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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Lol, you’re too sensitive to cope with seeing fictional gay people in public but you think I should lighten up? By the way, your evidence that it can’t compete in the marketplace of ideas is one angry note from one angry subway customer. It’s not very compelling. On the other hand your homophobic Christian video is very good evidence that it can.
  2. 1 point
    Thanks for elaborating on the background. I find sanctimonious assholes trying to inflict their standards on others to be repellent, whether it's Joe McCarthy or the Woke who have taken up the torch. BSBD, Winsor
  3. 1 point
    The troll must be scared, it hasn't answered the question, and is trying to deflect with an off-topic comment.
  4. 1 point
    Like I mentioned before, this is another win/win. Anti-vaxxers are happy and feel like they "pulled one over on the Deep State/New World Order/Bill Gates." Vaccination rates go up and the pandemic gets a little closer to being under control. I think we should make this official. Have a service that, for a nominal fee, will inject you with something that is 99% saline, with a few other passive non-DNA ingredients. Market it on Facebook as "Fauci does NOT WANT YOU TO LEARN about this!" The anti-vaxxers will decide that sounds good and get it. And the people doing it will make a bit of money. Again, win-win.
  5. 1 point
    My view on the chutes based on assessment of all the info.. this may not be exact but close. Cooper requested 2 front and 2 back chutes. Himmelsbach claimed he requested them from McChord. McChord either didn't have them or rejected the request. Cossey was contacted at home and forwarded the request to Emerick at Issaquah Skysports. Cossey believed the 2 fronts and 2 backs to used were his from Issaquah. Hayden was also contacted and agreed to send in two back chutes. He claimed the chutes were the same but never saw the canopies. Emerick was informed they now only needed the two fronts. He grabbed 2 fronts, a good one and a dummy chute. (speculation is that he intentionally grabbed the unsealed dummy) Hayden's back chute SN 226 and the other SN 60-9707 with the two front chutes from Issaquah were sent to the plane. Both backs packed by Cossey May 21,1971. Early on both back chutes were described as having burp sacks, that is consistent with Hayden's chutes not Cossey's. Cooper was told (incorrectly) by the crew the chutes were coming from McChord. In Reno, the dummy was missing, the good front was cut apart and back chute SN 226 was found intact with the SN 60-9707 packing card. Chute SN 226 found on the plane was returned to Hayden in 1975. Cooper used SN 60-9707 Pioneer back chute but had left the packing card behind. Cossey was contacted and told a Pioneer back chute was left in the plane. Cossey incorrectly assumed the one Cooper took was his modified NB6/8 from Issaquah. There is no corroboration for Cossey's description. Cossey learned that the back chutes came from Hayden but never corrected his error. Cossey never supplied the serial numbers for the chutes he packed for Hayden. He claimed that he gave all his records to the FBI. He did not. Over the years Cossey told various lies to cover for his initial error, even claiming his chutes were used and one was returned to him. The FBI relying on Cossey and his (incorrect) back chute description falsely eliminated many chutes found over the years. The Cooper chute SN 60-9707 may have been found already.
  6. 1 point
    This stink reminds me of the horror and outrage generated by the Kirk-Uhura interracial kiss. Then, as now, most people didn't have a problem with it. But to some people (primarily in the South) it had "crossed the line." "I am totally opposed to the mixing of the races!" said one letter sent to NBC. It is also notable that, in part due to the reaction she got to her role on Star Trek, Nichelle Nichols went on to be something of a crusader for both women's and black rights - and partly due to the controversy generated by that kiss, saw some success at it. So while it's sad that people still have such reactions to interracial kisses, gay cartoon characters, nonbinary characters etc it also tends to lead to advocacy that makes such changes happen more rapidly. In a way, they (the people bothered by what they see as the decline of morality and decency) are digging their own graves.
  7. 1 point
    Two Buck Chuck is $3 I believe. The Cabernet is actually OK for making mulled wine, especially if cognac is added. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulled_wine
  8. 1 point
    I am also an atheist. But I definitely have beliefs. A belief system is not the same thing as a religion. Atheism is also a belief system.
  9. 1 point
    Yes, we have as many covidiots (called "wappies" in Dutch) as any other nation. I can understand the grumbling in the early days, when Covid was some faraway thing which would maybe impact a few people. I myself have learned a lot in the past year and a half. And then, at some point during the pandemic the government started emphasising in their press conferences that they could understand "how limiting the covid measures are" and "that people were tired of the measures, but hold on we're nearly there" etc. Worst are statements like "curfews are un-Dutch measures", only to have to implement them a month later anyway. This, coupled with unrealistic timelines and ever changing "roadmaps" illlustrating the measures to be taken cost them a lot of credit. This is besides the fact that there is also a political kindergarten which is called "formation of a new government after the election". Fortunately most Dutch people got their vaccinations and keep at least some semblence of adhering to the preventive measures.
  10. 1 point
    Thanks Winsor, pretty much sums up your belief system as exactly what Mr. S Dekker said.
  11. 1 point
    Article: https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/bonhoeffers-theory-of-stupidity-explains-the-world-perfectly-957cbb3fbac1 Video:
  12. 1 point
    I finally used the ignore feature for the first time in the many many years I've been here. I didn't even use it on Rush when he still posted here, *that's* how little value these posts have reduced to.
  13. 1 point
    Let's go Brandon...
  14. 1 point
    Yup, the Netherlands is a bit of a mess. I have a fully vaccinated aunt who just tested positive. She is a police officer, hard to stay away from public. An elderly uncle who tested negative after an exposure and a set of parents who are hunkering down once again. Their pre-existing conditions will make an infection a likely death sentence. The Netherlands seems to have a high vaccination rate, showing that social distancing and masking remain important!
