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  1. 2 points
    I guess we can add paranoia to your list of cognitive infirmities. Were you military, I would next have asked if mindsets like yours were prevalent in your unit. Now I know it's much simpler: you are just an angry old man, unhappy with your lot in life, who finds validation in lashing out bitterly at make believe enemies. The internet and this forum give you a channel to behave as abysmally homophobic and prejudicial as you like without fear of retribution. I'll further guess that in your little circle at home you take pains to be well behaved lest you be left without even the pretense of friends. Old age is a time for mellowing out and enjoying the days you have left not hating ever more intensely. Go find some good in something.
  2. 2 points
    What use is that anger then? Trump is challenging democracy by refusing to concede. Which is far more consequential than what someone wrote on a random website. Any anger on that?
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    When Ron goes out for dinner: "Good evening sir, do you have a reservation with us tonight?" "No. Not safe. System not secure." "Yes sir, of course, not a problem. How many are in your party?" "Unknown. Waiting. Being watched. Soon." "Certainly, sir. We'll prepare your table. Can I have your name, please?" "No. Gave it away last night. Stolen. Wait. Chavez." "Very good, Mr. Chavez, let me just take your temperature, sir." "Drop it! I will shoot. Lima. Air America. Communists". "Please, sir! Don't shoot. It's just a thermometer". "Leaving. Don't follow. Benghazi. Deep state."
  5. 1 point
    Here's Charlton Heston bragging about getting Ice-T fired from a record label because he didn't like the lyrics to one of his songs. In the grand tradition of rank right wing hypocrisy it does not surprise me one bit that you idolise someone who is not only a PC warrior themselves, but was a cancel culture leader decades before it was trendy.
  6. 1 point
    Nope. Nothing so blatant. When someone sees someone do something stupid, they say "that's so totally gay!" And that lesbian woman thinks "I'm not going to be so welcome here." When a front floater can't hold on while the inside chunk takes its time getting set up, and he falls off, and someone says "oh girly man couldn't hold on!" then the woman who showed up to do a tandem thinks "well, maybe one tandem is enough." When a guy shows up in his pickup truck flying two confederate flags, and talks loudly about how the libs and the blacks want a free ride - but of COURSE he's not racist, just a realist - the black FJC student thinks "well, maybe I'll try hanggliding instead." That's how it works.
  7. 1 point
    Could probably charge for admission and pay their way like that.
  8. 1 point
    If you don't like the description of what you do, just stop doing it.
  9. 1 point
    Good, because that’s already the dumbest thing I’ll read all week. Isn’t it funny how those who dismiss BLM and other social justice movements are terrified at the thought of anything which could possibly allow them to be profiled and discriminated against (no matter how laughably unlikely that is)? Imagine if you were black. Imagine if you actually were profiled in the way you just imagined, every day in every conceivable walk of life. Then imagine how righteously fucking angry you would be about that profiling really happening, given how angry you are about the profiling you just purely imagined?
  10. 1 point
    I agree with keep my knees working by doing loads of cycling - running is the big knee killer imh
  11. 1 point
    Think New American Revolution. Headlines from the weekend: Trump Supporters, Counterprotestors Clash in DC Streets https://www.newsmax.com/politics/washingtondc-trump-protest/2020/11/15/id/997166/ Cyber Analyst On Dominion Voting: Shocking Vulnerabilities https://www.oann.com/cyber-analyst-on-dominion-voting-shocking-vulnerabilities/ Rudy Giuliani: 'Dominion Shouldn't Be Counting Votes Anywhere' https://www.newsmax.com/politics/rudy-giuliani-dominion-voting-systems/2020/11/15/id/997113/ Dominion was developed in Venezuela with its main office in Canada. What could possibly be suspicious here? China Expert: Beijing Happy With Biden Win https://www.newsmax.com/politics/gordon-chang-china-biden-catsimatidis/2020/11/15/id/997160/
  12. 1 point
    He's wearing a BASE rig, so no, he doesn't need emergency handles :-)
  13. 1 point
    The reason has nothing to do with standards. The lawyers don't want to work for free. They want clients who pay the bills.
  14. 1 point
    I assure you, my tongue was firmly in cheek. But in these days of the GOP's rush to support an autocrat, Bolton has become a moderate by comparison, w/o even changing his principles.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I'll submit they have Electile Disfunction.
  17. 1 point
    And I can tell you what WILL happen if a vaccine is released and it turns out to have serious side effects. All those nutjobs will say "see? I've been telling you all along - these vaccines are UNSAFE! I have PROOF!" And they will actually have it - and will be listened to. And the next vaccine will have to go a much longer set of trials before it's released. And when it is released, most will refuse to use it it. "Remember last time when the FDA said it was safe? Not injecting my kids with that. I'll wait a year." And millions will die. That's worse than hundreds of thousands. If you want to join a vaccine trial I support that 100%. Go for it. If you want to end the disease before then, push as hard as you can for universal masking, testing, distancing, contact tracing and improved hygiene. Those aren't as quick and easy as a shot you get in ten seconds - but are a whole lot safer at this point. And they are very effective. I have a Nova that I haven't jumped for years. Do I feel foolish when someone else jumps a Nova and says "See? It landed FINE. You're afraid of nothing!" Nope. Because I have enough experience to know that "it will probably be OK" is not sufficient evidence for me to trust my life to it. Same with vaccines.
  18. 1 point
    What's not to hate? He is a thoroughly despicable human being whose incompetence and venality are responsible for more unnecessary deaths than anyone since the Rwanda massacres. More even than Slobodan Milošević.
  19. 1 point
    I have run it in the tunnel for free flying, then unzipped to flatly in the tunnel with the lightweights. Have jumped with 70KG students with myself weighing in at 107kgs
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