
When you are feeling discouraged and heavily scrutinized.... maybe time for a break!

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>I'm only a 5 jump chump but I have noticed one thing about
> dropzones that I dislike and that is all of the politics involved. It
> blows my mind that a group of people spend all day jumping out of
> airplanes only to get so involved with DZ politics as soon as they hit
> the ground.

The only politics that really affect people are the politics that they _let_ affect them. I got tired of listening to the rumor mill at Otay so I just stopped listening. When I went out with friends I'd have a five minute rule - they could bitch for five minutes then they had to stop. If they didn't we made them drink or something. When I want to jump down there I either go down with my wingsuit and do my own thing or take a bunch of people down and jump together. Does that start all sorts of rumors? Who cares? I'm there to jump, not figure out the political situation.

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well said

plus, another thing is that the grass is always greener. right now you may feel you need a life again and not jump all the time, then once you aren't jumping you'll wish you were jumping instead. people who have this drive to learn, excel, etc. are never satisfied. we live for the hunger.


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hey sistah...

sorry to hear you're discouraged. hang in there! i hope people aren't trying to be constructive and coming off too harshly. think of it this way... if people didn't like you and care about you and see potential in you, they may just leave you alone, ignore you, and let you go hurt yourself or something. i don't know what you are being scrutanized for, but just hang in there... know that these harsh words you're hearing are probably people trying to help you progress and become an even better skydiver! you are such a neat happy person... i've seen you in action at the dz... i'm sure people would be bummed if you up and left. we all go through this crap... that's for damn sure. so, i hope you hang in there... cuz i never got to make that jump with you. :P

- liz

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There are more than a few reasons why I'm sure you feel this way. First of all, it's tough being a 100 jump skydiver. You're just beginning to learn a little about the sport. It's frustrating because you're at the point where you've had enough time to see all this awesome stuff that people do, but aren't skilled enough to do any of it yet. It was a difficult time for me too, always feeling like I couldn't keep up with the others, so I tried to overcompensate. The key to getting through this stage is NOT GIVE UP. Get some hardcore coaching, I mean lots and lots, but don't do anything to extreme. For instance, work on becoming a badass sitflyer instead of going straight to your head. Take your time and don't rush anything. It's hard to be patient, but trust me on this, I was just like you, wanting to know everything there was to know at 100 jumps, and you're right it is frustrating. But believe me, if you try to rush things, you're only going to create a bad reputation for yourself, and no one will take you seriously, and you'll even lose friends over it (not literally, theyll just think youre an ass). Trust me, I've been there, and I was stupid to rush, and I don't want you to make the same mistakes.

Also, you're being scrutinized not because people don't like you or because you're not a good skydiver, it's because they don't want to see you get hurt. I know you've caught a lot of shit about this before, but I'm going to tell you this not because like everyone else, I don't want to see you get hurt. I want to talk to you about your canopy work and your skills. You're jumping a fully elliptical canopy at 100 jumps, and from what I've heard (and I've heard a lot, word spreads fast in this sport), you're a hook turn enthusiast. Angela, please listen to me. I know I'm not the first to tell you this, but if you keep at this rate, you're going to be severely hurt, or worse. Please rethink your canopy choice, and take things more slowly. It's people that rush things that get killed, and the ones who put thousands of jumps of work into it who still jump at 60. Which do you want to be, an incident at 200 jumps, or a member of SOS telling stories about the old days when we used to have parachutes? I'll cut this short now, as I'm sure you've heard enough of it already from others, but please, just do me this favor for your own good. Call all the dropzones in your state, tell them your jump numbers, your canopy and size, and wing loading, and ask them if they'd let you jump it if you visited there. Just see how many say no. You'd be surprised. There are reasons for it, and these people know what they're talking about. Please, for your sake, just call around, and maybe it'll give you an idea of what to do.

