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  1. 4 points
    Sexual immorality is just a construct. The only immorality would be if someone is taking advantage of a child or a person otherwise not able to give informed consent. Homosexual sex is not immoral. Men entering the priesthood then using the posistion of trust to take advantage of children is immoral. Likewise it is not immoral for a boy or a girl to feel they don't fit your expectations of their sexuality. It is a struggle, and it may be very difficult for them, but it is not immoral.
  2. 2 points
    I've been trying hard for a couple of days and could not sell any of my cast iron. Guess that's not for me either. Wait . . . you said OnlyFans. Damn, I was trying OnlyPans.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    All good on this, it's a good discussion. It's hard putting it all back together 50+ years later. It just comes down to whether or not he made an amateur type of mistake. If so, that could be used as part of the profile when looking at a particular suspect. Anyway, here is the latest from Dr. Edwards....he's on the hunt for those Air America jumpers: https://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/24695578-d-b-cooper-and-flight-305-last-name-unknown
  5. 1 point
    They just can not avoid thinking about it because their interest isn't moral it's prurient. Often it's as simple as anger over others doing openly what they either secretly desire or merely have very natural curiosities or occasional wonderings. Like reformed smokers they incessantly proselytize against the behaviors as a way to keep the ideas, and pictures, fresh in mind. By claiming their interest is faith based they can avoid uncomfortable questions about their strange concerns. Of course, if the urges become uncontrollable there are always a spare set or two of vestments to don for additional camouflage.
  6. 1 point
    You only need 3 like-minded people. Maybe find people who are thinking of taking an AFF instructor course. It's good practice for them.
  7. 1 point
    At our small Cessna DZ we still do 4 way. But our average age is quite high and the younger jumpers we do have are not really very interested in it. Not yet dead but definitely dying.
  8. 1 point
    The jetliner landed at 5:41. Tina retrieves the money and parachutes between 5:50 and 6:10. All passengers are off the aircraft by 5:57 Alice and Flo depart the aircraft at 6:44. The plane departed at 7:36. Based on this timeline, the pilots and Alice and Flo could have escaped the cockpit while Tina was on and off the aircraft getting the money and chutes during the time period of 5:57 and ~6:10. In fact, I think in a later interview, Rataczak laments this fact. https://norjak.org/timeline/
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