
NOW feel like skydiver is who i am Not what i do...

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Funny, how this sneaks up on you, isn't it? Don't really know how the change came, but I really feel like this sport is a part of my spirit now.

Just realized this yesterday...! Kinda interesting, how it "morphed" me...

WHEN did YOU find that skydiving stopped being JUST something that you DO and became something that you ARE???

It'd be VERY COOL if we could talk about this!


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It might surprise you how many of us are fighting to make sure that it remains simply something we do and not something we are.

As great as skydiving is, if you let anything become so all consuming as that then you run the risk of missing out on the rest of life.

Find a balance.

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The first time I was on the DZ was when I was 12 years old. Waited around for 4 years and when I started jumping I had such a big expectation.

When I finally did jump it was so much different than I imagined that it took me a couple of jumps just to get used to the new idea, as I thought I had it sussed out.

I'd say after about 150 jumps it gradually became more and more important to me. So I couldn't tell you the exact jump or moment. In fact I think every jump I still do builds on that awesome realisation.

It propably won't stop for 100's of jumps and hopefully 1000's, hopefully never.

Regarding the find balance in life theory, I tried that for a couple of years. I gradually grew further and further away from the sport till I realised my life sucked, cause I'm not jumping enough. I don't care that skydiving now rules my life, it's my choice and the plan is to make a living out of it one day.

Suppose it's different for everyone?

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, will be true!

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Hey, at 14 jumps,too. How about that?

Kind of an addictive personality, huh?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Kind of an addictive personality, huh?

In skydiving????? Say it ain't so!!!!

I do agree with the balance perspective. Now if I can just regain my balance ... maybe this winter.:)

It ain't so.


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Funny, how this sneaks up on you, isn't it? Don't really know how the change came, but I really feel like this sport is a part of my spirit now.

Just realized this yesterday...! Kinda interesting, how it "morphed" me...

WHEN did YOU find that skydiving stopped being JUST something that you DO and became something that you ARE???

It'd be VERY COOL if we could talk about this!

Funny, I always thought you became a mature skydiver when it became something you did, not when you use it to define yourself.

But what do I know?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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As great as skydiving is, if you let anything become so all consuming as that then you run the risk of missing out on the rest of life.

Find a balance.

I like this perspective. Skydiving is fantastic and I want to progress a lot further in the sport, but not at the expense of everything else. I recently took up whitewater kayaking to have something to do when it's cloudy or I just want a different kind of thrill.

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If skydiving were to be the definition to me of who I 'am', then I'd say my life would have to be:

my job is skydiving
my hobby is skydiving
I would not be married (my opinion on this changes hourly)
I would not have dates anywhere other than female jumpers and all the dates would be at the DZ
I would not have kids
I don't have any other job/career other than skydiving

In other words, no problem if skydiving is 90+% of my life. Then it would be cool. (Sometimes sounds tempting)

If not, I'd be worried that I'm looking for a real identity and this is an easy one to default to. Then that would be sad.

Newbies get this. Most of them get over it.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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It's certainly a fun way to spend a weekend, but there's an awful lot of other good things in life, too.

Skydiving is an awesome way to spend your free time. Gives you an excuse to travel, meet new people, just chill out and watch planes fly, parties, vacations, new toys to buy, maybe earn some cash or a make a living and so on.

But there are a lot of other really cool things in this world to experience too. Swinging in a hammock on some sailboat in the caribbean, climbing rocks, hiking across Europe, hang gliding off the coast of california, packing through a forest, swimming with dolphins. Too damn much for one lifetime.

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Been trying to get my license for 2 years. And have checked out 5 dzs in my state along the way, and have had a least a quarter of days weathered out so I couldn't get a jump in.

Not addictive personality, I just know what I like. I like the sense of community. I started this alone, and on my own, and have been welcomed and encouraged along the way. But it is for the thrill and challenge too, that I like this sport.

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It is not the only difinition of who I am.

I am balanced about it now. I just am very in tune with my feelings, and know that something has changed. When I first was in training, 2 years ago, I was obsessed, and talked skydiving to EVERYBODY who'd put up with it , OR NOT, and was a general pain.

I DO HAVE perspective, and know everybody comes at this thing from their own angle. It's not ALL that I am, but I feel it IS a part of me now. AND I acknowledge that.

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my 1st two way

Yup! Me too. It's that joy of having something in the air with you. Visuals and reference... makes it so much more like flying.

When I started skydiving I knew it was for me.
My first solo was an experience that I'll never forget.
My first two way was the day I knew I was to be a skydiver.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Funny, how this sneaks up on you, isn't it? Don't really know how the change came, but I really feel like this sport is a part of my spirit now.

Just realized this yesterday...! Kinda interesting, how it "morphed" me...

WHEN did YOU find that skydiving stopped being JUST something that you DO and became something that you ARE???

It'd be VERY COOL if we could talk about this!


Hmmmm....Something that I am? Skydiving is not who I am, it is part of what I do. Who I am is a daughter, sister, and friend. What I do is skydive, ride motorcycles, shoot guns, play paintball, walk, workout, etc.

I love the sport, but it is not who I am.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I completly agree with mat. Don't get me wrong, skydiving is a big part of my life. I try to jump every weekend, but there's lots more stuff to experience out there. I don't want to miss out on anything. I love skydiving but keep an open mind, mix it up a little.
***Free bird Forever

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Well put, Cora. Skydiving? Paintball? Shooting? And you're a "business analyst"? You're not single by any chance, are you?;)

Lila, I love skydiving, but you can't ever let any one thing define you. Its too easy to lose.

Of course, maybe you don't really feel that way. Being a newbie myself, I certainly know how easy it is to get carried away by this new, exciting, and unique thing we do.
There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.
--Dave Barry

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i agree that skydiving is not the only thing in life, wed get bored of it soon enough, there are a hell of a lot of other things which make life worth living, but i find that the skydiving lifestyle includes so much of these things, adrenaline, visuals, friends, etc. that it might not be the only thing in life worth doin, but for me its certainly the BEST ;)

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I think what you are feeling is that liberation, doing something which makes you feel like nothing else ever has. Probably because most of us don't do anything else in our lives which has such a lasting effect (being dead if we screw up).


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Lila, you rock! be whatever you want... my first jump i knew this was for me forever.


It might surprise you how many of us are fighting to make sure that it remains simply something we do and not something we are.

As great as skydiving is, if you let anything become so all consuming as that then you run the risk of missing out on the rest of life.

Find a balance.

personally for me, the only balance i need is keeping the beer steady in the tractor when i'm mowing the DZ...

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