  15. 1 point
    I am wholly in agreement that you can't have it both ways. That is rather my point. The old 'From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs!' works, after a fashion, in a closed system such as a Shtetl. In an open system, not so much. If the CRT advocates want to cough up to address the damage that has resulted from many decades of catastrophic policies (all implemented with the best of intentions), good for them. In the Pharmaceutical industry you have companies that screw the pooch royally, and come under a Consent Decree. One marvelous feature of the Consent Decree is that the people tasked to resolve the problems are the very people who caused them in the first place. It does not usually end well. Expecting 'the Government' to fix the things that went to hell on their watch makes every bit as much sense. The problems blacks and Latinos have has close to nothing to do with the fact that they are black or Latino per se, but a lot to do with policies that have been implement over the years to 'help' them. If you ask whether I approve of doing the same thing and expecting different results, my answer is no. If you ask if I want to pay for it, my answer is HELL NO! BSBD, Winsor
  16. 1 point
    Went through the 2012 Rataczak DVD.. A few points of note.. most well known, important ones in BOLD, (my comments in brackets) recommends Tosaw’s book as most accurate crew gave input all boarded aft stairway not Christiansen 727-100 93 seats total Flo given paper,, was working coach section Tina working galley rolling down runway when got note and call from Tina told Flo to stay in cockpit paper and pen take notes HJ told Tina to sit down next to him had briefcase and paper bag showed Tina bomb eight sticks battery wire starter Tina cool as a cucumber go to Mex city gear down flaps down cabin lights out stat no one aft first class and curtain drawn Cooper never came to cockpit several times cooper became upset and threatened to touch the wires (Cooper was more "aggressive" than generally believed) crew demanded control, no outside intervention (FBI) HJ wanted 4 parachutes gave 5 o' clock deadline wanted $200,000 in US currency in a knapsack (He confirmed "US" currency, this is significant IMO) told Tina have money waiting for chutes from McChord only 20 miles away Later HJ asked for flaps 15 deg.. (Confirmed Cooper said 15 degrees but later) pass sign remain in seats HJ wanted meals for crew Tina bring money first,, money bag had string. (string?) He threatened to blow up plane when money not in knapsack (Ouch, hadn't heard that) Tina brought parachutes in.. Flo and Alice told to leave with Tina pilots planned escape.. didn't go right away can’t takeoff with stairs down.. 727 needs to rotate for takeoff (assume he means locked down) HJ agreed Refuelling stopped, thought they were intervening,, fuel truck running out of fuel, demanded another truck, fuelling stopped again, RAT swore at them. Valve froze up, never heard of that, RAT knows it was bogus. (Rataczak believed the fuelling issues were a ruse, I agree) Can’t make Mexico. Considered bailing out escape when Tina only one left,, decided not to leave Tina. Rataczak demanded Flo and Alice leave airplane. (Flo later apologized for not leaving when ordered) 727 stairs duel purpose, boarding and stability on runway. Told from Boeing,, stairs come down nose lowers 3-5 deg… it did Bill flew plane out of Seattle. lifted the landing gear by mistake then lowered again Cooper didn't notice 30 deg at 10000 ft getting ice buildup center post windscreen Tina came to cockpit. Rataczak wanted rope for Tina when she opened the stairs Get knife cut shroud line Rataczak told Cooper how to open door and lower stairs. (Thought it was Tina, maybe both) HJ can’t get stairs down Slowed down plane stair light came on rate of climb pressure.. felt bump in ears (Bingo) Rataczak on horn to air traffic control "our friend just took leave of us” “mark it” (That comm had to be logged and used in the DZ analysis) Soderlind genius figured out LZ Rataczak wanted to fly over the Pacific.. hoping Cooper would jump there Refuelling set up for Reno. Rataczak hand flying plane lowered 3-5 deg when stairs came down (not auto pilot) Scott took over and landed Reno Rataczak, you don’t want to see my FP it looks like connect the dots. stairs only dropped about 3 feet inflight sparks when landing in Reno had dogs ready in Reno for search HJ got notes and matches back matches said “how to get a high school diploma” (Second pack of matches other than SkyChef) dogs ate the crew meals on plane parachute was a 28 ft Tina doesn’t like to talk about the case except with RAT.. thinks HJ landed in something like blackberry bushes (brambles) and didn’t survive Tina carrying book in famous pic,, Mary Queen of Scotts not Bible Hasn’t talked to Flo or Alice since. Hasn’t talked to Anderson crew stories.. Tina, Tosaw called to say,, she was Carmelite nun in Convent in Eugene Oregon.. 1981 - 1993 Tina in convent Questions.. Ransom money found,, tumbled down river money in paper wrapper (probably got that from Himmelsbach, he was in close contact) FBI kept 13-14 bills HJ offered ransom money Tina packets of $20 bills… (Not exactly, actually Tina asked for money and took it) Parachutes. 1 opened cut shroud lines and tied money around waste 1 dummy chute ticket.. name Dan Cooper placard found,,, found two bodies in search parachute canopy found.. Himms not right one Suspects.. thinks FBI sent dummy chute on purpose (sabotage) collected drink glass (IMO, Cooper was never concerned with prints only hand written notes) HJ never left seat (He did but very briefly though) Paul Soderlinds trapezoid LZ… Himmelsbach book also recommend never left cockpit, never saw Cooper HJ error, let passengers go before Tina got everything
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