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DB Cooper

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Duane was on probation for stealing Government checks from ladies of the night in Calilfornia night clubs. These were military wives and the checks were government checks. Now that was Dumb, but also these wives should have been at home or with family not in a bar.

Come on Jo, how can you blame the theft victims? Duane's thievery wasn't cute or "dumb". He was a pernicious uncaring criminal. You even watched him steal people's coats in his cloakroom swap upgrades.

Duane seemed unable to avoid arrest and conviction. He couldn't be trusted. He stole, lied, cheated and conned. Who in their right mind would trust him alone with $200,000 in cash? If he was DBC he was a loner. No organization would choose him as the key player in such a scheme. So forget about the CIA, the Mafia etc. They would have recruited a better candidate.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Please all spare a thought, and a prayer if that is your thing, for the people of Norway. I was in Oslo just a couple of weeks ago, and the thought that someone attacks innocent citizens in one of the countries in the world most synonymous with peace is sickening.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Duane was on probation for stealing Government checks from ladies of the night in Calilfornia night clubs. These were military wives and the checks were government checks. Now that was Dumb, but also these wives should have been at home or with family not in a bar.

Come on Jo, how can you blame the theft victims? Duane's thievery wasn't cute or "dumb". He was a pernicious uncaring criminal. You even watched him steal people's coats in his cloakroom swap upgrades.

Duane seemed unable to avoid arrest and conviction. He couldn't be trusted. He stole, lied, cheated and conned. Who in their right mind would trust him alone with $200,000 in cash? If he was DBC he was a loner. No organization would choose him as the key player in such a scheme. So forget about the CIA, the Mafia etc. They would have recruited a better candidate.


One time I was aware of a coat swap - that is all...wasn't exactly sure how he did this, because the coats where checked at a window??????

I wasn't blaming the victims - it was an OPINION on my part that these war time brides should have been HOME and not out bar hopping..when their husbands are overseas fighting a war.

An uncaring criminal is not what he became. He was young and thoughtless. Something changed him drastically - perhaps his 8 yr stay in San Quentin and Folsom. Except he ended up in Canon and Jefferson after that - so WHAT really happened to change him. I do not really know other than it was a life altering event.

He was cautious and careful and he evaded any arrests other than twice in our marriage.

One was a DUI and this happened right after the money find - he got really really drunk and he would NOT let me drive.
There was snow on the ground.

The second time you guys know about - when he tried to get the John Collins drivers license in 1990.

I do not think anything about what I know about Duane's past is cute - yes, he did a lot of dumb things - but, managed not to screw up and flim flamed the law by by-passing finger prints and made lots of money in the insurance business. He manuevered the system. How many ex-cons could sell life insurance in MULTIPLE states from 1969 until his retirement and also amass some pretty heavy renewals that paid him well even after he went out on disability.

Duane maunevered the system for 25 yrs in the insurance industry...these were major state wide companies. Did he learn something or did he get smarter because he had to? For an ex-con to work for more than one insurance company in mulitple states without being found out is a feat in itself.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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All these things about Duane Weber.

Evidence, witnesses, something solid. He's a reasonably famous suspect. Is there anything at all?

Is there NO ONE who will stand up now and confirm anything that even remotely links Duane to the hijacking? Let's grant Duane was in the military. Let's even grant he knew the Northwest well. Well, that doesn't narrow it down very much. There has to be more connecting him to the hijacking than that. And I mean a piece of evidence that can be confirmed or witness testimony from someone who will come forward now. That is not too much to ask.

There is nothing here with Weber except one person's word on this or that.

Jo: If you know so many people and and you are so sure Duane was the hijacker, then it's time to get other people to speak for you. Something, anything. You must have some people in your corner. Maybe it's time for THEM to step up to the plate for you.

To ALL and mostly to Blevins:

There were people who knew more than they told. I have explained this - the FBI messed up and now 5 individuals who could have shed light on Duane - are now deceased. All of these individuals died in the last 8 yrs and the FBI is very aware of this if they read this thread - otherwise maybe they are oblivious since my contacts to the FBI go straight to a machine and never to a person. They never listened to one word I said or the relay of information from agent to agent was extremely compromised.

There are some younger individuals who were only kids at the time - but what is a kid going to remember. One contacted me and told me only part of what he knows - but, this took a horrible emotional toll on him.....and I will leave it at that. As I would with my own child I leave it be and if he ever feels like talking to the authorities he will do this on his own terms.

I do not have the means to find 3 other individual still living who might know something. I expect all 3 will be unwilling to talk. These individual would probably have NO direct relationship to the information other than to have known him from the past.

