
Has everyone here had a cutaway?

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Only one, on jump number 9! It was my first solo freefall (excluding my first five jumps, which were 10-sec delays on a round) using a square, which had a ripcord/spring-loaded pilot chute.
The ripcord had a notch, caught on the closing loop, and I had a hard pull. Went to my reserve, and the opening shock of the reserve knocked the ripcord out of the closing loop, opening the main.
The two canopies immediately started downplaning, so I chopped the main, kicked out of the massive line twists in the reserve, turned upwind, and landed. That was a shitty jump!
But the emergency procedures were like clockwork, and I wasn't scared at all. Actually, I really wasn't scared until after I landed and was packing...THEN I about lost it! I guess the procedures were so automatic that I didn't really have to think about what to do, just did it. Something to be said about practice and repetition!

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Three cutaway so far. One ride straight to the reserve. If I don't have any more that would be fine, I don't like the way a reserve surges front to back before you unstow the breaks.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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"The ripcord had a notch, caught on the closing loop"
Say it one time nice and slow....all together now...."GEAR MAINTENANCE"

That's not a -completely- fair answer.
It's entirely possible to have the pin get bent after it had been packed properly. For instance, if the student bumped against something in the plane.
I believe the correct answer would have been a proper gear check by the jump master prior to exit.

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I had a couple about 25 years ago. The first one my pilot chute and and sleeve were caught in the back of my para-commander. It had a slow turn. I pulled my shot and a half cape wells and went for my belly reserve ripcord handle. The 24' round opened nice and I even stood it up on landing. The 2nd malfunction was on a different paracommander on about jump # 300. It was very similiar to my first malfunction. The pilot chute was tangled in about the same place. I pulled one toggle down to see if it would fly straight and it dove down into a down plane. I cut away under a wildly oscillating 24 foot reserve. I borrowed this belly reserve from a friend. It should have been thrown in the garbage because it was nearly uncontrollable. I landed in a rock pile and sprained both ankles. Aren't you glad you don't jump this kind of gear! It was cheap. That's probably all you can say that was good about it. I haven't had any since. I've only been back in the sport a couple years now. It's great to be back!

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one mal, a total, jumper number 52 or 53, cant remember exactly.
what i learned:
jump gear properly sized for you. My rig was long and i didnt have much of an angle to my elbow when i reached back to pull. (picture my arm having to be bent at around a 160 degree angle to reach my hackey vs. the 90 degree angle or so i have no when i reach back to deploy).
hackey was a little off center. ADJUSTED more to one one side than the center of the pouch. i say adjusted b/c even though a friend packed it, i adjusted it. it was my own fault.. but its always the jumpers responsibility anyway (at least i believe that) no matter who packs it cause youre choosing to have it packed by somebody else.
I pulled on a slight angle (Because i didnt get much bend to my arm, i was a little 'shoulder low, elbow high' ) causing the hackey (which was off center anyway) to just slam into the side, not moving OUT at all.
what do i think saved my ass? I had very recently watched several malfunction videos and the jump immediately before (like 30 minutes prior) i had done a solo handle dive. Just went out and touched all 3 handles in order, repeating until deployment time. Also, experience. I had a hard pull prior and in hinsight i was upset with myself b/c of the number of attempts i made (i ended up getting the hacky out) so i re thought my emergency procedures when faced with a total.. When i did have that mal it was so quick [pull-nothing, pull-nothing, dump reserve] that i didnt realize what i had done until after i was under my reserve, watching the freebag fall away below me. I wont ever forget that sight.. freebag drifting away.. i knew everything was okay.
i didnt have to look for my reserve handle. My left hand immediately found it and got it out.

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>Has everyone experienced having to do a cutaway . . . .
6 in 2600 jumps. 1 intentional (it was a T-10 and I really didn't want to land that) 1 lineover on a PD190, 1 tension knot on a Sabre 150, 3 on tandems (older F111 Strong 520's.)
What suprised me was how fast the first one happened. I remember looking up at the lineover, then looking down and thinking "Hey, look at what my hands are doing!"
-bill von

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hooked- not so far thank the lord, but its only a matter of time. I see your from renton.B| you jump at capousin? come on over to the tri-cities some time. I'm at vista skydiving inc. (vista field) in kennewick. ask for AIRBORNE. till april were only open on saterdays:(
women can't live with em and can't live without em:)

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One cutaway in 75 jumps-- #23, graduation dive, either a line-over or tension knots with 3 or 4 line twists. Recognized the problem immediately but didn't look close enough to tell why the left side didn't inflate, just that it didn't. I tried to fight it because it wasn't spinning much(student main loaded at like .5) and I had plenty of altitude, but it was turning against the line twists, so I chopped and was under a 26' LoPo reserve around 1800 feet... never thought I'd be so happy to see a round canopy!

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I wish I could, but I'm not a skydiver, YET. I have only done 2 tandems and have fallen in love with this sport. In the Spring, I must decide on a course of action. Of course $$ enter into the deciding factor as well as my age. But, I will remember to ask for you if I ever get down that way. Have you ever jumped at Kapowsin? That is where I did my tandems.

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I had 3 in my first 6 months in the sport. The first time, i went right to it cutting that bad bastard away. By the time i got to my 3rd, i was actually weighing options as to whether i could fly the dead center line over as opposed to paying the rigger to repack...common sense got the better of me and i cut away. I am sometimes referred to as "captain cutaway" at my dz! (for any of you who are concerned, i went to a professional packer and was taught how to pack afterwards)

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i was actually weighing options as to whether i could fly the dead center line over as opposed to paying the rigger to repack

thats what Im talking about...Priorites!!!! "U OH...Line over..........shit if I cut away there goes my jump money ....what to do what to do"!!!!! ;)
Just playing w/ ya!!!!:)jason

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Trust me, I understand the priorites. On my first cutaway (I've had two) I had just had the reserve repacked about 10 days early. It was still the best $90 I spent on two reserve re-packs (One the weekend before, one the next weekend:)Kris

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Yea, on my 6th jump. It was a line-over. As a new student
I looked at it for what seemed like a long time trying to see
if it looked like those pictures of malfunctions. It wasn't until
it started pulling me sideways that I realized "this isn't supposed
to work this way" and cut it away.
When I got down some guys ran out and said I had to buy beer.

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116 jumps and no cut aways yet. (knocking on wood).
Almost cutaway a couple weeks ago packed a flip through looked up canopy was fine but my risers were twisted backwards still had control so landed. it always check your lines while packing. Another time had severe line twists that sarted me spinning almost belly to earth while under canopy as i was reaching for my handles i started twisting the other way free of them.
Blue Skies
"When they say jump you say how high" RATM

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Yep jump # 23! Well when the an edge of the canopy is stuck in the slider and you start to spin, yeah you know right away you aren't going to be able to fix it. Best advice is to practice emergency procedures everyday. Rather glad that I didn't pack that one, but I sure take my time when I pack. Better safe than sorry....there will always be another load, another day....

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1,300 Skydives and 2 mals.......
One doing a tandem (broken lines)
One on my own gear (Spinetto)
Both times I executed my emergency procedures quickly and stress free as if it was second nature. Guess all the times I touch my handles over and over paid off. Of course when I got to the ground there would be an "oh my god! did you see that? oh my god!" escape my mouth..........:)B|SebB|

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