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Everything posted by ypelchat

  1. Thank you for your time Chuck. Yves.
  2. Was it a scheduled admission or emergency? Thanks for all the "best wishes" guys. They really help. I had no symptoms, but I just turned 60. So I went for a diagnostic "nuclear" stress test last month. It showed the I had reduced blood flow to the right, bottom of my heart, after about 12 minutes on the treadmill. So I went on the internet, subscribed to the New England Journal of Medicine, and read every study I could find on angioplasty. Based on this research I chose the best stent manufacturer, doctor and hospital I could find. I am now the proud owner of a brand new, bright and shiny, 3x15 mm, Guidant Cobalt Chromium stent. (If you think skydiving gear is expensive, go price stents.) I figured it was better to do this now, under controlled conditions, than take pot luck in some dingy emergency room at some later date. Anyway, I think (and hope) I'm fine now. It's good to see you're on your way to recovery! Besides.. I need you to stay healthy!! If not, who's gonna build my brand spankin new Vector 3??? Anyway, take good care of your health, Bill.
  3. You are the master of your own universe....
  4. I hope Scotty's gonna be OK, and be back in the air ASAP
  5. Hello guys; A part fell off my camera, and it's now chewing my tapes. So I was just wondering if you guys have a defective PC105 for parts, that you would like to part with. Camera must be complete, though. PM me if you've got something.
  6. what was the product? http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/media/advisories-avis/2006/2006_113_e.html Another case (in french though). http://www.radio-canada.ca/actualite/zone_libre/2006/11/17/001-Medecines_Douces_herbier.asp http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/societe/2006/11/12/002-produits-naturels.shtml Yves.
  7. The fact that lead to this decision, is because a company that was denied the right to commercialize a product, by Health Canada (The government agency responsible for new drug approval), decided to sell it anyway.... Not all naturopath/homeopath companies were banned. Only one. The governement just tightened the rules, a little bit!
  8. Do you really know why this happened, and know of the facts that lead to this decision? Yves.
  9. You do whatever you're comfortable with! Yves.
  10. Like Chris-Ottawa said, you may want to contact the folks at CSPA, first, and tell them about your situation. They might want to take a look at your log books (although, if your log books are written in Russian.... ) Anyway, talk to them, and you'll see. Yves.
  11. I'm not playing video games (PS, Xbox or whatever), so I guess I just saved a bunch! Enough to buy a complete new rig! Yves.
  12. You really need to upgrade your spam filter! Yves.
  13. You're right.. It's the Florida Skydiving Center at Lake Wales. My bad. Yves.
  14. Here's another DZ in the vincinity of Quebec City. CEPQ St-Frederic DZ. Unfortunately, in low res.
  15. Too bad i'm not in the top 300 DZ.com posters. Then again, i've never considered myself a post whore! Yves.