Like I said before though, 100 jumps is a tough time. You think you know everything, but you know NOTHING, and the only way to get through it is tough it out, and make a strong effort to get coaching and learn as much as you possibly can. The safer you are, and the more responsible you show others you can be, the more respect you'll have, and THAT will help profusely on getting to the next level. Good luck, and everyone here is willing to provide any information or help we can give, you just need to ask for it. Stay safe girlie. B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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By the way, politics do suck. Someone once gave me some advice on that one that worked great. You don't have to take time off if you don't want to, but you can always take some time away (other dz's). Take a vacation. B|B|B|

BTW, you still suck cuz you're somewhere WARM!!! :D:D

Keep your chin up. :)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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The only politics that really affect people are the politics that they _let_ affect them. I got tired of listening to the rumor mill at Otay so I just stopped listening. When I went out with friends I'd have a five minute rule - they could bitch for five minutes then they had to stop. If they didn't we made them drink or something. When I want to jump down there I either go down with my wingsuit and do my own thing or take a bunch of people down and jump together. Does that start all sorts of rumors? Who cares? I'm there to jump, not figure out the political situation.

Nice point about politics. I have a good friend at our DZ. Ex-military, on staff and likely subject to hearing all the crap from staff and the 'regulars'.

He just walks away from the group as soon as people start to spill their gripes or back-stabbing or complaining about others. He doesn't say anything or correct the person, he just doesn't want to be there for it. I admire this person for many reasons, but this is one them that stands out. I'm trying to emulate that, it's not easy as gossip and complaining is a normal trait that many get sucked into.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Not sure what to say besides what's already been said. I think we all experience similar (yet different) issues at our respective DZs. If you feel scritinized as to what you do, what you use and how you do it, then take comfort in that people care about you. But also try doing things a little differently. You know what they say, variety is the spice of life. Take care and hopefully we'll cross paths at a DZ one day. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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a member of SOS telling stories about the old days when we used to have parachutes?

Do you know something about the future which I don't?!?! :S

Tell me!!! :D

Yes, there is a machine in the making that will make us all superheroes!! We will fly with the greatest of ease, and swoop our bodies instead of canopies, it will be great!! B|B|B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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i understand your pain, it gets really old and tiring when people constantly try to ruin your fun and make it seem like you're retarded and cant do anything. But, they are only doing it because they dont want to see you as a statistic. if they didnt give a shit about you, they wouldnt bother you. they'd be like, the hell with that girl, let her hook into the ground. think about it that way. I feel the same as you do as i'm starting to really get into freeflying and i'm making some people pretty nervous with how fast i'm advancing. After talking to alot of people, i've decided that you know what, i have forever to play in this sport. Why not just amuse these people that DO have many years in the sport and thousands of jumps. Its not like their advice is going to make me a worse skydiver. Just sit down with them and say look, i want to be the best __________ there is. WHAT do i need to do in order to accomplish this goal? and listen and do what they tell you. thats what i'm going to start doing, and hopefully it works out. :)

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F.I D.O. = F@#K It Drive On
Keep it simple and fun. Too much seriousness and you'll forget why you're there. So do what you know in a fun way once a day. Don't forget you rock at things you didn't even know how to do a few months ago.
Like Michelle Germain Said
"Put the FU back in fun."

It was good to see you this weekend. Didn't see any of your landings and I wanted too.
Please don't go elsewhere. Dz's are tough crowd everywhere.The love is there to protect you and them too.
Try to remember the "intent" of someone's comments.They usually mean well, but the words can hurt, but not as much as the alternative.
Someday you will be saying or thinking the same thing they are, about someone just like you.
I "got in trouble" this weekend for wizzing past a 2 way freefly group. ( i was going for a top speed run..out of control.) I'll never do that again and was glad that someone told me how retarded I was for thinking I can stay in my own airspace while I'm in an out of control,head down, speed run. Which was more like a track from hell. We make mistakes. We learn. We learn... and make less mistakes. Try to learn first. See ya in a week. And yea you suck cuz it's warm there. That's all. jef

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Who are you trying to prove something to? If that's all your out to do, then yes, hang it up as you will never be happy.

Go play, have fun, but stop trying to impress people. There is a line somewhere between not caring what people think, yet still listening to what the have to say. Find it.


Maybe i'll go lay on the beach this weekend.