One is a nephew of Duane's who was life time military...he may have heard some stories from his mother and father, but he has never come forward. I told the FBI about him - but, as far as I know they NEVER interviewed him. The information is so old now I don't even remember his name - but, I am sure it is here in all of this "stuff" and the FBI could get it and his location in a flash.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please all spare a thought, and a prayer if that is your thing, for the people of Norway. I was in Oslo just a couple of weeks ago, and the thought that someone attacks innocent citizens in one of the countries in the world most synonymous with peace is sickening.

Do they have any idea why this man did what he did? I rarely watch TV and only read about it in the newspaper. The pictures were grueling - all of the ones I saw looked so young.

Crime is becoming rampant everywhere. Break-ins with guns and on individuals who really have nothing themselves. Not far from me a family and several children were held at gun point and the father chose NOT to let his children die at the hands of this senseless man holding the gun - and charged him. When the son realized what Dad was doing he went for it also.

Blame the economy. I blame society when the parents had their rights taken away from them. I predicted the decline when the first child in America was allowed to take his parents to court for spanking him...and won. Wonder what happened to that Kid?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The below quotes are from a site for Samuel Edward Hatch and member of his family has accumulated this information on a site in memory of him.

Camp Sibert, Alabama, one of the largest training grounds for the Army’s Chemical Warfare Service (CWS). A training reservation of over seventy square miles, Camp Sibert was opened in mid-1943 for what the military’s history of the CWS called “one purpose only: to facilitate the training of chemical troops”

“This past week, we studied about chemical agents. … This past week was practically all class work, tests, problems (figuring the amount of chemical ingredients in suspensions, solutions, etc) and lectures. I enjoyed very much (sic), and today I am reading over my notes” (Footnote 2). Induction into the army would last through April. During this time, my grandfather realized he would not be on the front lines fighting; instead, as he explained in an interview in October 2009, only when “the enemy used gas warfare would we go to help our troops.”

“The CWS … felt the full impact of preparing for a kind of war which was not being fought while contributing significantly to the war which was being fought”

If you are interested you can read the entire accounting at.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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He is described as right-wing/neo-nazi, Christian fundamentalist, islamophobe. Did not like the tolerant policies of his government. Sad to say but if you trawl the net today you find people who still idolize hitler and his policies.
Remember this is one of the richest countries per capita in the world and has one of the most equal distributions of income- it is not a country where low income people feel threatened by immigrants taking jobs (and I must stress even if it was these actions would not be justifiable, just perhaps slightly more understandable). Seems like a pure hate crime in other words.

You can blame economy and society all you want but at the end of the day you need to blame the criminal for deciding to commit a crime, whether a massacre in Norway, an armed break-in near you (this is pretty much a fact of life where I live by the way - everyone I know has private armed response security) or, dare I say it, Duane. Everyone has choices in life.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo wrote


I predicted the decline when the first child in America was allowed to take his parents to court for spanking him...and won. Wonder what happened to that Kid?

He became a lawyer Jo. ;)

I've heard this legend for years but is the lawsuit story true? Any citation?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote


I predicted the decline when the first child in America was allowed to take his parents to court for spanking him...and won. Wonder what happened to that Kid?

He became a lawyer Jo. ;)

I've heard this legend for years but is the lawsuit story true? Any citation?


This actually happened, but when and where. No time to look it up and I came back to give you guys a site about some of the Chemical Trng Rgmts.
1st and 2ed.

Duane talked about some of this, but of course I didn't know anything about his being at Camp Sibert until after I contacted his family about his "confession" when I found out who Dan Cooper was in 1996.

I re-read Duane's letter written to Mother Weber - trying to see if I missed something there. He doesn't seem unhappy and he is wanting to help with the war efforts and do right.

Duane made a trip (ALONE) in 1989 before he went on diaylsis in 1990. I never saw any forms or papers - he wanted to do this alone. He said he was going to Birmingham for evaluation for a kidney transplant. Again - I never questioned Duane about things (maybe he was going someplace for a last fling for all I know).

Duane's illness was hereditary, and anything else wrong with him was attributed to the disease and the usual things that come along with kidney failure.

At any rate the site was something different.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I can't get away from this. I go back to the things Duane told me about his life and his knowing smokejumpers keeps coming back and coming back.

Nuetsel or something like - said he went onto Cave Junction.

Richard Petersen (Paperlegs).
He knew him.

There was the one who like did rodeos - that would be Shep.

He couldn't make these things up, because in those days we knew nothing about computers and he didn't read books except the 2 I have told you guys about - Norjack and that other book he brought to the house with the pictures in it that go back to Placerville.

