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Everything posted by skyhawk

  1. u might go up but thats about it. But that would be regardless of if u opened in it or just went into it
  2. u might go up but thats about it
  3. easy answer dont do the law paper win the lotto and live at the dz with a 24hr internet conection. Hey thats my plan 1 of these days im gunna win 1 of these days
  4. geez froggie thats a very female thing to say :-) WE NEED TO TALK u r in trouble now man. :-) yer maybe it is oh kanada :-) A man was fingering a girl and she started screaming get it out get it out it hurts. So the guy took out his finger and put more lube on it he started again and she goes get it out get it out. So the guys gets a hole lot of lube and slaps it all over the place then he tries it again. The girl screams again and says get it out its excruciating. The guy turns around and says "thats a big word for a 5 year old" :-) :-) :-)
  5. maybe u should chew her out. there that should get a nite :-)
  6. skyhawk

    Farmer McNasty

    i landed i a field pron 600m from the dz but it took me half anhour to get back cause it was crisscrossed with fences and barb wire and i got me and the canopy stuck on an elecdtric fence which hurt alot * WARNING removing canopys from ewlectric wire hurt *
  7. thanx mike and i would like aggree with anon as well. come on froggie solve the mistry. Buy the way anon can spell better than me :-)
  8. Pammi i am so considering doing that for my last day of school only a few months left yahhh
  9. i live on coke during the day and liquir during the night and in between burgers and chips ect ect
  10. im not a geek im a student (not uni) an usher a bum and i want to join the army (soldier) and jump out of planes
  11. skyhawk

    Mir Re- Entry

    no it wouldnt be better :-p
  12. dude it wasnt me you can even ask sangiro anyway u know i like to pay u out with my own screen name :-) and to all you dumb people out there ok stands for oh koala not oh kangaroo }-)lol
  13. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. ok. :-p
  14. ha ha ha yes my mummie did tell me not to but i never listen to her
  15. its not old hand it is tired hand isnt it skreamer :-) welcome back dude
  16. wah wah wah wah *crying into pillow* i hate you all andfor the roos its not rape if the dont/cant say no :-) so r u going to toogoolawah and the jumpsuit would probly just get u fined a carton :-) nothen wrong with horny women :-) u just jelous cause the british chicks like us more than u cause all british ppl are inadequite in bed :-p
  17. ha ha ha ha ha ok u geeks win :-)
  18. no i dont care u r not a geek u r normal. nanananananan u r normal :-)
  19. and you call youself a geek huh
  20. hey wont let me vote twice i wont the first and last come on geeks fix it for me :-)
  21. hey wont let me vote twice i wont the first and last
  22. yer u r evil didnt forget i have other plans for u :-)
  23. but lets just say some net ladies have seen the real skyhawk ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i guess u just have to be at the right place at the right time :-)
  24. i got a webcam now so goodness knows what pics r going round the web