Good idea. You can get WAY to close to the sport. Remember to have a life outside of the sport and you'll keep some balance.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Thanks to all for their words of encouragement. I am hoping my new Neptune will get here this week. Then I can see how fast I go in freefall, and how much altitude I lose in turns accurately. If I go out, i'm not going to work to be awesome this weekend. If I make any jumps, they are going to be just to goof off. I'll try freestyle or something, :)

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Hiya Angela, remember this post ?

You apparently have talent. If the scrutiny is getting to you, think back to the times you performed well and know that you have potential for great things in the sky.
As an instructor once told me; Be safe. Pull. Land safely. The rest is gravy.;)

Thanks for that! :)
Sometimes I just feel like i'm not good at anything. I hear people with 60 jumps going headdown and i've got 130 and can't do it. I can't even dock in a sit, yet.

I try not to let people on this site get me bummed out, the easiest way to do this is to not talk about how i'm doing with anything, and therefore not hear the bullshit from people on here. Obviously, this post fucked that up, but most of the replies were helpful and made me feel better:) Thanks for cheering a gal up!

Angela (who I just found out is, btw, going to have her Neptune this week!! B|:D:ph34r:) New toys are fun!

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Sometimes I just feel like i'm not good at anything. I hear people with 60 jumps going headdown and i've got 130 and can't do it. I can't even dock in a sit, yet.

Patience is a virtue. Your time will come, but don't compare yourself with others. We're all different. Remember Sunnydee123 when she was trying to learn head down? It didn't come naturally to her just as freeflying hasn't come naturally to myself. I still suck, I just don't suck as much as I used to. Heck it wasn't until I was over 200 jumps that I started to become comfortable under canopy.

Don't worry about the things you have no control over. ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Wow, cool. Seems like you feel better. If this helps, you're getting a Neptune before me and many others :) I want to get one and put it on a chest mount. While still wearing the old regular alti on the wrist. See how that goes for a while.
The (fast) Otter will be back this weekend. Yay! So much to be thankful for.
Looks like we all have had times like you are experiencing. You're doing just fine. Now make us proud and go jump and tell everyone how much fun you had this weekend. That's not too much pressure is it ? :) edit : Maybe slow Otter again this weekend ? Not sure. Irrelevent anyway. An Otter there is better than a Cessna 182 in the snow.

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I hear people with 60 jumps going headdown

Are you sure they're doing it on purpose???;) Maybe they just can't get stable, like when I went headdown....:o:| Hee hee...

On a serious note, Angela, if you think you have to be good at everything, sorry, babe, not true. Especially at 100 jumps (or 130...). If you've been focussing on learning how to handle the canopy, then that is what you're good at. If you'd spent the last 75 jumps learning how to sit/headdown, I'm willing to bet you'd be good at that.

And just another note: I have 82 jumps, and prolly about 15-20 of them are clear and pulls from various heights. Which means, on that jump, I can't count freefall, and thus don't have that jump counting in the "freefall capabilities" column. Did that make any sense?? I know what I mean, but can't express it adequately today...

Anyway, breathe, relax, and enjoy who you are and what you do...you fly, girl. You dance in the blue; you breathe air not normally breathed by people. You see things from a perspective only the birds do. You stretch your wings out, and you fly!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Angela, after reading that you were part of a 16-point 4 way at 29 jumps I was like "WOW". Who cares if you are having trouble docking a sit or flying head down. I'm impressed, you have mad skill obviously. I look forward to hearing more about what you do in the future. Please be careful. :)


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Thanks, Michele!

Colbrodie, I hear ya. . . I need to do that more often!

pccoder, as much as i'd like to take credit for that 4-way,... really, I did not have much skill. I went on the dive with some very skilled individuals who made it work! Kramer said that i'd need that for one of my licenses,... i'm glad I did it then, cuz lord knows I probably couldn't pull it off now, lol! It was nice to read that post, though. Just to remember that it wasn't that long ago that I started all this. I have come a long way in 7 months. Like so many people said, I need to put things in perspective. I may not be flying on my head or swooping the pond, but I am on my way to greatness... even if it is a long slow road:)

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