Now I found the older man who was in those pictures - guess where he was in 1943 - yea, you guessed it Camp Sibert. There is so much more on the computer than when I looked all of this up before. I just haven't gone back.

Before there was hardly anything about Camp Sibert and now here come the man in CA. and guess where he was orginally from and ended up in CA. One of the places Duane and his family had family and friends in Ohio. I forget right now. I got so excited I couldn't contain myself and I am exhausted - it is 3:28 here and I hardly slept last night.

Been having chest pains for several days now and been trying to ignore it - I got so much to do and such a short time to do it in.

A woman hit my car over 3 wks ago and I have been given the run-around by their insurance company - Geigco. I finally carried it in to my company on Friday, but I still have to get my car repaired - looked at new ones and couldn't find one I could get in and out of...I drive a 2003 Rendezous with only 61K miles on it. She hit my right front wheel with her trailer hitch - she backed straight back and didn't look and she backed out like she owned the parking lot.

I was sitting still with my foot on the brake waiting for a man to pull out of a handicap parking space I wanted. These are NOT angled parking spots - but the ones you back staight back. If she had not hit me she would have hit him coming out. I thought the front end and door would be all tore up, but when I got out of the car all I saw was flakes of her paint on either side of the tire. Then I saw what hit my wheel dead on - a big trailer hitch.

I didn't see any damage other than a dinge and scrathes on the wheels, but had a report done and thankfully I did - because when I got on the expressway to head home - it was bumping and bouncing all over the place. I was told the Crankshaft seal was cracked, the rim wheel, rotor and something else was damaged by 2 out of 4 places. It was 8 days before I could see an adjustor and during that eight days something started to leak on the garage floor (car has been temperature controled garage except when in use). Exposed to the elements - for 6 wks of its life... 2 wks at the airport in Oct.
a trip to Ohio for Thanksgiving and another trip to R.I. to see my hsuband's mother. Then a trip to S.Florida during a winter month.

This is a 2003 Rendezous with only 61K on it.

The adjustor said they will only pay for a wheel and one rotor trim - this is all wheel so all 4 have to be done. But It hit me so hard the crankcraft seal cracked and they said that was wear and tear because the car is a 2003. Over three wks and Nothing. Now their dealer said I have leaking valve gasket heads (this is expensive), but I don't see this myself...and they won't pay for it. 2 dealers, Vannoy and an independent looked at my car. The dealer I bought the car from saw basically nothing but alignment and rotors.

Vannoy saw that, but noted the leak I told them was NOT there before the accident - I was supposed to be on the road for a trip the next day..car had been serviced and ready to roll. I noted the fluid to the adjustor and then stopped on my way home at Goodyr who serviced the car -about 1000 miles before. They noted no leak coming from the oil pan but above it. They NOTED no leaks at the oil change...and gave me a statement this had occurred in the last 1000 miles.

A mechanic in our local area who used to work for a dealer - said Crankcase seal and confirmed it. I called him and told him the second dealer (chosen by the other parties insurance company) was claiming gasket heads and not from the accident.
This local mechanic used to work for a dealer!

I have been trying to handle this myself and finally just walked into my insurance company on Friday and put it on their desk. I can't do this anymore...and I need my car to be working properly. I am afraid driving it like this will only damage it more.
The new tires I put on only have 7000 miles on them...that was over 2yrs ago. My baby was running so good...on the thursday before the 4th and now it feels like I am riding on a Steel wheel (the kind on old farm wagons).

Any advice from anyone will be appreciated and this we can do in PM's. In other worlds I need to rent a husband or son for car know how and expertist in how to handle these chislers.

Now I know I am beat - emotionally and physically. My poor baby - she needed a new mat where I sit - she is fantastic.
She is NOT replaceable - I tried to do that for the last yr - and notjing out there can accommodate me and if I can't get in and out of the car it is of no use.

I will not do the head gaskets unless they can confirm it and I need a guy wiith me who knows how to talk to the dealer and mechanics - they see a woman coming and their pockets get real deep. Large luxuriouls dealership but lots of empty bays.

He came in with a big bid and that just caused Giegco to shut down on anything. 9 calls before she returned my phone call.

They claim the oil is dripping dow andmaking it look like crank case seal broke. When they got so ridiculous I woud have shut down also. What he told me and what she was told (or understood- is 2 different animals.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I know you think otherwise but I don't see how your side impact accident would cause a crankshaft seal failure. That's not, in my experience, an impact related failure unless you engine was hit head on really hard.

