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DB Cooper

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Alphabetic 'data' in relation to what? Is there a ranking of some
kind in the data? Are you looking for a statistical analysis of
letter occurrence ? What do the letters refer to?

Every statistical analysis that I could find in the literature that had any chance of producing meaningful information has already been applied. Some progress has been made using a statistical approach, but there does not seem to be any chance for further progress that way.

Basically, determining some segments of a possible series of algorithms seems to be the only route to a solution. I am absolutely sure that a single algorithm will not solve the problem. There are several short sets of data. They are, or will be found to be (I'm sure), statistically independent but, nevertheless, related. Don't ask me to explain that further at this point.

But to repeat, algorithms seem to be the only possible way of making further progress.

I would prefer that any further discussion of this be both off DZ.com and privately. Also, I won't have time to pursue this matter further until about mid-September.


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Alphabetic 'data' in relation to what? Is there a ranking of some
kind in the data? Are you looking for a statistical analysis of
letter occurrence ? What do the letters refer to?

Every statistical analysis that I could find in the literature that had any chance of producing meaningful information has already been applied. Some progress has been made using a statistical approach, but there does not seem to be any chance for further progress that way.

Basically, determining some segments of a possible series of algorithms seems to be the only route to a solution. I am absolutely sure that a single algorithm will not solve the problem. There are several short sets of data. They are, or will be found to be (I'm sure), statistically independent but, nevertheless, related. Don't ask me to explain that further at this point. javascript: addTag('sly')

But to repeat, algorithms seem to be the only possible way of making further progress.

I would prefer that any further discussion of this be both off DZ.com and privately. Also, I won't have time to pursue this matter further until about mid-September.


ok... send me a PM and give more any further detail you can.
I will throw it in Uri's lap and see what he says ... but he's very
familiar with fractal probability in a number of contexts, for
example. Have you talked to Meyer about this?

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The river has been heavily modified by floods and after the 1948 flood the Corps of Engineers spent vast amounts in stabilizing the main channel with wing dams. Remember that this area is essentially across the river from the smaller tributary delta of the Willamette River that was heavily modified by the larger Columbia River with its flow to the north on the west side of the river). There were many changes of the area of where the two rivers come together over the last few thousand years most of the are to the east of the Fazios are cut off channels.

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Seems to me that Cooper developed somewhat of a bond with Tina Mucklow, more so after the passengers and other stewardess were let go.

Cooper offered Tina Mucklow some of the 200k.

Of the 200K, the only money found ends up at
Tena's Bar by coincidence?

Sounds like a Miracle!....Maybe that is why she became a Nun.

What are the chances of that happening besides a Miracle?

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Seems to me that Cooper developed somewhat of a bond with Tina Mucklow, more so after the passengers and other stewardess were let go.

Cooper offered Tina Mucklow some of the 200k.

Of the 200K, the only money found ends up at
Tena's Bar by coincidence?

Sounds like a Miracle!....Maybe that is why she became a Nun.

What are the chances of that happening besides a Miracle?

I mentioned this a while back, but nobody took a bite. I was also wondering if she was showing guilt when she got off the plane instead of being scared from the ordeal. where was Tina living from 71-1980?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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here are some interesting documents from Pierce County. also has Kenny's handwriting on it......B|

all Public Records.....

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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here are some interesting documents from Pierce County. also has Kenny's handwriting on it.

That reminds me. Paul Geivett is suppose to be at the WSHS opening today revealing all his KC information to interested reporters.

I wonder how the WSHS opening went.

Some of what KC wrote in those documents you attached looks like clues Geivett has been giving out.

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here are some interesting documents from Pierce County. also has Kenny's handwriting on it.

That reminds me. Paul Geivett is suppose to be at the WSHS opening today revealing all his KC information to interested reporters.

I wonder how the WSHS opening went.

Some of what KC wrote in those documents you attached looks like clues Geivett has been giving out.

It will be interesting to see if any reporters run with his story. I would love to be there, it's just too long of a trip from Rocky Top.
"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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***Seems to me that Cooper developed somewhat of a bond with Tina Mucklow, more so after the passengers and other stewardess were let go.

Cooper offered Tina Mucklow some of the 200k.

Of the 200K, the only money found ends up at
Tena's Bar by coincidence?

