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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2023 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Donald Trump called Georgia looking for 11,780 votes. Fani Willis is only going to need 12.
  2. 3 points
    Well, I figure I don’t need to opine that much, just as my opinion on whether penises need to be height-adjusted by having shorter penis-equipped people stand on boxes for a pissing contest Wendy P.
  3. 2 points
    Go for it, I'm always inspired by the youth of today. I'll start asking around. In Anapa, I watched a Russian stand up a 'dactyl landing on the concrete tarmac. You could hear his boots hit 50 meters away.
  4. 2 points
    There are far more important things in life than sports. Get some perspective here.
  5. 1 point
    Hey Everyone: Like a lot of you, I grew up on rounds, made some Para-Commander jumps, and then bought a Strat-o-Cloud. I always thought, though, that the Delta II and the Paradactyl were the most beautiful canopies in the sky. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Anyway, I've talked to some really helpful folks, and have convinced myself that my first choice is a double-keel Paradactyl, and my second choice is a Delta II. I am NOT obsessed with the idea of jumping a completely vintage container and setup. But I am somewhat obsessed by jumping one of these canopies, so my plan is to find one, get it inspected, and put it on three-rings in a modern container with a modern ram air reserve. I'm asking for help locating either a double-keel paradactyl or a Delta II. Any help or leads you might be able to give me are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Now, the "why the hell do you want to do that?" comments can begin. :)
  6. 1 point
    House today, Senate tomorrow, the presidency in 12 years. By that time the logistics of holding office from prison should be all worked out.
  7. 1 point
    Bickering over the comparative advantages of my customers genitalia is something I intend to continue avoiding. I figure soccer moms will sort this out amongst themselves the first time a third grade daughter engaging in mixed gender sports comes home with a cauliflower ear or gets clipped in a football game by a mean boy: as dear dad pointed out the one thing that all old assholes have in common is that they were all young assholes. That is to say we're not considered dicks because we have one. Because it's the right thing to do we need to be inclusive and try to make it work no matter how not right it may seem to some. But try as we might some experiments in inclusion are doomed to fail, like with Sky Boarders for example.
  8. 1 point
    That is more than a little disingenuous. The event was professional and money was involved. Are you saying women can choose to just forego getting paid in order to support the expression of a false gender? I do support the right of anyone to express the gender they choose, or even a mixed gender, but testes give an unfair hormonal advantage in strength to those who have them over those who have ovaries. There is a serious problem here that glib talk is not going to fix.
  9. 1 point
    Donald Trump Donald trump He's a chump That Donald Trump He is going to go to jail, just you wait and see "WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME?"
  10. 1 point
    Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell to the GOP after the latest Trump indictments: "We've got to protect our phony baloney jobs, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately, immediately, immediately! HARRUMPF! HARRUMPF! HARRUMPF! (I didn't get a HARRUMPF from that guy!)
  11. 1 point
    You know as well as I do that they completely screwed up the descriptions during later files. Nothing can or should be inferred from any of those descriptions. Hell, when they catalogued the museum chute into evidence the description they gave was of Cooper's chute. This is why I think the most reliable description is the very first description. Everything gets conflated and Frankensteined after that by agents who got confused and by Cossey's crap. The very first description of the museum chute, regardless of who gave it, has been shown to be 100% accurate. We know this. Thus, the same degree of legitimacy should be given to the Cooper chute description. Aside from the canopy size being wrong, there is no reason at all whatsoever to doubt that description. None. It was paired with a 100% accurate description of the museum chute, thus it's likely accurate as well, or at least more likely to be accurate than any subsequent descriptions. So all of this talk of who's on first and what's on second and I don't know's on third is irrelevant. We should all roll with the first description as being most accurate. The likelihood of subsequent descriptions being more accurate than the first description is highly unlikely (aside from the packing card and the canopy size). All subsequent second hand descriptions just confuse the issue and muddy the waters. They should be ignored entirely IMO.
  12. 1 point
    I am too. People should compete in whatever sports - and with whatever rules - that THEY choose to accept. No one else. If a woman wants to compete in a sport with only biological women? That's fine; she can choose that. If a woman wants to compete in a sport with anyone who expresses a female gender? That's also fine; she can choose that too. You don't get a say.
  13. 1 point
    Biden needs to get way ahead on this by announcing that abortion politics had absolutely nothing to do with the decision and, by the way, please someone tell Tommy Tuberville to go fuck himself.
  14. 1 point
    An old man walked into a high end jewelry store on a Friday evening a few minutes before they were going to close. On his arm was a very young, beautiful, voluptuous, sexy blonde. They walked over to the jeweler and he said, "I want to buy a nice ring for the lady." The jeweler took a ring out of the case and handed it to the old man. He said, "This is nice. How much is it?" The jeweler said, "That ring is $1,000." The old man said, "Can you show me something better? The jeweler handed him another ring. The old man said, "How much is this one? The jeweler said, "That ring is $5,000." The old man said, "I want to see the best ring you have." The jeweler walked back to the vault and came back with a ring and handed it to the old man. "How much is this one?, he asked. The jeweler said, "This is our best ring and it costs $40,000." The old man said, "I'll take it!" The blonde he was with was so happy when she heard this. The jeweler asked, "How will you be paying for this, sir?" The old man said, "I'm going to write you a check. Now I know you will have to check with the bank on Monday to see if the check is good and that's fine. Hang on to the ring and I will stop in on Monday afternoon to pick it up." Then, the old man and the very happy young lady left. On Monday morning, the old man got a call from the jewelry store. The jeweler said, "Sir, there is a big problem. I just got off the phone with your bank and they said that the account your check was written on has no money in it!" The old man said, "Yes, yes, I know.....but let me tell you about my weekend!"
  15. 1 point
    Jumped both and enjoyed both. There’s no ‘best’ here. Katana dives and recovers much longer than the Crossfire 3 and my turn height went up 50% when I went from Crossy to Katana. Crossfire openings are slightly better I’d say but don’t listen to people who just slam Katana in this area. Katana openings are usually awesome but, on the odd occasion they can go bad. Any higher performance canopy you go on after this will be the same though so just pay attention to the openings and it should be all good. I had to chop both canopies and they were all pretty violent mals, including the one I had on the Crossy. Katana will fall out of the sky more than the Crossfire so may be less appropriate for long spots or having an AFF student take you into the basement. Ultimately, it depends what jumping you do and what you want to do in the future along with a bit of personal preference. If you want to swoop and see yourself on a small crossbraced canopy in the future, the Katana is the only non-crossbraced canopy that truly prepares you for that, IMO. The jump from the Crossfire would be pretty big. If you don’t see yourself downsizing or changing planform in the future, do AFF, camera or just skydive for fun, maybe a lot of movement jumps with potential for long spots, go for a Crossfire 3. There’s also personal preference so it’s best to demo both if you have a chance. Just remember that the recovery arcs are very different so don’t go out and turn a Katana 120 at the same height you turned your previous canopy. Do some high pulls or hop and pops and get the data before doing anything close to the ground. Also, I recommend not going to your first canopy in this class and also downsizing at the same time.
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