If all else fails sue the other driver in small claims court. That is what people do when insurance companies try to lowball by claiming older low mileage cars have been "totalled" in a relatively minor accident. When the sued party calls their insurance company to handle the matter things change and settlement offers increase. Just be sure the cost to restore your car is under the small claims court recovery limit in your state. I think it's between $5000 and $7500 in most states.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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your insurance companies seem to work different to ours? here, you have an accident, no matter whose fault you both hand over to your insurance companies and let them slug it out with each other from day 1 without you personally having to argue anything with anyone (well other than a slanging match with the other driver at the scene perhaps...!)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Hey Jo, you keep blabbing about all this evidence you have, Duane is long gone, why not post what you have on DZ and let the experts take a look at it?...what's to lose...???

Wouldn't it be better to know, than keep everything a little secret...then you have to deal with it in your mind...

kind of like making a list...then you don't need to think about the items on the list anymore...just check it occasionally to make sure you haven't forgot anything on the list...does that make any sense Jo???


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Hey Jo, you keep blabbing about all this evidence you have, Duane is long gone, why not post what you have on DZ and let the experts take a look at it?...what's to lose...???

The "experts" have taken a look at it!

That's the whole problem and why Jo is here hiding
at Dropzone vs receiving worldwide publicity. Jo
gets attention and controls things here.

This isn't rocket science! The world is not stupid
or ambivalent and uninvolved! Why would you
think it's anything else - that's the issue. Do you
think the world is full of incompetent dumbies?

So, your suggestion is dead on arrival, just as it
has been dead the 10,000 times it's been suggested
before. Jo is in charge of this and she knows it, to
the extent she ever could be. Meanwhile, the world
moved on decades ago.

Dropzone is a cozy safe place for Jo. Don;t rock her
boat! Or, Blevin's liferaft either.


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Georger says in part:


'Dropzone is a cozy safe place for Jo. Don;t rock her
boat! Or, Blevin's liferaft either....'

Currently, incoming emails show three out of four people who are commenting about Blast say they think we're onto something.

Don't stick me in the same league with someone who can't present any hard evidence. We have plenty, and if KC were alive today, he would have serious questions to answer from the FBI, the IRS, and maybe his employer.

The reason you never address the evidence against KC is because you have no valid responses. About the only thing you base your flippant dismissals on is the description of the hijacker. This is not good enough. Everyone knows eyewitness descriptions can be unreliable, especially when given by people who saw the hijacker in unusual settings, i.e. not out on the street, but in the confines of an airliner cabin. We can add to that the fact that most of these witnesses, with the exception of the ticket agent, were frightened out of their wits.

The most important witness of all, and probably the witness who could say yay or nay on KC isn't even talking.

Your personal dislike for me has clouded your judgment for months. When I posted up that '25 Best Reasons We Believe KC was DB Cooper,' you simply ignored it.


My personal dislike for you is because:

(a) you keep misstating the case. You are either
ignorant of basic facts in this case or you chose to
ignore them.

(b) you keep pimping me and everyone else saying
'this is all personal with you'. Well it isn't! But you
will ignore my statement and accuse me again of
being 'personal' at your next post. You are like Jo ...
a broken record of personal insults and attacks
because: that is all you have.

That covers everything, that matters.

Blevins, you need a mommy.

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The Rendezvous is a front wheel drive vehicle. A side impact into one of the front wheels could conceivably damage parts of the drive train. A hit in that area from the side sends a pressure-type force into the transaxle, which is also connected right there to the engine. This is especially true if the vehicle was hit from the transaxle side.

The vibrations are probably from the front end now being partly out of alignment.

My Rendezvous is an AWD CX

The rounded hitch made a direct impact on the wheel (on the right passenger side) which pushed the axle into the crank case cracking the seal. There seems to be oil coming from above - at what looks like a fluid line of some kind - above the Oil Pan and up were the crank case is. This line has a huge bulge in it like a blood vessel getting ready to rupture. I have no idea what I am looking at.

I am not very big and I was under the car today sliding on plastic on my back. I put one flash light in the motor where the belt is and along the motor side on the passenger side.

When I got under the car I had 3 more flash lights - one directe up to the side of the oil pan. Then I position another flash light over at the wheel sticking it between the spokes so it would shine toward the Transaxle.

With a very high beam small flash light I put my little arm in that crevice along the pan and straight above it. This is where I saw this line with a bulge in it and that is where most of the oil or fluid is coming from. Slow leak because the oil had not got low enough to the point I have had to add oil.

This is my sweet sweet baby and it fits me and my disabilities to a glove without alterations. The new cars all have everything in the wrong place. Seniors with disabilities (most of which just occur with the aging process) need simple to operate.

My right knee will not hold a brake down repeatedly to start a car and my right finger trembles and has arthritis - hence a car one starts in this manner is out.

Cars with the gear on the dash require I move my body forward from the waist. That does not work.