Sounds like a Miracle!....Maybe that is why she became a Nun.

What are the chances of that happening besides a Miracle?

I mentioned this a while back, but nobody took a bite. I was also wondering if she was showing guilt when she got off the plane instead of being scared from the ordeal. where was Tina living from 71-1980?

No this happened early - he offered the money to BOTH Tina and
Flo. Flo stood there, Tina made the quip ' we dont take tips'.

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Georger, learn how to use the quote function to make it clear what parts you personally are writing.


I try to use quotes for things other have said for which there is a
record ... ' ...' for paraphasing I am paraphrasing ... and there rest
is mine thoughts ?

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here are some interesting documents from Pierce County. also has Kenny's handwriting on it.

That reminds me. Paul Geivett is suppose to be at the WSHS opening today revealing all his KC information to interested reporters.

I wonder how the WSHS opening went.

Some of what KC wrote in those documents you attached looks like clues Geivett has been giving out.

It will be interesting to see if any reporters run with his story. I would love to be there, it's just too long of a trip from Rocky Top.

I just got back from museum i got some pics they let me pose on the back air stairs B| yes... i felt a little dirty. OMG this is some thing I've dreamed about as a littel kid... ok as an adult to ha ha.

I will be filming in the Washougal and posting soon and tina bar next.

I wish db gatter fl 305 had been there. No reporters when I got there
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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No this happened early - he offered the money to BOTH Tina and
Flo. Flo stood there, Tina made the quip ' we dont take tips'.

Per Gray...

I'm mistaken

After receiving the 200K, Cooper offered $19.00 dollars from his pants pocket to the three stewardesses. Flo and Alice say "Sorry", "No Tips".

Evidently, Cooper was giddy happy to get the 200k (asks FLO to hold the bag and feel how heavy it is) AND THEN offers them 19 dollars?

Cooper is a cheap Arse JERK!!!

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I'm not sure but I will find out for you. I've always known it as Fazio's but its strange place to want to be. First its so much nicer at Frenchman's bar or below Fazio's.

I did just post another video that shows the contrails on the west side of i5 and of course a little humor B| I like to keep it fun... if its not funny its not fun and a little different. I do this on my own so no one can control it. why be stiff and rigid and boring i've seen that for 42 years..... lets have some fun with it


DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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I just returned from the Cooper exhibit at the Washington State History Museum. I watched Tom Kaye's presentation and a question popped into my head after leaving. If anyone else on here was there (Maybe Tom himself), maybe they can make sure I heard correctly.

Tom was talking about the Amboy Chute and said he thought the chute (with the 1946 date on it) MIGHT have been the same chute that had been packed in the dummy chute that Cooper took with him (put in the container just fill it out). Kaye said the kids who found the chute could not dig it up, so they cut the cords and gave the chute to the FBI. He would like to know where the chute was found so he could ask the owner if he could dig at the site and see if anything else (the container?) is buried there. If anyone on this forum heard Tom's speech, can someone let me know if my recollection is correct?


p.s. It was nice to meet Bob Sailshaw and Meyer Louie today!

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***Georger, learn how to use the quote function to make it clear what parts you personally are writing.

I try to use quotes for things other have said for which there is a
record ... ' ...' for paraphasing I am paraphrasing ... and there rest
is mine thoughts ?


This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Look at the way it's formatted. You're adding in an extra "reply" tag that is screwing up the formatting and making it appear as if you're ONLY quoting and not actually replying at all.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Robt99 stated:
If portions of bills were actually found 3 feet deep in the sand as well as close to the surface (as the Ingram money was), it would by itself eliminate the Washougal wash down theory as a possibility.

Jo Replies:
Robt99 no need for me repeat your post in its entirety. NOTE - you stated "IF portions of the bills were actually found 3 ft deep in the sand".

I will assure you when the money was found it was NOT 3 ft deep and never was. Any shards that they found below the surface think! Remember this and I have explained it before. Take gold glitter and put in the sand - and then start to build yourself a sand Castle. Watch what happens when you dig where the glitter is.

This was explained in another way in the scientific world - this one is just a elementary lesson and one I learned as a kid on the beaches of FL in the 40's.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Seems to me that Cooper developed somewhat of a bond with Tina Mucklow, more so after the passengers and other stewardess were let go.

