
Rig ??? Should I buy new or used?

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I'm looking to buy a first rig. I've got 22 jumps and hope to make alot more in the future. I've been looking for used gear for a couple of months and don't seem to find anything thats what I want. Should I just buy new and get what I want and something that fits or keep trying to find a used one.

Thanks for any advice.

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Buy Used and something that you can learn from and make minor mistakes without killing yourself or others.

It will probably not be the colors you want or anything but who cares?

As long as it is in decent condition and has a little life to it.

You can find some good used rigs out there from people who are downsizing.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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In this situation, I think it definitely makes more sense to buy used. Chances are you will be changing canopies at least once as you come off of student status and start to to gain experience. You'll want a harness/container that fits well, but that you can use with several different size canopies. I don't think you plan on staying on those student mains forever, but you don't really want to buy a brand new canopy for your current experience level, only to get rid of it in 50 jumps when you decide it's too big.

Used gear is usually the best way to go for your first set. Learn what you like and don't like so you can make a much more educated decision down the road when you want to buy new. Hope this helps.


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I bought a used rig on my 12th jump. Ordered new after 70 something. Dowsized from a 170 sized rig to a 150 max Javelin then downsized canopies in that Jav 150/135/129/99. The Jav gives you the ability to downsize considerably without changing containers but the 143R with 99 Crossfire looked like a humpback whale! So I've gone back to buying used conainers twice since then. I do think for a first rig, because of the adjustability in the main packing trey that a used Javelin and used canopy would be a good choice. Once you're at a canopy size that you will probably never downsize, then buy custom/new. It will last a long time.
Good luck, hope that helps,

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A used rig is a good idea for new jumpers for many reasons.
New gear is like a new car; 20% of the value of it disappears on the first jump.
The rig you buy is unlikely to be the one that you use long term. Your choice of canopy styles and sizes is huge and depends on experience. A used rig with a slightly oversized canopy is good so you can downsize without changing rigs. Avoid a rig that the canopy fits into "really easily." You will not be able to downsize safely without changing rigs. If you are mixing and matching, an older canopy is better than an older container. You will probably be selling the canopy first and you will take less of a hit on an older canopy.
Talk to your instructors about appropriateness, talk to a rigger about value. Valuing a used cypress is complicated; definately get advice.
The used market has been very good to buyers lately. Several newbies on our DZ got stunning deals last year on complete outfits from retiring jumpers. By complete I mean rig, jumpsuit, altimeter(s), helmets,etc.
Use the web to shop. Sellers likely will not send you gear without money but they will usually send it to a known third party they know or know of. Your DZO or local master rigger are the usual suspects.
good luck

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Typically used is the best way to go for your first rig as you won't want the equipment for very long as your experience level increases. If you are normal/average height and weight you will have a greater choice of equipment available to choose from. I am a 6'-5" bodybuilder, I managed to find used equipment (Sunshine Factory). it did the job from off student status to jump #50 or so. Of course, my new rig is much more comfortable and the equipment is suited to my skill level and discipline. Good luck and check out Sunshine and Ralphs as both are quite experienced in out fittting.

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i bought my first rig complete for $700. still wearing it. the container is 12 years old, freefly friendly and suitable for the next 2 downsizes i do. don't see that i will ever NEED another container but will be getting one next year for girlyman comfort reasons.

used. unless you is wierd shaped/sized. then you may have no options xceptin new.

good luck and buy something soon as and as safely cheap as possible. rental will quickly add up to the price of a rig.
namaste, motherfucker.

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Well, I kind of went against the norm and bought a new container, though my main and reserve are both used. I bought the rig to fit a 160 main, but it'll also fit a 135. Even though I'd only be loading a 135 at 1.2, I figured a 135 would be zippy enough to keep me satisfied for quite some time when I reach that point.

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I racked up 50+ jumps on student gear then bought a new mirage. I got the smallest container possible for the largest main I wanted. The thing is... it's really tough to pack new zp into a 'tight fit'. If you can pack it though... you can look forward to two downsizes in the same container... and that's alot of jumping!

Carpe diem

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I am going to agree with jjohnson on this one. For example: I am head of gear sales at Skydive Alabama and a student not long ago bought a entire new system. Granted, it was EXACTLY what he wanted and colors were EXACTLY what he wanted, BUT, on his 5th jump with the new gear, he traveled a tad bit too far "Downwind" than he should have and was directed by "Mother Nature" to land in the trees. HENCE tearing the "Ever-loving crap" out of his Brand new Spectre. Total on the damages: over $300.00...

So, with that said, I am going to suggest finding some good used gear to learn on, that way if you "biff" into a mud hole or some trees, you are not going to feel as bad than if you were to tear up some new stuff! And that would be MY $0.02 worth!

"Sure, those Golf Carts may look all warm and fuzzy, but they WILL take a chunk out of your ass!"

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I've just gone through this process and ended up with a new container and second hand everything else. This way I got what I wanted, paid less than brand new, but paid more than a one buy second hand rig.

If you do it this way, the process went like this...ask JM advice on what canopy would suit...start looking on the net and dropzone.com...find difficult to get good rig my size...tried and failed a few negotiations...ordered new container because new technology best and best fit a bonus...then got other bits second hand from three different people on line...one of those deals not as good as advertised actually...that's it...
It was a huge effort...

Next time for my wife I'm going to take longer to try and get a complete second hand rig and if i cant find somehing just right Ill go new via somewhere like http://www.skydivesupplies.com/

when you get a new container, you can ask them to make it a tight fit so you can downsize without needing a new container.

Oh, on downsizing, that would depend on how much you jump...so I'm a weekend jumper with weather that's sometimes off...maybe some of these people can jump so often that they are ready to downsize very quickly, in which case I would agree with the full second hand option as the best way to go at the beginning.

Hope this helps.

Taking risk is part of living well - it's best to learn from other peoples mistakes, rather than your own.

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If it were me, I would buy used - with all components no more than 5 years old. Rigs are a large investment, and it makes sense to figure out what you like and don't like. Used canopies are easier to pack and the rest of the equipment has been broken in, and all you have to do it learn it's quirks (every rig has quirks ;)).

You're going to buy and sell at least a few different rigs in your skydiving career. After you've owned a few used ones, then you can think about buying a new one that fits you perfectly and has all the features you like. By then, you'll won't be downsizing as much and you'll have the rig longer. You'll rarely if ever make money buying then selling, so you get the most value by holding on to your new rig for the longest amount of time.

Plus the money you save buying used is well invested in accessories (audibles, jumpsuits, etc), as well as what you need most right now - Jump Money!!
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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In the same position that you were in. Finding out that to get the canopy I want/need the harness is to small. Then when I find a container, the canopy is to small. I'm planing on buying a new Wings/Javelin/Vector/Mirage and then used everything else to start. Weather is also a big major player here in Pennsylvania. Just can't decide on which rig yet. I'm leaning toward the Wings or Mirage.
So, you bring your beer?

Its 5 o'clock somewhere
POPS #9344

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