Cars with a gear that requires one to use the right thumb or move the right shoulder doesn't work.

The new seats are narrow and hard and very very hard on old hips or replacements.

The new seats will not tilt down at the knees which is a requirement of artificial knees and those with damaged knees.
We need a slant. If our knee is forced to bend too much - that affects our mobility.

Those with poor circulation cannot have the knees bent at right angles and with the front of the seat pushing up against the back of the thigh - cuts off circulation.

The height of the Rendezous is just perfect. I sit on the edge of the seat and swivel in. Once in I shut the door and by lifting myself up with the center console and the door handle - I put myself in position to travel.

I am tall by the standards of my age but I shrink every yr. My legs from the knee to the foot belong on someone 5 ft 2 in tall,
From my hip to my knee that belongs on a 6 ft man. The neck is long and my torso is long. The the father of my children (we were married for 10 yr, but he didn't know the definition of marriage and fidelity)...he calls me a GD Griraffe. That fits except for the GD - he could have leave that part out.

Been half looking for a new car, but haven't found anything I can drive or get in and out of. The 2010 Toyota Highlander I rented in Oct in WA in 2010 was accessible. The new ones I understand have lots of changes such as those above - plus I cannot afford that kind of money.
It had the center gear control but my shoulder was not bothering me at that time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Someone Stated: I forget who.

"Hey Jo, you keep blabbing about all this evidence you have, Duane is long gone, why not post what you have on DZ and let the experts take a look at it?...what's to lose...???"

Georger replied with:


The "experts" have taken a look at it!

That's the whole problem and why Jo is here hiding
at Dropzone vs receiving worldwide publicity. Jo
gets attention and controls things here.

Jo is not hiding and I have been chewed up and spit out by the naysayers. The media takes things out of context the same as some do in this thread. At least in this thread I can try to explain what I am talking about.
In the short time the FBI spent with me there IS no way they investigated the things I have told about Duane Weber.

Earlier (yesterday) I made a post going back to the smokejumpers and I alway get pulled back there. He actually talked about these people and he knew these people yet the FBI has never explained this nor have they ever even addressed Duane's connection to smokejumpers. I do not know if the FBI even has anything in their files regarding what I tried to tell an agent with what limited information I had in 1996. It is this thread which has helped me to explore more on these subjects - the site and other things we discussed.

True we have all explored lots of things - but I personally keep going back to the 2 periods - 1945 to 1949 and 1962 to 1968 when Duane Weber basically disappears off the radar.

Mr. Georger (JW) that is my initials - duh!, Why do you bother to sit here and read or comment about the things I say if there was NOT something about what I keep "trying" to say that doesn't interest you? I will tell you why! You Georger have something in your crawl that says this woman is NOT lieing, but there are things about her story no one can explain.

If I knew who or how to approach the authorites and had the money I would go back to WA and sit in front of the FBI and have them explain to me WHY they have no records of Duane's activities during those periods. I think it is the FBI that needs to do some explaining about this.

If they do - they have NOT been shared with me. WHY NOT? I am tired of the battle - I want only some straight answers from the FBI...face to face.

At least I haven't been out there banging on Tina's door even though I have known where she was for yrs. You guys know that is the one lie I have told in all of this - but, it was easier to act like I didn't know. I have done what I could to protect her and I am upset with individuals who are pursuing her even as we speak. She remembers nothing - leave her be - Cooper destroyed her life...just as Duane Weber did to me when he told me "I'm Dan Cooooper".

Yes, in a way I hide in this thread because it helps me to explore what I do know and does not expose me to anyone I do NOT want to speak to. I try to answer the questions presented to me and I have had lots of help with things I did not understand.

I spent 7 hours going back to search things I had already searched before - and the information available now is much more thorough than it was in 2000 when I first used a computer

Does anyone remember where the name Brauer came up. His name came up early on in the searches Snowmman presented, but the thread and I moved on. This man came up again last night and it was just MORE of the strange co-incidences. Jumper, Ohio, CA, a family friend who was older by the same name. So I want to find out more about this man - did he have brothers and was his father connected to the CPS's.

At one time I tried to find some research on a CPS camp in CA called Cooperstown and more on Placerville and a place East of Placerville. The records are spread all over the place - they were shipped to other areas...so no one has complete files.

No one has ever explained Duane Weber's relationship to Richard 'Paperlegs' Petersen as late as 1980.

The site that Leo Harder's son had up still leaves me haunted - pictures Duane Weber showed me in a book, but NO ONE knows what or where that book was or what it was called. Most of the pictures on the site where put in the Book Duane Weber brought home - with pages missing...I never saw the front of that book.