Cooper offered Tina Mucklow some of the 200k.

Of the 200K, the only money found ends up at
Tena's Bar by coincidence?

Sounds like a Miracle!....Maybe that is why she became a Nun.

What are the chances of that happening besides a Miracle?

First time ever anyone took note of that! Tina, Tena's bar and the money in one sentence.

Outside of what the media has said the only thing Tina said to me was "Cooper was a very SAD man!" I have never forgotten the words she used in that phone call....in 2004.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The issue of fragments is hotly debated. Different agents give
different accounts. One lead agent won't talk about it! Tom Kaye
and Carol say there is no mention of fragments in the files and
the only fragments they found at Seattle was 'a little dust and a
few tiny pieces in a bag', as it were!

There is a persistent rumor part of a briefcase (Cooper's brief
case?) was found during the excavation, but nobody will confirm
that even though the rumor has been traced back to one of the
agents on the scene during the excavation.

There is just nothing solid in documentation of anything.

Now Galen Cook says he has witnesses who found bills on Tina
Bar prior to Ingram's find, in December of 1979 I think.

40 plus yrs creates a LOT of rumors and evidence that was unfounded in records! Look at the explorations this thread made - do you NOT think that many of us will be misquoted or misunderstood 40 yrs from now?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I mentioned this a while back, but nobody took a bite. I was also wondering if she was showing guilt when she got off the plane instead of being scared from the ordeal. where was Tina living from 71-1980?

Where was Tina LIVING in 1979. That's one I think I can answer. I heard she was living in Gresham, Or ----not far the the money find and a place Duane mentioned to me and knowing a woman who worked in a retirement home there.

According to hearsay - it was after the money find she went into seclusion at the place she was to become a nun near Eugene. Was it fear? Also note that Himmelsbach made NO contact with her at that time.
I find that odd!

Since Duane's ex-wife worked for a credit card company in CA. in the same area as Tina obtained her divorce and Duane and his ex had communicaations I am PERSONALLY aware of. I personally put Weber on a plane in 1977 to CA to make sure he was NOT still in love with this woman. IF his lady of the day knew he was Cooper and kept up with Tina - the divorce would have triggered changes in address or ownership.

If it is TRUE she worked for a credit card company (she did claim to me she worked for one) she could have provided Weber with Tina's location.
Maybe he left her a gift in 1979 and perhaps took a little something of hers - a picture and maybe a little book. The above sentence is pure speculation on my part - but something I think might have happened because it sounds like something Duane would do. He had attachments to individual and he did little things like leaving gifts. It is something he would have done.
but he would also have taken a personal momento.

Duane kept a picture of my daughter near his bed - up until the day he died. He chose the frame and put it in the frame. Tina and my daughter bore a eerie resemblance to each other. A look that was fragil, long blonde hair and the features are very close....my daughter was NOT as tall.

I tried to tell this over the yrs but NO one heard me!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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here are some interesting documents from Pierce County. also has Kenny's handwriting on it......B|

all Public Records.....

Statutory document - Kennys name is written by someone in the office. Kenny would not have signed it as it was issued to him.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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******Georger, learn how to use the quote function to make it clear what parts you personally are writing.

I try to use quotes for things other have said for which there is a
record ... ' ...' for paraphasing I am paraphrasing ... and there rest
is mine thoughts ?


This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Look at the way it's formatted. You're adding in an extra "reply" tag that is screwing up the formatting and making it appear as if you're ONLY quoting and not actually replying at all.

It used to be all you did was reply to a post and that was all
there was to it. Replies formatted automatically. That vanished I guess.

Now I have to add /reply/ in brackets or my reply merges in
with the other person's post.

Amazon chimed in several weeks ago and said hit Enter bar
twice? Then type reply ?

If replies are not taken care of automatically as it used to be
I confess I dont know how to do it since the last changes to this
thread format ...

How am I supposed to be doing it? (This time I hit Enter tiwce as
Amazon said, then typed my reply and that seems to have

I dont use IE.

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Georger, you are NOT the only one lost on this - I have a terrible time with it. Why I do a lot of He Stated and Jo states! Not only is the language changing, but the techniques. I do what you do and then I have to go back and edit it and sometimes I JUST give up and delete the person's statement I am replying to. It is still trial and error for me - so don't feel like the LONE ranger on this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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