
End Cell Closure

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I have a Sabre 2. I have end cell closure on almost every jump since I got it. I am loading at about .9 to 1. Is there anything in the packing procedure that can cause the end cells to keep closing? I do about 3 easy pumps to open them up. But I am tired of them closing on EVERY jump.:(

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I have a Sabre 2. I have end cell closure on almost every jump since I got it. I am loading at about .9 to 1. Is there anything in the packing procedure that can cause the end cells to keep closing? I do about 3 easy pumps to open them up. But I am tired of them closing on EVERY jump.:(

Are you split-rolling the nose? If you are, stop doing that. Closures, plus a 180 degree spin on canopy inflation used to happen every-time when I was packing a Sabre2 like you would normally pack a Sabre.

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No it is not being packed like a Sabre however I notice a difference in packers on opening. It does open nice accept for the ecc ;)( I can pack but in 100 degree weather I get someone I trust). I will ask if they are split rolling the nose. The few people I trust to pack for me are smart and know not to pack a Sabre 2 like a Sabre. :)

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I guess it is going to be a common effect on nice soft openings. I used to jump a Sabre and as soon as I open. Jerk! Wham! Hello!;) I did get some sore thighs from that Sabre a couple times. I never had any problems with the Sabre its a fine canopy. The Sabre opens without much of a snivel like the Sabre 2 ( there is snivel in a Sabre 2, at least on mine). I love my Sabre 2 landings!:)

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I guess it is going to be a common effect on nice soft openings

I think part of it is our light wingloadings; I load my Spectre about 1.0:1. The "newness" of the canopies may be an issue too - I didn't get this nearly as often on my 1200+ jump worn out Spectre of the same size.

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[***My Spectre opens that way nearly every time. Doesn't bother me too much; I like a nice slow opening and closed end cells are easy to fix.

I have noticed that quite often on my Spectre also- My end cells usually open in less time than it takes me to even release the brakes-

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I get end-cell closure on my Stiletto loaded at 1.5ish once in a while. They really don't bother me because they're part of the nice slow openings that I like.
I usually have to do a turn or two to get myself back to the DZ, and those turns will usually get the cells open again.


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I think part of it is our light wingloadings

I dunno about this one, I load my spectre with 1.15 or 1.23 (sometimes I use weights) and almost on every jump I get the tip of the end cells closed. They open on the third scream "OPEN! OPEN! I SAID OPEN" and puff! it opens. Taking the toggles down helps too and so does pulling a bit the rear risers. I think its a sickness from slow openers (from what I have read).


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Every canopy is different, even the same model and size. However, your light wing loading would be the biggest factor affecting closed end cells. Since it is a Sabre 2 I would assume it is fairly new and in trim. Just get in the habit of flaring to open the end cells and in time when you progress to a different wing loading, the end cell closure will be a thing of the past!

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I was having end cell closure on my Sabre 2, and it was also diving to the right. I ended up giving it back to PD for test jumping, and they decided they needed to reline it. I don't have the problem anymore.
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That's it.
Next time I get end cell closures, I will shout at my canopy.
Will whispering suffice for a small canopy?
Now if it is a really big canopy, like a SET 400, does that mean that you have to shout really loud, or do you ask the tandem student to shout along with you?

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Rob, my advice would be to take a bullhorn with you on Tandem jumps... no need to loose your voice yelling at the canopy when a simple bull horn would solve the problem. If exiting while holding the bullhorn presents issues the Camera flyer has two free hands.. put them to use. On non videoed jumps... have the student hold it.
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I get closed end-cells on my Stiletto loaded just under 1.4 on just about every other jump. It just means that I've been the recipant of another great opening. Even with the closed end-cells it never goes more than 10-20 degrees off-heading.

I just give a 1"-3" tug on my rear-risers and they unfurl and inflate every time.

The Sabre2 for the most part is reported to be a very soft-opening canopy. You may just have to live with it unless you modify your pack-job. Or, you may have to go to a slider that is a little smaller if you are getting too much of a snivel as well as the closed end-cells.

If it's a faster opening with closed end-cells, leave the slider size alone.

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I am gettting the same right turn. Do you know the s/n of your canopy off hand? I wonder if I have the same problem.
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It was manufactured in Nov 2001. I think if you do a search on the forums, you'll find that some other people who had canopies made at the same time had the same problem.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I have a Sabre 2. I have end cell closure on almost every jump since I got it. I am loading at about .9 to 1. Is there anything in the packing procedure that can cause the end cells to keep closing? I do about 3 easy pumps to open them up. But I am tired of them closing on EVERY jump.:(

I am having this exact problem and was searching the forum for some answers when i found this thread. I bought my sabre 2 a couple of weeks ago and in all 12 jumps I had end cell closure. Four different people have packed the canopy. I have been told that it's a normal problem with the sabre 2 if you have low wingload on it (mine is 1.0). This is my first gear so I don't have any experience to compare canopies. Last three jumps i have also experienced having to pump my slider down. How can i fix this?
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