The Marvin Doerksen whose relatives disclosed he was NEVER in CA. They lived in Kansas.

Then there is Duane's cousin who just disappeared off the map. Only 2 yrs younger than Duane. His father Lyman Van Buren Weber - died and his wife Naomi remarried and retired to St. Petersburg. Perhaps to the very home she owned with Lyman - hence when the ex-con was arrested at Treasure Island who gave his ocupation as "crook" said "Ask them They know me" maybe he wasn't lieing.

I am not playing any games - I am seeking the truth about Duane Weber - be it to solve the crime he confessed to or for my own sanity - it makes no difference. I need to know and someone out there knows the truth. By now most if not all of those who did know the truth are gone, just as I will be gone...and then the truth will never be known. I do know that if by chance Duane was not Cooper - he sure as hell knew who was and he was in possession of "the evidence".

There was a man I often had questions about - but, maybe he was just another antique dealer. he was retired military (a officer).
I only know his last name, but would provide it to someone privately to research. Since this may only have been someone Duane had business dealing with I have always been reluctant to mention his name. All I remember is his last name.

Another thing that has become to light in my going back over Duane's "military" record if we can even call it that. 1943 he leave the Army - but would not the government have been after him for enlisting in the army after having the bad conduct charge in the Navy?

Some how the family got him out of McNeil after only the inception and he was at a camp - NOW it makes sense why I feel certain he was at the Camino Camp in Calilfornia...and not under the name of Duane Weber. Mid 1945 Duane is release per the records, but then he drops off the face of the earth. Was the family hiding him? Were there more charges out that waiting to place against Duane? Back in those days it was easy to assume the name of someone else - and I think that is exactly what happened - and I feel sure he used the nickname of Dusty. Or did he explain his tattoo another way or did he continue to use the nickname of Dusty?

Until Duane Weber resurfaces in 1949 in California going up on charges and into San Quentin. Where was he mid yr from 1945 until he was pulled up on charges in CA????????

This is when he was in WA and OR....now for what I have been looking for. I have had NO luck in pulling information about Paperlegs, but I have a feeling he and Duane knew each other from Camp Sibert - Need a little on this. When I can get more details about the life of Paperleges everything else will fall in place. This will put Duane Weber if NOT in a Chute but in association with jumpers. Maybe he was a kicker so he had to learn to put a chute on and do at least one jump.

What was Richard Petersen's legal name and was he ever in Ohio as a kid. Where did he serve? What yrs? I do know he headed up the Communication in from 1962 until 1973.

Codes were involved in the communications program he headed up. Remember from 1962 to 1968 - Duane's life is unaccounted for other than the time he supposedly spent in Jefferson. Now if the FBI was NOT hiding something - why NOT make the actual file available to me as was acquired from the other prisons. All I could get was what was available only after the master file is destroyed.

William E. Thomas - why didn't the FBI find something about that name. The FBI had his name and his location, but they never questioned him - WHY?

There is a connection between these men. William E. Thomas,
Richard "Paperlegs" Petersen, Tony Wong, Tommy Gunn.

Oh I found something else - remember the name I had on a card Duane had in his hidden wallet. George Edwards male nurse. This has been a puzzle and may still be, but I found this as I was just going thru the obits of the Smoke Jumpers - Edward Nurse who jumped in Missoula in 1948 and he died in 2003. Probably nothing there other than it wa 4AM in the morning and I was getting punchy.

Damn now I sound like Knoss - jumping on names. Creating characters.


7698QA2735 - if you decode this you can find me. I believe that was ACTUALLY Cooper himself. He mailed that in CA and then headed to N.Y. His injuries had 2 wks to heal and he was headed to N.Y. to greet the N.Y.

Even as he was in N.Y. he expected to get caught. This is why I wish I had the old communications Max Gunther received from a man and a woman called Claire. My letter and phone calls with Max gave the two us a strong belief that Claire and Duane's wife where one and the same. She even wrote in one of her letters to me the very same thing Claire had said in a letter to Max. "We all have a little larceny in our hearts". Max wanted to know how to contact this ex-wife of Duane's and it was after he got back from his trip to CA that he and I ceased communicating.

This was before 2000 and so my communications are all letters and notes of phone conversations. Geoffrey Gray looked at those letter as did Sluggo...although I did NOT allow them to read the content as it was private.

Max was somewhat flirtatious and had a rather kinky life that more or less paralled the kinky life Duane and his wife lived. Is this why they went to N.Y.? Was it to make contact with Max? Had they met him in the past?

I don't remember without pulling the book, but was there something in Max's book about the message that was coded. I hope so - because that will only confirm in my mind the connection.

