a puppy... he's just a bit skiddish. Anybody mention the "weather" word yet? I hope it's nice again but I don't think we can ask for 2 weekends in a row! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  3. SWEET!!! I think Autumn is the youngest Pink Mafia Member. It was truly a fun initiation jump! Edited to add the opposite angle! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  4. My .wmv file was too big to upload. I use Adobe - you could give me another compression technique to get it down to size and I'll gladly upload it. You'd get a laugh! Cane - dude, you know I love you. You know I'm just kidding with ya. Simon had to point out to us several times how your shoes actually came right off your feet. On the original we can see the top 2 inches of sock by your toes fill up with water!!! That was too funny! Glad you're ok, homey!
  5. I couldn't resist... check it out at SkydivingMovies, Landing and Swooping, Spaceland_Chow_Real. (2 clips) Whattup ??? Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  6. My progression: Navigator/Raider (29) Sabre 170 (4) Sabre2 150 (250) Sabre2 135 (14) Pilot 132 (20) Pilot 124 (50) I like the Pilot for its awesome openings (partly due to the gigantic slider) and its consistency. I don't have to roll the nose or do anything special while packing to slow it down or to soften the opening. I love the colored packing tabs which help me when pro-packing ensure the line groups are separated in order to prevent a lineover. I jump the Pilot with my Classic Bird-Man suit and have had no problems at all. I like the landings as well. If I want a slow docile landing, I just ensure my approach is the standard approach. If I want to add some speed, I add a little front riser turn to build up some speed for a zippier landing. I really liked my Sabre 2 canopies but I have completely fallen in love with my Pilot. I own 2 of them because the price was so incredibly reasonable as well! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  7. It was awesome seeing you B2... I couldn't have imagined a better night. Unfortunately, though, that vodka was a creeper and I passed out 2 minutes after I got home. Now I know why you girls were making that face! Happy B-Day fellow Scorpios! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  8. Jib - meeting you was pretty unusual! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  9. CSS + Thanksgiving usually = Shitty Weather... I don't wanna be cold anymore! I guess it is mid November though... Not sure if we'll make the trip up - maybe if the weather looks good. Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  10. Yeah, I just priced a Dell (pretty loaded) with a gig of mem, dual CD-R/DVD-R drives and a flat panel display. All under $1500. I love my Dell. Dell Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  11. Happy B-day sweet girl!!!
  12. Tim - I don't think s do anything quietly!!! And, Kate - they TOTALLY barged in on us but at least they brought bloody mary's - I'm absolutely serious about that! 8 am!!! Skymama - didn't mean to forget you either... it was awesome that you blew somebody off to come have dinner with me... not everyone orders a cheeseburger plain and please don't let a pickle come within 10 feet of his plate combo! It actually just sunk in too this evening as we were cuddled on the couch watching a movie... WE'RE MARRIED!!!
  13. Congrats, girl!!! Looks great! Hey, we picked up some duckie beads in Key West... Chuck couldn't get them off his neck for two days!!! We were thinking of you guys!
  14. Ok, kids. We didn't do the best job chronicling the trip from beginning to end but there are a few fun nights in my album. (And, I didn't add to Chuck's post because I wanted to be a whore and hell, I just got married, I deserve the attention!) Let me just say that getting married this way was the best thing that we could have ever done. We did miss some of our friends (not all of them ) but the new friends we made in Key West made some very special memories. I even found a $5 veil on the street made of white wrapping string to top off my perfect wedding attire! It was a very, very good time! Thanks for all the phone calls and congratulations, thanks to Chuck's brothers for making the trip, to Paradise Tattoo for my wicked coloring, to Sunman, Pyke, and Bobster for the party, to Southern Cross Hotel for their hospitality, all the hotel guests for being wicked fun, the afterparty local crowd we found on our wedding night, and everyone who helped us in between (Kathy and Roger, Arlo, Kim and Kevin, Paige, Ari, (edit - Skymama), Jay, Derek, Boxman, Buddy and Diane, Pablo, Nightjumper, Marco, Colon and Ankie, and everyone I forgot)! Key West Pictures here! I also attached my favorites! 157 is Chuck's friends who own Paradise Tattoo and also the guy that married us (Greg and Doreen) 160 were all the hotel guests and our "wedding party" 167 were some folks that stayed upstairs 190 is pyke and bobster Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  15. Happy B-Day Perry... big hugs to you from NC! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  16. Will this make ya smile??? HUGS!!! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  17. Please pass my condolences to Kristi and the rest of the family. Chuck and I had been trying to plan a trip that way for the longest time. Chris knew we'd be instant friends because we shared the love of similar men. Chris was like what I'd call "Boogie Family"! He always gave the warmest hugs and was very quick to share pictures and stories of his family back home. He truly loves you Kristi - never forget that. Chuck and I remain completely numb over this tragedy. Chris will remain in our hearts forever. Hugs. Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  18. We've had an incredible trip so far... had an incredible bike ride with Kathy and Roger from Alti-2, had great hospitality from Arlo - next time the hairball is yours! Watched an interesting documentary "okie noodling" and even squeezed in some family time. Will take time later to do the complete play-by-play! We're having a blast and I can't wait to be Katie Jo Blue! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  19. Why can't we get commercials like that in the US??? That's seriously funny! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  20. Chuckie and I send warm thoughts and prayers. Wish we could attend. Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  21. Dayum, girl, you're sounding so grown up... YOU MAKE ME SO PROUD!!!
  22. Thanks to Israel - AKA prepheckt - Chuckie and I are the proud new owners of a few quality constructed, black and blue, Belri hand-made sombreros. Definitley appropriate or RB attire for any occasion!!! Which DZ will we be spotted at first??? Only time will tell... Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  23. Happy B-Day!!! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  24. Hugs, Mar... BSBD. Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here
  25. Definitely!!! I'd forgotten about that! I'd also get a little whisker rub as he leaned over to unlock it! Katie Get your PMS glass necklace here