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Everything posted by PLFKING

  1. Good luck. Throw on a gel seat-cover and a back brace. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  2. Yeah, I could see why you would get some argument with that statement.
  3. For the Wings -- Good......Less travel time, which is great for an older team. Bad.......potential to play the Blackhawks one round earlier. Two or three great teams in a conference may dilute the quality of the semifinal and SC rounds. Overall, I like it just for the reduced time-zone changes. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  4. And bias is what produces this matchup. When Ohio State and Michigan were in the same position in 2006, nobody wanted to see two teams from the same conference play for the NC. But now that it's two SEC teams, they're singing a different song. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  5. So......Dave's on patrol one day, and a car with two young men inside go blasting past him at about 85 mph. Dave turns around, chases them down, lights 'em up, and pulls them over. He walks up to the driver's window, and says "Roll down your window, sir." The driver does so, and says "What's the problem, officer?" Dave reaches in, and POW! pops the guy upside the head. The driver starts rubbing his face, and says "What was THAT for?" Dave replies "You don't go speeding on my road, boy......license and registration, please." Dave writes the ticket, hands it to the driver, tips his hat, and says "You have a nice day now." He then walks around the car to the passenger window, and motions for the passenger to roll it down. The passenger does so, and says "Yes, sir?" Dave reaches in, and POW! pops the passenger upside the head. The passenger starts rubbing his ear, and says "What was THAT for.....I wasn't even driving !!" Dave says "Yeah.....but I just KNOW that you're gonna get about 10 miles down the road, and you're gonna say 'By God, I wish that cop woulda hit ME like that'........."
  6. "A blonde lets you leave when you're done.....a redhead lets you leave when she's done." Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  7. Michigan finally gets the monkey off its back. Brady Hoke for Coach of the Year.....with huge props to Greg Mattison. Bring on Urban Meyer. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  8. you have a fat problem, or could it merely be a size issue ? Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  9. Remi still won't leave.......he's like the gum on the bottom of our collective shoe. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  10. Damn you......I was this close to the Pearly Gates....... Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  11. We've managed to strip Remi of his Greenie status, but he's still wearing Lycra, and Canadian. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  12. Except when they're running the opposing teams goalie. Relax, Chuck.......we don't always start strong, but we tend to travel quite a ways into the postseason. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."

    A new greenie

    Too cool. Congrats to you and Amy. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  14. Personally, I don't think bannings are punishment enough. The mods should have the ability to send Guido over to the bannee's house with a pair of brass knucks and a baseball bat...... Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  15. Trying not to get amped about Michigan's 5-0 start.......we've seen this movie before. We'll be ready for some barbequed 'Bama next fall. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  16. That can't be right. It's proven fact that there are 2 assholes per 7 people in the population. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  17. Is he playing soccer for the Seminoles ? Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."

    LayZee day~

    Yeah, but when 'Twardo was in high school, they were still teaching cuneiform......probably different back then. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  19. That 3rd pic is priceless......looks like he's ready to beat the shit out of you. And I like the comb-over look.
  20. Knowledge of Arizona back roads......check. 4-foot sharpened spikes attached to truck grille...check. Airline ticket and false passport.....check. Remi's cycling jersey design......check. Thanks ! Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  21. 4. Einstein would be a Shih Tzu. 5. The Libyan terrorists trying to nuke him in the parking lot would be..............Libyan terrorists trying to nuke him in the parking lot. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  22. That's Frau Blucher to you. Andrea, for some reason, I thought you were of Russian descent. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  23. As you're a hockey player, I had doubts you could even read, much less write. Let me know when you're published.....I'll buy one. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  24. The Rev's still looking good. He was the first person I ever met with Tevas tan lines. Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."
  25. So, what was your maiden name ? Don "When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all."