Army 35608905
Navy 283-56-96

Example use the Navy number
283-56-96 versus -

July was the 7th month and the day the he was dismissed as an undesirable. Why 7 is the turn around number.

96 last 2 # in Navy #'s
Use 7 and reverse 96 to 69
gives you 7 69.

use the same on the last two number of the code - 53 becomes 35 after the turn around number.
giving you 7 53

now you have 7 69 and 7 53
Q is Question - A is Answer.
The 8 and the 2 reversed are the 1st 2 number of his Navy number

This equates to 769 8 QA 2 753.

The same system works on his Army number.
3560 - 8905
Reverse 35 to get 53
Reverse 89 to get 98
so now you have
xx98QAxx 53
July is 7th month
7x98QAx753 versu
2 is the first number of the Navy
6 is the last number of the Navy
reverse their order


I do NOT believe you can do this with just random numbers.

Now you guys figure it out!
Simple coding that makes sense to the person it refers to and to the FBI it was just a bunch of numbers - It was not even coding - it was just his way of saying figuer it out if you can.

He used both the ARMY and NAVY numbers to do this. We all did things Like this when we were kids.

The FBI baffles me on this - WHY use the 1945 fingerprints for McNeil. There are mulitple prison records they could have used - why didn't they compare all of the prints on Duane Weber?
Maybe there is a discrepancy in the the prints. Did they check his arrest file against the McNeil record? NO! WHY?
Did they check any fingerprints other than the McNeil file? Surely he was fingerprinted several time after that? WHY use one of the oldest records on Weber...why not compare other incarcerations - to be sure?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The Rendezvous is a front wheel drive vehicle. A side impact into one of the front wheels could conceivably damage parts of the drive train. A hit in that area from the side sends a pressure-type force into the transaxle, which is also connected right there to the engine. This is especially true if the vehicle was hit from the transaxle side.

The vibrations are probably from the front end now being partly out of alignment.

Good point Robert. I was thinking of the old setup with RWD.

Sounds like you do some wrenching now and then. Wish Snow could post. He is deep into wrenching these days.

Hope the Ariel celebration goes well. Hats off to you and AB for encouraging reading. The Borders Bookstore collapse might give some life to the struggling independent local bookstores. Sure hope so.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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'you keep pimping me and everyone else saying
'this is all personal with you'. Well it isn't! But you
will ignore my statement and accuse me again of
being 'personal' at your next post. You are like Jo ...
a broken record of personal insults and attacks
because: that is all you have.

That covers everything, that matters.

Blevins, you need a mommy.'

When I have a bit more time, I think I will go back on this thread and do a little research.

'Top 25 Insults by Georger'

Then after you see them, you can try arguing that 'it isn't personal' argument again. Good luck. You also conveniently forgot about the time you were banned for name-calling.

You were saying WHAT again? There's nothing like a good old double standard when all else fails.

BTW: I found your Ckret poster. Sorry. It's

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It is 12:49 here, but I wanted to post this one last time. Strange things happening tonight...if I hear anything else I will call the sheriffs office. I just turned all of my outside lights on.

I am copying part of a prior post because I want someone to put their thinking hat on - really think. Does anyone remember if the code was put in Gunther's book. I don't feel like pulling it and rereading it.


7698QA2735 - if you decode this you can find me. I believe that was ACTUALLY Cooper himself. He mailed that in CA and then headed to N.Y. His injuries had 2 wks to heal and he was headed to N.Y. to greet the N.Y.

Even as he was in N.Y. he expected to get caught. This is why I wish I had the old communications Max Gunther received from a man and a woman called Claire. My letter and phone calls with Max gave the two us a strong belief that Claire and Duane's wife where one and the same. She even wrote in one of her letters to me the very same thing Claire had said in a letter to Max. "We all have a little larceny in our hearts". Max wanted to know how to contact this ex-wife of Duane's and it was after he got back from his trip to CA that he and I ceased communicating.

This was before 2000 and so my communications are all letters and notes of phone conversations. Geoffrey Gray looked at those letter as did Sluggo...although I did NOT allow them to read the content as it was private.

Max was somewhat flirtatious and had a rather kinky life that more or less paralled the kinky life Duane and his wife lived. Is this why they went to N.Y.? Was it to make contact with Max? Had they met him in the past?

I don't remember without pulling the book, but was there something in Max's book about the message that was coded. I hope so - because that will only confirm in my mind the connection.

Army 35608905
Navy 283-56-96

Example use the Navy number
283-56-96 versus -

July was the 7th month and the day the he was dismissed as an undesirable. Why 7 is the turn around number.

