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Everything posted by skyhawk

  1. skreamer what yuo been doing with rour hand that makes it so old
  2. skyhawk


    ahmen skreamer froggie u owe us and hey your underware would be close enough
  3. c we keep coming back to the fact that australia is the best
  4. skreamer dude same here no stupid seatbelts and no pilot rig
  5. skyhawk


    yer welocme dude skreamer a carton of xxxx is on its way why cause u need to stop drinking that other shit and drink some real beer :-)
  6. never had fear about jumpewn even my first and that scares me
  7. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ok eskimos bloddy hell what have they bought to society igloos and ice asians try hard russians but smaller and yellow
  8. skyhawk


    ok froggie guys 3 or 4 when skreamer posts :-) girls .5 for effort :-p
  9. Poster: SpeedRacer Subject: Re: If I see another post about... slogans: Georgia: We put the "Fun" in Fundamentalist Extremism! Texas: Si hablo Ingles Alabama: Yes, we have electricity! West Virginia: Where "Family Values" has a whole new meaning! North Carolina: Tobacco is a vegetable. Australia: Beer! It isn't just for breakfast anymore! New Zealand: Where men are men, and the sheep are scared! France: God's gift to themselves. Israel: If Moses had turned right instead of left, we'd have all the oil by now! The Entire Middle East: A quarrel with borders. I apologize if there's anyone I haven't offended. Can anyone come up with others? Speed Racer "Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha beer never was for breakfast its a 24hr drink :-) wise aussie saying cure for hangover - - - drink more :-)
  10. nah wingnut its not the keyboard it u . hey i thought i recognised you your the grown up version of the girl in the exorcist :-)
  11. skyhawk


    yep have to aggree with you there guys 3 gals 0 baby pics dont count sorry ladies. there is a normal us the nonskiders r wrong to steal eminems words what ever i say is right watever u say is wrong :-)
  12. u forgot alex O to right sis the world is ours for the taking dont worry there is a chick in australia she is 17 and has her d
  13. 1.skydiver 2.selfish 3.lazy 4.sexgod :-) 1 word aint that hard
  14. you need ??? well downlad ??? :-p
  15. skyhawk


    i didnt even remember it till i read it on this post and hey i might repost that pic if the dz ladies show some real ones
  16. skyhawk

    FEAR? No Fear!

    hey u promised u wouldnt tell lazer :-(
  17. skyhawk


    yer man welcome or discussing nakie baby pics (lol bitch , i still hate u for that :-) :-) :-) :-) hey that reminds me u said u were going to have proper ones
  18. yer man congrats and welcome to the world of under 18 jumpers where you pretty much CANT do everything everyone else does but you do anyway :-)
  19. British people suffer from a cultural effect known as "I-Once-Was-A-World-Power-Now-I'm-A-Joke" syndrome. I mean, come on!! Who takes you seriously? You're just the northernmost district of France anyway. ha ha ha ha yer once they owned the "free world" now all they have is tea and shitty scones :-) Jessica is right, we don't have to defend ourselves. We Texans can be quite content knowing that we are vastly superior to any single state or country in the world. bullshit :-) ok maybe 2nd but australia is the best country in the world :-) And for the record, less than 15 years after the English had imprisoned South African Boer women and children in concentration camps, we volunteered for the first big one. I think I'm starting to see why people think us South Africans are so aggressive and always keen to fight (as borne out by my inflammatory posts). Aaaah, I must be getting home-sick! yer come on ill take u on :-) have you met nelsion mandela or does he stand up for the wrong values :-) (this is especially a joke ) Actually, there have been aboriginal people living there for about 40,000 years. true but you wont here many white aussies me inlcuded say that very often :-) BTW, Canada IS the best country in the world ... just check with the UN ... 7 years running now... ... yer butthe un is a bunch of wankers and hell they r situited in america the land of " we r the only important place in the world " but in the long run the US wins ... more, bigger, and better dropzones! And that's the only thing that REALLY matters, isn't it! bigger yes better no f@cken way :-)
  20. 1. this is starting to get really funny so to all the ppl that get offended i say F@ck u he he he 2.Absolutely right, Laz - which explains Skyhawk's high opinion of his homeland. When ya start at the bottom every direction you go is up! ha ha ha ha weong antartica is below us oh and new zealand and cause we r so "low" we can see what wankers the rest of u r :-) Canada oh canada well cant say much cept they have fliptop heads 3. As for you, Skyhawk, yep, Australia definitely still is a *penal* colony! lmao whats that ment to mean oh wait we do have one of the worst crime rates in the world it was in the paper must be true but what do u expect from decendants of convicts boy scouts (throws a rock at the glass house :-) ) PS everybody leave Texas alone, just because they dress all gay and over-compensate with those over-sized trucks and big guns, is no reason to pick on them, mmmkay? yer cause they r small where it counts Now behave or I'll send an aggrieved New South Welshman to deal with the lot of ya...:-) NSW is where the original penal colony was and they're _still_ narky bastards in that part of the world...:-) f@ck oath lived there for a year had to move back to qld cause they r even more up themselves than brisbanites aint that right Mark :-) yer skreamer get your countries right even though we can go back and forth without a passport even though we have to float/fly there and our govnment pays them millions of dollars a year in welfare cause the can just come and live here and our most celebrated battle (which we lost :-) go aussies ) was faught along them hell the whole blody war was fought alongside them. I have no idea how you got us mixed up :-) we have the skippys they rape the sheep :-) nah the french just want our cane toads :-)