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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Because it's becoming more and more apparent that Musk is on Putin's side. Removing that much moderation will allow the trolls in St Petersburg free reign. You know, Trump is awesome, Ukrainians are all Nazis, Covid vaccines are dangerous, all that sort of shit that the gullible idiots fall for.
  2. 2 points
    TwitterCon doesn’t really roll off the tongue. What about ‘Truth Social’?
  3. 1 point
    That sounds extremely optimistic given that most Tory back benchers would lose their own seats in a snap election. These turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.
  4. 1 point
    Honestly I think those tweets came from simple ignorance and a need to be the centre of attention rather than pushing a pro-Putin agenda. We should be careful to recognise that Musk is actually providing a hugely important and very expensive service to Ukraine for free and footing the bill himself - I don’t think the likes of Boeing, Lockheed, AT&T can say the same. So while he is an asshole who doesn’t know when to shut up, his company has (so far) really gone above and beyond in support of Ukraine.
  5. 1 point
    Don't think you are very clear on the concept of free speech. Free speech is not "the government should force Facebook to carry any messages I want for free." And in any case, fewer gatekeepers = more automated processes that reject posts if they see keywords. Try arguing with an algorithm.
  6. 1 point
    i'm 5 - 6 minutes into it. Was surprised he did S/L progression in 1994. He did say a small DZ in Canada. First downsize Furry 220 F-111 to Jedei 120 ZP. Rock on. PS. the vast majority of these Exit Point podcasts are quite good.
  7. 1 point
    "Increase revenue by cutting 75% of staff" Profits, maybe, but I think this will be as effective in increasing revenue as Liz Truss' strategy of "growing the UK economy".
  8. 1 point
    I'm thinking you don't have any IMHO's.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    For me personally, it depends. How many other people are in the air, what are we doing, how current am I etc. After a sequential jump I have had no problem with accepting a center dock at, say, 2K or 1500 if we're doing 2-way. I've also been known to be part of a "post-stack" which is complete at the altitude previously indicated, but flown down to 100 ft or so. I do that only with people I really know and trust. Offset docks, that ends at 3-3.5K if we're doing 2-way and isn't happening at all after a larger sequential jump. I don't coach people for their first canopy formation jumps (I'll leave that to @IJskonijn) , but I'd like to submit that the minimum docking altitude would also greatly depend on what gear everyone is on. For the purpose of this discussion I regard bumping endcells as "docking" where newbies are involved. The most important thing to know is, cross your legs once you reach the minimum altitude you're comfortable with and people know to stay away.
  11. 1 point
    OK, not the Foreign Sec but more casualties already. After the Whips' office was fully mobilised to force Tory MPs to vote against a ban on fracking, the Chief Whip and Deputy Chief Whip have both been fired for bullying. Apparently they were screaming at, physically shoving and making MPs cry outside the voting rooms. I'm not even sure I care about the damage being done to the country at this point - as soap operas go it's fucking fantastic. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63322533
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