96 last 2 # in Navy #'s
Use 7 and reverse 96 to 69
gives you 7 69.

use the same on the last two number of the code - 53 becomes 35 after the turn around number.
giving you 7 53

now you have 7 69 and 7 53
Q is Question - A is Answer.
The 8 and the 2 reversed are the 1st 2 number of his Navy number

This equates to 769 8 QA 2 753.

The same system works on his Army number.
3560 - 8905
Reverse 35 to get 53
Reverse 89 to get 98
so now you have
xx98QAxx 53
July is 7th month
7x98QAx753 versu
2 is the first number of the Navy
6 is the last number of the Navy
reverse their order


I do NOT believe you can do this with just random numbers.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Are you guys still banging it out in that cottin pickin site. I don't even know how to find it anymore.

The decoded code has been sent out - see what happens...when smokejumpers, media and everyone else gets it. Maybe I am making a fool out of myself, but I really feel good about this one. I even sent the FBI a copy.

Geeze NOW I sound like Blevins.
Oh well that is not as bad as sounding like the sssshhhh don't say name.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It is 12:49 here, but I wanted to post this one last time. Strange things happening tonight...if I hear anything else I will call the sheriffs office. I just turned all of my outside lights on.

I am copying part of a prior post because I want someone to put their thinking hat on - really think. Does anyone remember if the code was put in Gunther's book. I don't feel like pulling it and rereading it.


7698QA2735 - if you decode this you can find me. I believe that was ACTUALLY Cooper himself. He mailed that in CA and then headed to N.Y. His injuries had 2 wks to heal and he was headed to N.Y. to greet the N.Y.

Even as he was in N.Y. he expected to get caught. This is why I wish I had the old communications Max Gunther received from a man and a woman called Claire. My letter and phone calls with Max gave the two us a strong belief that Claire and Duane's wife where one and the same. She even wrote in one of her letters to me the very same thing Claire had said in a letter to Max. "We all have a little larceny in our hearts". Max wanted to know how to contact this ex-wife of Duane's and it was after he got back from his trip to CA that he and I ceased communicating.

This was before 2000 and so my communications are all letters and notes of phone conversations. Geoffrey Gray looked at those letter as did Sluggo...although I did NOT allow them to read the content as it was private.

Max was somewhat flirtatious and had a rather kinky life that more or less paralled the kinky life Duane and his wife lived. Is this why they went to N.Y.? Was it to make contact with Max? Had they met him in the past?

I don't remember without pulling the book, but was there something in Max's book about the message that was coded. I hope so - because that will only confirm in my mind the connection.

Army 35608905
Navy 283-56-96

Example use the Navy number
283-56-96 versus -

July was the 7th month and the day the he was dismissed as an undesirable. Why 7 is the turn around number.

96 last 2 # in Navy #'s
Use 7 and reverse 96 to 69
gives you 7 69.

use the same on the last two number of the code - 53 becomes 35 after the turn around number.
giving you 7 53

now you have 7 69 and 7 53
Q is Question - A is Answer.
The 8 and the 2 reversed are the 1st 2 number of his Navy number

This equates to 769 8 QA 2 753.

The same system works on his Army number.
3560 - 8905
Reverse 35 to get 53
Reverse 89 to get 98
so now you have
xx98QAxx 53
July is 7th month
7x98QAx753 versu
2 is the first number of the Navy
6 is the last number of the Navy
reverse their order


I do NOT believe you can do this with just random numbers.

Jo, There are only 10 digits (0, 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). All numbers are formed using only those 10 digits. There is nothing magic about the numbers you mention in the serial numbers or anything else.

You are not using the term "random numbers" correctly. And there is nothing in your explanation above that makes any sense code-wise or otherwise.

Robert Nicholson

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And YOU posted there with a 'Yeah, yeah, that's right' comment. You swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

Blevins.. I didn't post there. If you bothered to read
it it says George R. Not Georger. The person was
kind not to steal my nym or screwed up faking it.

I didnt even know the site existed until Jo just
brought it up.

Once again you have jumped to a conclusion and
made the rest up yourself. But 377 likes and
admires it so at least you have one fan!


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Blevins - Georger is referring to when I first found the site and place it over here. Yes, he has had time to find out what it was all about. How many silvers have you pulled. Oh, that's right you don't drink . Maybe you just like connecting what doesn connect. I haven't been back since I found it - there is probably a Jo or jojo or joy there by now. The young people like to do the thing just to cnfuse issues. We don't need to bring GABAAGE in to the thread ....I tried to spell gabbbage the way NY talks/

Only been there twice in my life and the only thing I MISSED was seeing a play.

Did the night club thing at club 54, Dinner at 4 Seasons. Even went on a date with a New Yory er by the name of Joey. He even brought flowers.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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